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Postby Mr. Tastix » Mon Jul 20, 09 4:23 am

Bob wrote:That being said I've clocked up well over 200 hours worth of Fallout 3.

I did enjoy, no strike that, love Prototype but I get where you're coming from on that one. Its all just carnage, destruction and mindless violence which is great fun when you're in that sort of mood. Just doesn't happen often when I find a game that I go back to anymore (Fallout 3 the only real exception)

Was the same with me and Oblivion. Too repetitive but once I get into it I love it (I really wanna play Fallout 3, looks wicked). I recently acquired Far Cry 2 (legally lol) and I like it, but it's basically the same shit over and over again.

Hell, one could say Deus Ex and Doom were. Doom more than Deus Ex (there's replayability in DX, do you wanna blow shit up? Go in guns blazing? Use melee and stealth it?). But they were great games for their time (and with Deus Ex's case the storyline more than made up for any repetitiveness IMO).

The differences today is storylines are generally weaker, so the game is basically relying on either it's good graphics or it's gameplay to make it stand out. It seems many developers are siding with graphics, which is a bad choice IMO (hell, on the back of the case for Far Cry 2 it actually markts it's apparently awesomely realistic fire effects, WHAT ABOUT MARKETING IT'S GAMEPLAY/STORYLINE?).

These are just my opinions though, not really related to Prototype but more on the gaming industry in general as I see it. I'm sure many of you will disagree with me.

After the fact, Prototype IS a good game, if you like that sort of thing. ANY game is, if YOU like it. There are a lot of people out there who don't mind the "grind"-factor of a video game, or the repetition some games give. I'm just not one of them.
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Postby James » Tue Nov 09, 10 11:09 pm

Want to replay this soon, if it wasn't for L4D2 this would be my GOTY.

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