United Nations (UN) + (NATO) + Military-Industrial Complex (CO) = (UNATCO) / World Trade Organization (WTO)
"The Illuminati have always sought just one thing. Centralization. Centralization of wealth and power." - Tracer Tong
The following documentary is informative aside from its overreaching accusations of American cinema and television being Masonic propaganda. Every creation, in a certain context of expression, contains the political principles of its author. However more subtly, the all the more artistic.
This movie is not entertainment so much as it is propaganda:
But until you have time to watch it, instead consider the following passages.
First, by Saint Thomas Aquinas, the inspiration of Bob Page:
As long as we abide in partial darkness, we will continue to be conquered.
If we looked very closely at the idea of liberty, we would discover that there is a radical distinction between true human liberty and liberty falsely so-called. Indeed, liberty falsely so-called is that same liberty which the New World Order qualifies as the “bait of an idea to attract the masses of the people to one’s party for the purpose of crushing another who is in authority,” and as an idea of freedom which is really an “infection,” and as a “slackening of the reins of government.”
Where does the false idea of liberty come from? What is false liberty? What is true liberty? Knowledge of the correct answers to these questions is still lacking in the bulk of the patriot movement; and to the degree that it is lacking, so is integral unity and true power to overcome the menace. Until the patriot movement unifies itself under true philosophical principles, it will win only apparent victories, while the satanic New World Order continues its long march to total global domination.
True liberty is the highest of natural endowments. It is the portion only of intellectual or rational natures; and it confers on man this dignity – that he is in the hand of his counsel and has power over his actions. But the manner in which such dignity is exercised is of the greatest moment, inasmuch as on the use that is made of liberty the highest good and the greatest evil alike depend. Man, indeed, is free to obey his reason, to seek moral good, and to strive unswervingly after his last end. Yet he is free also to turn aside to all other things; and, in pursuing the empty semblance of good, to disturb rightful order and to fall headlong into the destruction which he has voluntarily chosen. Worse still are those who promote a false and absurd notion of liberty, by perverting the idea of freedom, or extending it to things in respect of which man cannot rightly be regarded as free.
The Declaration of Independence states as follows: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Sad to say, this is a very ambiguous, and therefore dangerous, proposition, as it is subject to any number of conflicting interpretations. Indeed, the proof of its weakness is the young age of the total collapse of the American Republic. Obviously, that clause has not been interpreted properly. If it had been, we would not have devolved into barbarity in less than two hundred fifty years. It can be argued that the American Republic was built on Freemasonic sand; and thus if we are going to rebuild it, we might want to re-codify our foundational principles. In order for America to throw of its internationalist oppressors, a proper understanding of natural human liberty, in the minds and hearts of the American people, is indispensably necessary. For we the people have been brought low, and have been rendered soft and vulnerable as the direct result of having imbibed and believed a false notion of liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
As a natural endowment given to human nature by God, the omnipotent Creator of the universe, liberty must exist for an end or ultimate purpose. And this end must be identical to the essential determination and composition of human nature, which is rational, i.e., intellectual and volitional. The end, or object, both of the rational will and of its liberty is that good only which is in conformity with reason.
Liberty belongs only to those who have the gift of reason or intelligence. Animals do not possess liberty. Considered as to its nature, it is the faculty of choosing means fitted for the end proposed, for he is master of his actions who can choose one thing out of many. Freedom of choice is, therefore, the essential property of the human will. But the will cannot proceed to act until it is enlightened by intellectual knowledge. For the proper object of the will is the good. The will cannot proceed to act until it is enlightened by the intellect. Nothing can be desired by the will unless it is judged by the intellect to be a good. Thus in all voluntary acts, choice is subsequent to an intellectual judgment that something is good or desirable.
The will is referred to as the appetitive power of the soul or the rational appetite. Like the intellect, the will is a spiritual faculty. It is that power through which an individual seeks to execute an act or attain to an object proposed to it by the intellect. The object of the will is always the good, and even in the election of evil, it must be proposed to the will under the appearance of good. Anything chosen as a means is therefore viewed under some aspect of goodness.
Therefore because in all voluntary acts choice is subsequent to a judgment upon the truth of the good presented, declaring to which good preference should be given, it is an immutably true principle that human liberty depends entirely on intellectual judgments that conform to reason and the natural law. If a judgment which does not conform to the natural law or to reason, and which is, therefore, objectively false and immoral, is acted upon by the will, then it is a source of grave disorder in society. Exponentially multiply the number of individual immoral acts, and you have a Republic that collapses from moral decay in a short period of time.
Hedonism, i.e., the tyranny of the passions, has no place in the well ordered man or in the well ordered civilization. Unfortunately our elitist overlords have long been at dumbing us down to the level of beasts that cannot employ their natural rational endowments, but only their carnal lusts. We allowed this to happen to us because we mistakenly believed that the lie they told us, namely that true liberty is the “right” to do whatever we want, whenever we want, as long as it is not illegal or discoverable. True liberty is an essential property of objective truth and morality. Therefore there can be no true liberty in a civilization that enshrines moral relativity.
For those that understand this depth, consider the revelations that have led to realizing the glorified subjectivity of religion (in terms of doctrinism, dogmatism, and statism). Forget the supremacy claims or grandeur and pride of tenuous affiliations. Forget nationality, both racial and geographical. Forget also the categorical antagonism toward any group identity. To some this may be a crusade, to others a territorial war or merely a contest of enterprise. But assuredly it is happening, and the boarders will shift.
Vishnu's Fall (in Deus Ex)
Discusses the tentative boarder relationship between Pakistan and India. In this projection there is nuclear war. It is perhaps not the first, and so it is less inconceivable an outcome to resort. This may also be the reason the skies are blackened in every part of Earth the Dentons visit... yet the moon is still visible.
(in real life):
The United Nations is portrayed widely as a peace-keeping army. Its charter and the mandates of the Geneva Convention, however, are enforced biasedly. It is probable that its interests are driven by its most powerful beneficiaries.
"Don't forget; the U.N. was founded on land donated by John D. Rockefeller." - Paul Denton
And now, in conclusion, I will leave off with another article, this one anonymous, which tells a brief history of Afghanistan and Iran that indicates the stability of Muslim worlds long before the militant radicalization of Shari'a Fundamentalism.
From 1933 until 1973, Afghanistan was ruled under a man named Mohammed Zahir Shah. While he was a devout Muslim, he had a Western education in France. His reign marked four decades of peace and stability. With the introduction of a constitution Afghanistan progressively developed into a modern democratic state with free elections and a parliament, as well as a massive push for women’s rights, universal suffrage, education, worker’s rights, and civil rights. Afghanistan was doing well in the 60’s.
During this period in time, the Soviet Union had a strong influence in Afghanistan. They supported modernization and education in the Afghan state. The United States, not wanting to risk their hegemony in the region, clearly had a major problem with this. They were terrified of the spread of Communism and quickly developed a plan. Afghanistan would become the Cold War’s chessboard. In the late 80’s, the Saudis, Pakistanis, and the Americans brought in radical Islamists from around the world. They armed, trained, and directed them into a militant force, and they were called the mujahideen. They became the US’ main offense against the Soviets. It wasn’t to defend the Afghans against the Soviets who were ready to pull out, but to deliver as much harm against them imaginable. Carter wanted Afghanistan to be the Soviet’s “Vietnam”. And it was. When they finally retreated Afghanistan spun into chaos and a civil war ensued under the militant mujahideen warriors. Within this framework we saw the rise of the Taliban and Al Qaeda, and of course Osama bin Laden.
Clinton’s bombing of Sudan and Afghanistan was directly responsible for their rise. In what was most likely the greatest immoral injustice of the 21st century the United States invaded Afghanistan in 2001 only further driving the besieged nation further into turmoil.
The mujahideen, the Taliban, and Al Qaeda do not represent thousands of years of Afghan culture and Islam. They are a direct reaction to Western imperialism and foreign interventionism. Not Islam, and certainly not Afghan people.
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Before 1953, Iran was ruled under a democratically elected man called Mohammad Mosaddegh. Under his reign Iran saw a progressive movement of social and political reforms. During this time Britain tried to establish an oil company (British Petroleum) on Iranian soil, and promised to share profit and technology with the Iranian government. However the British, as usual, didn’t honor their agreement. They, and the United States, began to steal Iran’s oil. Prime Minister Mosaddegh would not stand for this and demanded the seizure of the oil fields and the ouster of the British. In response, the British and the United States overthrew him in a coup and installed the Shah who was a brutal tyrant and ruled the nation under an absolute monarchy. His security service, which amnesty international described as "the worst in the world" and "beyond belief" was trained by the CIA in torture techniques.
Iran's economy was failing, education was abysmal, and the entire nation was rural and very religious.
Today, Iran’s health care is better. They have more political freedom. Education is improving. The economy is slightly better off, however that is quickly changing with the Western world’s sanctions against Iran in midst of their nuclear propaganda campaign at the behest of Israel.
Essentially, the Islamic Revolution had little to do with the rise of an Islamic state; it was the resistance of Western imperialism. Almost every social and political group was united in resisting the Shah, from the communists to the secularists to the Islamists. They demanded Iranian sovereignty and political freedoms. Is the current regime in Iran perfect? Absolutely not. [But it is sovereign. Intervention would be an historical repeat.]
Unfortunately, we have gone full circle. Today, the United States is supporting terrorist cells in Iran in an attempt to oust the current Iranian regime. They want to establish another pro-Western government like the Shah and try again where they failed. This has been done for decades and it hasn’t been working well. That is why we have seen media hysteria against Iran, and supposed quest to achieve nuclear weapons. Iran is a peaceful nation, and always has been. They have never attacked another nation, and have absolutely no intention of attacking Israel or anyone else for that matter. The United States’ war against Iran is rooted solely to seek revenge for their failed foreign policy in the 70’s and to once again take control of their natural resources.
Islam is very similar to Catholicism in that it does not worship a Christgod, but acknowledges Christ as a prophet of Heaven. These religions came to be around the same time as one another, somewhere between the end of Antiquity and the start of Byzantium and the Middle Ages. Templar Christianity and the Jesuit Order picked up where Judaism left off. There was a split between those who believed Jesus was the Messiah and had fulfilled the prophecy of the original scriptures. Others, who went on to become the Judeo orthodoxy, believed Jesus was not the Messiah, but an anti-Roman Empire revolutionary who also rebelled against the Pharisees. These Jews still awaited their Messiah, and do not acknowledge any latter-day prophets such as Christ or Muhammad.
Since then, it seems there has been a constant Holy War between what is actually a derivative of one in the same religion focusing on different languages and deities. The Crusades were posed as THE Holy War, but in reality, like today, it was territorial expansionism first, and cultural demarcation second.