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PostPosted: Wed May 11, 11 6:55 pm
by ynnaD
Anyone play this?

PostPosted: Wed May 11, 11 6:57 pm
by James

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 11 4:04 am
by Aidan
James wrote:


It's fun. Only when I cheat though.

If you're going to bother playing fair on a server creating fortresses and such on a server that's probably going to die in 2 months...

..then don't bother.

It IS fun though, I'm not going to lie.

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 11 1:32 pm
by Kaiden
It's fun if you're on a proper server, haven't found any since my other communities shut down though.

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 11 4:28 pm
by Aidan
Kaiden wrote:It's fun if you're on a proper server, haven't found any since my other communities shut down though.

No server is a proper server really.

Whitelisting is a pain in the ass, and isn't fun when you can only build on a small-ass specific plot.

There is no way that you can block xray. Even anti-xray server mods don't even work.

Problem here...

wait for ittt.......


PostPosted: Thu May 12, 11 6:40 pm
by ynnaD
system.out.println "java da best";

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 11 7:07 pm
by MainMan
oi danny u asshole i made a shout out for u, got warnt, and u didnt even reply


PostPosted: Thu May 12, 11 7:51 pm
by Aidan
~system.out.println "sogh mughcg heigggght";~

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 11 7:51 pm
by ynnaD
but da topic got locked meight :(

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 11 9:37 am
by Alex
Ben got me to try it out.. (ok, it didn't take him much effort to do so), but now.. I kind of like Minecraft, yugh.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 11 10:07 am
by James
Nothing wrong with liking it, just keep in mind it will be as fun as long as you're willing to make your own fun, because Minecraft as a game without your imagination is a terrible game lol.

1.9 is meant to be mad buggy.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 11 12:10 pm
by MrBlackDX
We are playing it on a multiplayer server.

FYI Alex they have reverted it to a backup probably 2-3 hours before the major crash, so 99% of your stuff is intact, not sure about the sheep.

Let me know if anyone else wants the server details, it's grief free and apart from recent instability, a pretty good server overall.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 11 12:25 pm
by James
"grief free" sounds boring, where's the water flowing into another's creation while he's not there???

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 11 12:26 pm
by MrBlackDX
Hey if they don't get "protection" (a pluggin to stop people changing blocks in an admin set area) then they are fair game to the TNT cannon

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 11 12:30 pm
by James
Build a mine and use levers in a secret area to make it cave in.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 11 12:41 pm
by ynnaD
Is it free?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 11 12:48 pm
by James
No I hope you like playing 20 dollars for a java game.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 11 2:05 pm
by Mastakilla

Should be allowed to post this right?
Also, yeah it's a Java game but imo it's worth the 20 dollars when you consider how many shit games are out there that cost more.

It's a fun timekiller :lol:

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 11 2:08 pm
by James
Yeah sure, Notch is lazy/an idiot/stole from infirminer anyway.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 11 6:30 pm
by or 1=1
wasn't infiniminer made by notch too?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 11 6:33 pm
by James
No he made his own game, Minecraft, which ripped off Infiniminer. He had nothing to do with Infiniminer's development.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 11 7:42 pm
by Aidan
James wrote:No I hope you like playing 20 dollars for a java game.

I got it for 10 yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I got my money's worth so far.. still play now and then.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 11 7:45 pm
by James
Yes, it was probs worth 10 dollars when it was.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 11 7:50 pm
by Aidan
I agree though.. $20 is a bad price for a poorly optimized, incomplete java game that runs on one thread.

I'd still recommend purchasing the game. It can be very fun(ny), but wait until you have spare cash laying around somewhere.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 11 7:57 pm
by MrBlackDX
1000 hours played, £13 paid

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 11 8:01 pm
by Aidan
MrBlackDX wrote:1000 hours played, £13 paid

As long as you play the game a lot, and enjoy it.. Then you've gotten your money's worth. :P

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 11 8:05 pm
by James
Still not really a good excuse, anyone can have fun with a game. What if they don't?, like the millions who have bought Minecraft and gave up on it... a bit of money wasted.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 11 8:21 pm
by Aidan
James wrote:Still not really a good excuse, anyone can have fun with a game. What if they don't?, like the millions who have bought Minecraft and gave up on it... a bit of money wasted.

Well, that depends on if they got their money's worth before giving up on it.

I stopped playing because the security is shit. I would make some giant underground city, and people would use x-ray, tunnel through to my city, then would steal things, and destroy my hours of work. I know I'm being a hypocrite, because I used x-ray in the past. However, I did not steal, or destroy other things people have made out of sheer respect and moral. I simply used it to stockpile diamonds.

The game is NOT very fun when you have to get on a white list, and protect EVERYTHING you make. Even then, it still isn't foolproof.

I once had protected land with a huge tower, etc. Then some guys made a TNT cannon and launched it over on my building destroying it. Being that it was a non-possessive object action... it worked. Where as some protection only really counts player action in co-ordination with your objects and the protection used on it.


PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 11 8:23 pm
by James
just play on caspians (see above passes) or a hacked server. the latter one can get your origin account banned tho


PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 11 8:40 pm
by Psycho
I know there's a massive buzz about minecraft from the english kids in college. is it good?