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Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City

PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 11 7:02 pm
by James ... _confirmed

Not sure what it is, I've been told it's Outbreak like SOCOM/Lost Planet

Confirmed for PC

PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 11 9:39 pm
by clyzm
fixed camera angles or behind-the-shoulder-type shit?

if the former, sounds awesome

if the latter, oh boy not another resident evil

PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 11 9:43 pm
by ynnaD
Depends on how they plan to reinterpret the old games, if done well, this could be amazing

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 11 9:33 pm
by James
You’re able to use enemies (like zombies) as cover even while moving.

- Like other third-person shooters you’ll also be able to take cover behind objects like stationary vehicles.

- The game will pay respects to the classic titles (Resident Evil 2 and 3) by bringing back that sense of horror that’s been missing.

- The base inspiration for the foundation of the game is noted as being Resident Evil 2.

- We’ll get more insight towards Mr. X before he was sent to Raccoon City to pursue Leon/ Claire.

- Leon is your main prey throughout the game (in regards to the USS team)

- Previous controls have been abandoned in place for a more modern control set akin to today’s third-person shooters.

- Capcom is behind such a change in game-play and this is why they approached Slant Six over the development of such a project.

- As aforementioned you’ll be able to grab enemies and use them as cover which will add to the game’s team-based strategic style.

- We’re going to get a very dark look at the classic city in the game with new and iconic locales.

- The end of the demo showed off a battle with Mr. X.

- The USS team takes their inspiration largely from Mr. Death himself, the 4th survivor Hunk. The team is also situated on Rockfort Island which is another locale fans recognize.

- Hunters and Lickers are confirmed and they’ll be able to also mow down zombies if they’re in the way of their destruction.

- Operation Raccoon City will let players see the story of the Resident Evil universe (pre-RE4) from a whole new perspective.

- Shooting lights will be one of the mechanics in the game and doing so will help you stay clear of zombies due to them being attracted to said light.

- Environments will have destructible objects for you to use agains the hordes of zombies.

- Capcom remains silent over topics relating to the game’s multiplayer mode and what other surprises the game’s story may have for players. We’ll likely hear more about this game at E3 so stay tuned.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 11 10:02 pm
by clyzm
Promising... what's your take on it, James?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 11 10:03 pm
by James
hate socom
love re2/3 and outbreak
lol using zombies as cover against enemies using firearms... humans arent good bodyshields OH WAIT IT'S A RESI GAME IT CAN BE RETARDED

expecting of it. mite be cewl

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 11 10:04 pm
by Aidan
Sounds pretty badass to me. Especially the part with Leon <3 <3 <3

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 11 10:09 pm
by James

still confused why they would be sent after leon lol
he's a god damn rookie cop who basically had nothing to do with any confrontation with any umbrella staff AT ALL. former staff like birkin do not count. still it's a resi spinoff, and resi is silly and if it's based on the best game in the series (2) then fuck yes.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 11 10:42 pm
by clyzm
I agree, it doesn't make sense. I could understand if they went after Claire, since she has some connection to STARS, but Leon?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 11 10:43 pm
by James
trying to justify him becoming a super agent i guess, but ignore it, it's a spinoff and it's gonna be an awesome game

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 11 10:46 pm
by Aidan
UE3 again ja?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 11 10:48 pm
by James
most games by capcom this generation have been done in their edited version of unreal engine 2.5. which is actually better than Unreal engine 3


PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 11 10:50 am
by ynnaD

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 11 9:29 am
by ynnaD

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 11 9:59 am
by clyzm
>cloak technology

USS = Crysis soldiers

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 11 12:55 pm
by Dex
also Air Stomp


PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 11 5:52 pm
by James
That was Mr. X not a USS member.

The cloaking USS member is something I really dislike though, oh well RESIDENT EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If pharmaceutical companies can rule the planet with biological warfare sales the I guess it's plausible to have MORE stupid shit.

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 11 2:12 pm
by ynnaD

Starting to really like the look of this game

PostPosted: Sat May 14, 11 6:57 am
by James
still funny as fuck that it's about killing leon!

PostPosted: Sun Jul 17, 11 7:49 pm
by James

PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 11 12:08 am
by Aidan
So.. it's like.. resi + L4D

I love this concept though of playing as Umbrella.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 11 6:02 am
by James

PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 11 5:52 pm
by Aidan

That's the joke.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 11 6:13 pm
by James
no it wasnt a joke, you forgot/didnt know it existed

PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 11 6:36 pm
by Aidan
James wrote:no it wasnt a joke, you forgot/didnt know it existed

You got it :wink:

PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 11 2:13 pm
by ynnaD

PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 11 6:32 pm
by James
bullshit, capcom said resident evil should be a backseat franchise for awhile

PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 11 6:40 pm
by ynnaD
I heard the boulder is the main boss for the next few games

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 11 7:34 pm
by ~DJ~
james its not only about killing leon, they said you can kill anyone from re series, we could change the history of the re series by killing leon and shit or let the re story be da same


PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 11 7:36 pm
by James
yeah, that was revealed, a month after.

