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PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 11 5:30 am
by Aidan

VERY glad bmw is taking the leap in revolutionizing the style of motor vehicles.

Hugh Herr... BMW i..... ?????... Deus Ex???

You can go ahead and say it looks like horrid if you wish, but I love the appearance, and the fact that BMW is trying to go completely electric eventually.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 11 6:57 am
by clyzm
It's pretty sexy, not gonna lie.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 11 12:01 pm
by Siva
That's some ugly shit

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 11 12:27 pm
by Psycho
Sexy. Is it a eco car by any chance? If so, I find it annoying how car manufacturers always seem to give the car a modern design with the modern futuristic design looking tacky (this being a exception), instead of havng the same sexy shell as their cars usually has.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 11 5:03 pm
by Kaiden
I want it.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 11 5:14 pm
by Tantalus
Electricity as a mainstream method of car transportation is a complete dead-end.

A) The batteries are fucking heavy, thus compromising efficiency/handling/everything.
B) Charging takes much too long to be sustainable.
C) Recharging stations would have to be in large abundance, thus cluttering up the road and almost defeating the point of 'innovating' transport.
D) There are fast charge stations in existence. But as we all know, fast charging compromises the battery life. This would mean that batteries that should last 6+ years only last 3 years. CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE OF THAT.
E) The cost of replacing the entire framework every 3 years boggles the mind.
F) speed were is it.
G) How does the majority of the we generate electricity? Oh yeah...
H) Just move to hydrogen. It's still got a way to go, definitely, but it's at least viable.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 11 11:28 pm
by or 1=1
A) There're new batteries under development made of graphene whic can hold more charge in less space and in much less weight...
B) ...and they're also really fast to reload. A graphene made battery can reload in few minutes.
C) Not really for what said above.
D) Not needed for what said above. Also graphene batteries are more eco friendly than litium or nickel batteries.
E) ???
G) Nowday most of electricity come from coal\oil power station yes.
H) I don't think hydrogen is the way to go. With Hydrogen you'll still have to go to a hydrogen station for refueling instead of just plugging your car to your home socket. It could be a good idea for produce electricty in big power stations.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 11 11:34 am
by Tantalus
A) Still in experimental stages, but looks promising nonetheless.
B) True.
C) Let's talk about today, shall we? We don't have any working prototype graphene-run cars.
D) Do you know how that affects the battery? It could have an even shorter lifespan.
E) When the battery in an electric car dies (as in, no longer functional), all the mechanisms have to be serviced. Huge cost.

H) And the issue with that is? It will phase-out petrol stations. The issue I had with electric cars is that they all have very short range, so many many MANY more stations would be needed.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 11 11:58 am
by ynnaD
Tantalus wrote:H) And the issue with that is? It will phase-out petrol stations. The issue I had with electric cars is that they all have very short range, so many many MANY more stations would be needed.

I'll just take a pack of Double A's with me m8 and i'll be good, dats what the duracell bunny says :oops:

PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 11 1:09 pm
by or 1=1
We could even build cars that can take charge by a special rail on the road... like with trams.