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Snowblind impressions

PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 05 8:28 pm
by Dae
If you didnt try and play the game, don't vote please.
If you can't run the game vote corresponding answer. :)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 05 8:45 pm
by -TheSpecialist-
Yes, I can't run this game, hence my Intel gfx card which is the best! :roll:

PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 05 9:29 pm
by Alistair
I Will buy it and use my program that emulates pixel shading. I will tell you then :)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 05 9:54 pm
by clyzm
Tried it for PS2 in Best Buy, the best friggen game EVAH.

but since its PC, i don't have a good engine

PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 05 11:49 pm
by Trailmix
What's not good is they won't be releasing modding tools or expansion packs, or at least that's what the interview said.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 05 1:45 am
by kBo
That sucks. Right now I don't have enough free space to install it (60gb HD, the fucks who sold it to us partitioned it into C and D), but I hear it's kick-ass.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 05 2:34 am
by Ricci
My opinion is that the game sucks. You can tell it was meant for xbox and is almost like halo 2. The textures are all blurry which hurts my eyes. When i tried playing the game online, shortly after it came out, there was 1 server up and 2 people playing in it. There was no thought put into the bio system you click your augs just as if u are shooting your gun and you cant have 2 augs on at the same time. You only have 5 seconds of bio usage for your aug and if you think by turning the aug off it will save you some bio, It doesnt. As soon as you turn off an aug your bio is completly drained and it takes 5 seconds for it to automaticly recharge. Now for the weapons.. you have a nice shotgun, sniper, and nice realistic guns.. Then there is a lightning gun? wtf? Also... You cannot speak in game.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 05 2:36 am
by Ricci
it is good that your hard drive has both C and D so if you ever have to reformat you can have all your important stuff on D and you will have them after u reformat. Games run better when they are not installed in C drive.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 05 5:54 am
by JeJ
Voted good. I've played this game alot, and I can't stress enough how this game is not Deus Ex 3. If you compare it to the Deus Ex we all know and love, it's not bad. The game desperately needs a patch, too. I would recommend that anyone looking to purchase the game d/l the demo first and give it a try.

Now, all of the above said, if you do like the game you'll find it addicting. As well, all the Deus Ex'ers I've encountered in the game thus far have kept their skill in Snowblind. It appears to transfer well. It would be nice to see more DX'ers in Snowblind.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 05 11:51 am
by Marouku
Voted fair, may have voted good.

It's certainly above average.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 05 4:25 pm
by Bob
I'm getting my new pc before the end of the year. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

I'll judge the game then.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 05 5:36 pm
by H1tman

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 05 8:43 pm
by Amme
Fair, I dont like the bio system.

One of the BIGGEST mistakes ever was not to make a type button ingame, People like me who doesnt have a mic can't communicate AT ALL with my teammates.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 05 11:11 pm
by AlexDenton
that was a dumb mistake...

i cant see the reason for not including the talk button

it seems too wierd to be real lol