How to Resuscitate a Dead but Beloved Franchise

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How to Resuscitate a Dead but Beloved Franchise

Postby James » Fri Mar 16, 12 8:28 am

I am dead.
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Postby Psychotic » Fri Mar 16, 12 10:35 am

I'd hardly call Deus Ex "dead" to be honest, but I don't really call any game "dead" until you find it incredibly difficult to actually find a copy of it.

The original System Shock (and the second one, to a lesser degree) could be considered "dead", simply because finding a copy is incredibly difficult. Deus Ex, however? It's still found rather easily in many retailers today.

It's hard to judge what constitutes a "dead" game. Is it the lack of multiplayer popularity? Maybe, but what about singleplayer-only games? Is it the lack of an online community (which Deus Ex doesn't actually have, to be honest)? Perhaps, but that doesn't mean it's still not popular. Maybe it's the lack of sales? It's possible, but sales also don't equate to the popularity or survival of a game, either.
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Postby Hanover Fist » Fri Mar 16, 12 7:40 pm

I cwn only find DX on the net. I've only ever witnessed DX for ps2 at a swap meet once four years ago.
Last edited by Hanover Fist on Fri Mar 16, 12 7:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Psychotic » Fri Mar 16, 12 11:49 pm

RECLAIMER wrote:I cwn only find DX on the net. I've only ever witnessed DX for ps2 at a swap meet once four years ago.

I suppose I can only talk for my own country but my main point was that "dead", in regards to video games, is subjective.
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