Square Enix announced Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Discussion about the sequel of Deus Ex: Human Revolution by Square Enix.

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Square Enix announced Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Postby James » Tue Apr 07, 15 9:37 pm

time to make a new sub-forum called "Deus Ex: Mankind Divided" boys.

"Discussion about DXHR's sequel by Square Enix."
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Re: Square Enix has filed a trademark for Deus Ex: Human Def

Postby Psychotic » Wed Apr 08, 15 2:04 am

Yup, it's supposed to be more about the post-2027 divide between augs and non-augs with Jensen remaining the player character and none of the previous endings being considered canon.

I actually prefer it this way. It's harder to make DXHR's endings canon when the future is already predetermined, and even harder when Jensen is still in the game (thereby eliminating the suicide one) and honestly, I just don't see why Jensen would choose a option that incites civil war.
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Re: Square Enix has filed a trademark for Deus Ex: Human Def

Postby Kaiden » Wed Apr 08, 15 11:09 pm

Seen the trailer? New sub forum required I guess! 2:55 though pretty cool.

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Re: Square Enix announced Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Postby Alex » Thu Apr 09, 15 8:21 am

James wrote:time to make a new sub-forum called "Deus Ex: Mankind Divided" boys.

"Discussion about DXHR's sequel by Square Enix."

Vote now between

"Discussion about the sequel of the prequel by Square Enix." and
"Discussion about DXHR's sequel by Square Enix."
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Re: Square Enix announced Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Postby James » Thu Apr 09, 15 9:27 am

if you don't cite DXHR we're gonna get talk about the sequel of the prequel's prequel if they make a before-game or something lol.
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Re: Square Enix announced Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Postby Psychotic » Fri Apr 10, 15 12:32 am

Still voting on first because I want to confuse people.
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Re: Square Enix has filed a trademark for Deus Ex: Human Def

Postby Aidan » Fri Apr 10, 15 5:46 am

Kaiden wrote:Seen the trailer? New sub forum required I guess! 2:55 though pretty cool.


This is when we start seeing some basic nanoaugs come into play.

I'm really looking forward to this game.
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Re: Square Enix announced Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Postby Alex » Fri Apr 10, 15 10:26 am

I wonder though, will there be room for modding, and how about multiplayer?
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Re: Square Enix announced Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Postby Psychotic » Fri Apr 10, 15 10:45 am

I can't imagine modding will be a thing. They never looked at it seriously with Tomb Raider or Thief.

Multiplayer was a thing in Tomb Raider and leaderboards existed in Thief but they weren't serious either, and generally weren't on the radar at all. I'd love DXMD to have multiplayer and modding but I just don't see it happening.

Maybe if enough people want it perhaps but if that were the case we likely would see more support for DXMP now, which we don't. In saying this, if DXMD had similar MP to Tomb Raider I'd still play it.
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Re: Square Enix announced Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Postby James » Fri Apr 10, 15 10:49 am

Fuck this.
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Re: Square Enix announced Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Postby Alex » Sat Apr 11, 15 7:19 pm

Seeing as he didn't respond to your tweet, I guess it wont be possible, pity.
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Re: Square Enix announced Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Postby Psychotic » Sat Apr 11, 15 10:46 pm

To be fair, he probably didn't reply to a lot of tweets but, as said, modding/MP is just not some huge thing for many companies.

I mean, it took Bethesda almost a year to create a proper SDK for Skyrim and The Elder Scrolls is a series that has had fantastic mod support for years.

Mod support and multiplayer features are such a time sink for developers that end up adding very little. I loved the co-op in Far Cry 4 for example, but I can imagine a lot of cool singleplayer content could have been added if they didn't have a bunch of devs working on the netcode instead.
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Re: Square Enix announced Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Postby Aidan » Fri Apr 24, 15 6:52 am

If Eidos & Square are going to be consistent with the Deus Ex series from now on, everyone will move onto the next game before the modding community really gets a chance to flourish.

I think they would only bother with SDK if:

A) The next (not DXMD) Deus Ex project will take a long time to work on.
B) The next Deus Ex project will be the last our studio makes.
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Re: Square Enix announced Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Postby James » Fri Apr 24, 15 11:01 am

Well I would bet DXMD might have a form of editor or mod support thanks to recent news of PC modders having a platform for people to have people buy their fanwares.


Fuck Valve. The way they get PC modding back on board is through capitalism. Dogny maps for sale boys.
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Re: Square Enix announced Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Postby Kaiden » Tue Jun 16, 15 9:08 pm

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Re: Square Enix announced Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Postby Psychotic » Wed Jun 17, 15 4:41 am

Well shit, some of that looks cool.

The storyline will always be very poignant, though. Unless they retcon the first game (which would be beyond retarded) we already know what happens to the mechs, so it's quite sad to see the plight they go through knowing it means nothing.

If nothing else what I liked about DX:IW was how it focused more on the h+ side of things than the first, trying to resolve the worldy crisis of faith everyone had. Didn't necessarily work out too well but I think that's more because they tried to do too much with the story and too little with the gameplay, simplifying it a lot.

I wouldn't mind seeing a remake Deus Ex 2 after all this is said and done. As much as I enjoy the past I would be keen on seeing what Eidos Montreal's take on JC and Paul would be.
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Re: Square Enix announced Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Postby James » Wed Jun 17, 15 9:17 am

Mechanical apartheid sounds weird without context. You can easily just say augmented people segregation and IDK why they took this term.

2029 still gives a lot of room for Deus Ex to be honest, this screams Juggernaut/Lebedev/NSF.
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Re: Square Enix announced Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Postby Psychotic » Wed Jun 17, 15 2:43 pm

Oh, it's not that the story won't tell us anything or that it won't be interesting, it's just that it's always going to ultimately be relatively sad and depressing.

Even if the mechs spiral out of control on their own accord in the next 20 years we ultimately know that it doesn't matter what happens. How good or bad it gets has no tension as we already know that the segregation happens and is so bad that mechs have entirely separate airports built for them.

Realistically Big Pharma (in the context of Deus Ex that basically means VersaLife) is likely to push that agenda forward, if not outright publicly then very subtly, which could make for some great storytelling in and of itself. That or cases like the radical mechs (which are basically just the mech versions of Purity First) will drive the distrust already rampant against them further into the dust.
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Re: Square Enix announced Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Postby Kaiden » Thu Apr 28, 16 7:20 pm

New in-game trailer landed. Not sure on graphics, but looks good! "Turns out there was a bunch of experimental augs hidden in my equipment" is always convenient. Saw dual wielding, slow time, long-range hacking. Non-lethal taser and PEP attacks looks pretty awesome too.

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Re: Square Enix announced Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Postby James » Sat May 28, 16 8:25 am

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Re: Square Enix announced Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Postby Kaiden » Sat Jul 09, 16 5:20 pm

Currently £25 on http://www.cdkeys.com/ which is very cheap, expect price to steadily rise to £35 over the next month, currently £40 on steam. Release date is 23rd of August still.
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Re: Square Enix announced Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Postby James » Fri Aug 19, 16 4:32 pm

Reminder to turn CA aka chromatic aberration off.
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Re: Square Enix announced Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Postby Amme » Sun Aug 21, 16 11:17 pm

Let's go ladies and gents, another DX title.
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Re: Square Enix announced Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Postby Kaiden » Mon Aug 22, 16 1:29 am

Are people bothering with the season pass? It's like £25, which is a lot when I bought the game for like £24. I doubt it has enough content to justify that price, but also don't want to miss out on story-critical content.

I assume it's just the usual skins/extra un-needed weapons/credits with maybe some sub-quests included. Or it's going Darksouls/Missing Link style and it's a whole additional story arc/area.
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Re: Square Enix announced Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Postby James » Tue Aug 23, 16 8:32 am

I'm not buying it because the game has a third act missing.

Oh shit it's Amme. Hey dude.
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Re: Square Enix announced Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Postby Kaiden » Tue Aug 23, 16 3:27 pm

Dunno what's with the release times lately, what happened to midnight launches :( 5PM UK it unlocks on Steam.

EDIT: It's out but taking ages to "unpack", apparently affecting everyone. Also the DLC has a description now;

Two new story DLC’s - “System Rift” and “A Criminal Past”.
The “Assault” and “Tactical” packs, which include various weapons and items.
4 Praxis Kits.
5000 Credits.
1000 Weapon Parts.
5 Booster Packs and 20 Chipsets for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – Breach.

Seems pretty meh for £25.
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Re: Square Enix announced Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Postby Kaiden » Wed Aug 24, 16 1:54 pm

I haven't looked at the Store yet, but someone linked me this;


Pretty awful having micro transactions in a single player. That on top of an over-priced season pass which basically gives you nothing, seems odd. I mean I'll just ignore it and continue playing the game, but is there really a need for stuff like that.
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Re: Square Enix announced Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Postby James » Wed Aug 24, 16 1:59 pm

Square Enix NA have tried to sell cheats as DLC microtransactions for years it's pretty terrible. But again that's not what's bothering me, the game is unfinished.
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Re: Square Enix announced Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Postby Kaiden » Thu Aug 25, 16 2:20 am

Only a few hours in so can't comment on what content is missing yet. Fun seeing multi-tools back in though, and more Bob Page etc. DX1 Hong Kong music through radios still too.

Having quite a few performance issues, the comp specs I have should be running it on the medium ish settings I have set, and should have been fine on high really. But it's generally fine, and only 1 crash so far.
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Re: Square Enix announced Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Postby Aidan » Sat Aug 27, 16 6:10 pm

I beat the game, doing new game plus at the moment.

I think the game is great, and a lot more polished than DXHR, but the game DOES seem unfinished. I too was waiting for that *last* turn of events followed by another Act, but it didn't happen. I got the season pass, so hopefully (and most likely) there will be another Act, but aside from that, I got about 52 hours in since Aug 23rd on 'Give Me Deus Ex' and did a 95% stealth/ghost run. New Game Plus I'm going full assault; everyone dies lol

Boss Fights are finally fixed now though :P super happy about that.
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