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Assassins Creed III

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 12 5:03 am
by Aidan

-Click Here For The Article-
I love how the link says the release date is in 2013

"the biggest launch in Ubisoft history"

Release Date: October 30th 2012

Edit: It's the American Civil War............... ... onfidence/

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 12 7:20 am
by clyzm
Looks ok, but if DRM is to believed, it's locked up tighter than maximum security prison

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 12 8:15 am
by James
Sorry but ignoring Desmond is the right thing to do.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 12 10:12 am
by ynnaD
Personally can't wait for AC3 , they have a brilliant game series going on there, i actually thought ACR was good gameplay wise, then again it's pretty much a copy/paste of the two previous games , only in a new setting, so it couldn't go far wrong.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 12 10:48 am
by James
I hear AC:R is entirely skippable.

AC1 is a horrible anti-game with repetitive gameplay, also don't get me started on Desmond.
AC2 is a geniune videogame with fun gameplay and an entertaining story minus Desmond
AC:B is cut content from AC2 by the other pool of studios while main teams work on AC3. Also good. Minus Desmond.
AC:R is less than a year dev and apparently shows. If you liked AC2 it is more of the same though. From what I also hear is that everyone still hates Desmond.

If you're new to AC series, just play the 3 Ezio games and give 2 weeks between each as they're all the same. Also; pretend Desmond doesn't exist.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 12 11:05 am
by ynnaD
I would agree, you don't learn much in ACR story wise, and gameplay wise is a carbon copy of 2 and Brotherhood.

Like i say though, if you like the gameplay it's all good, but the story progression after 2 is very slow.

"EDIT" On a side note, ACB Multiplayer is horrific, ACR is slightly better but AC and MP do not mix

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 12 11:16 am
by James
Really?, I know the latency issues and rooftops are tedious but I like the idea of games similar to The Ship. I welcome this kind of creativity.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 12 11:22 am
by ynnaD
ACR improved on lag and improved on the game type's you can play, team based games are very onesided to the attacking team though, the defending team can only stun, not kill , and stun's last anytime between 2-5 seconds depending on abilities and perks.

Chest Capture was fun though, it was the only mode i could see myself playing , even though it's team based.

Re: Assassins Creed III

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 12 12:52 pm
by Tantalus
Sorry to go off topic.

Aidan wrote:I could personally care less about.


I really did not see AC becoming a series after playing number 1; unrelentlessly boring.

Then I played AC2 and was really glad they found new life in it, taking it to a new setting; not Sand-Land. because it's drab and dull.

However, they've done Ezio to death, really to absolute death so hopefully they can mix it up with a new setting again.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 12 12:57 pm
by James
They literally killed Ezio off, it is over.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 12 1:15 pm
by ynnaD

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 12 1:19 pm
by James
He dies of OLD AGE.

The end.

[spoiler]Which is pretty much innovative as far as videogame characters go.[/spoiler]

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 12 1:21 pm
by ynnaD
I thought it was pretty touching :oops:

Just found out Ezio's voice actor is the same VA for Chris Redfield in the new Resi games.


PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 12 1:25 pm
by James
He's also Sonic the Hedgehog.

I've got nothing but respect for the design and character of Ezio, it was great to have him around for a short time and glad he has his story finished. RIP.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 12 2:13 pm
by ~DJ~
Atlair the best bros

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 12 2:24 pm
by James
Haha no. He was boring and one dimensional.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 12 6:05 pm
by Aidan
Yes, the Ezio story was far better then Altair in sand land.

I'll find personal enjoyment in Desmond learning his ancestral skills, and using them against modern day Templar's in the environment of present time.

For me, that was the very cool thing about this series. Learning about the history of your ancestors, where in the progress, you YOURSELF adapt their skills, and abilities.

The whole Ezio/Italy thing got pretty old, very fast for me (even though in ACR he goes to Spain does he not?).

Sorry, but I really don't think the biggest launch in Ubi history is going to be another AC sidestory...

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 12 6:10 pm
by James
What makes you think these are a side story? To be fair if Desmond's battle with the original race or whatever they're called is considered the main story, then I'll pass.

I'd rather play the tale about the life of an ancient assassin in rich cultural environments, just my opinion

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 12 7:49 pm
by Aidan
James wrote:What makes you think these are a side story? To be fair if Desmond's battle with the original race or whatever they're called is considered the main story, then I'll pass.

I'd rather play the tale about the life of an ancient assassin in rich cultural environments, just my opinion

Who's to say they can't do both?

As I said before... they can finish the Desmond storyline for those of us it bothers. Afterwards, they can make as many other assassin stories as they desire.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 12 11:42 pm
by James
So looks like it is confirmed for the revolutionary war then. Can't wait to hear proper English accent Americans.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 12 1:53 am
by Aidan
Yeah, I've read the news as well.

I'm disappointed :/

Don't get me wrong, it looks great... Just end the fucking Desmond storyline Ubi, you're pissing me off.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 12 10:27 am
by ynnaD
AC3 is going to be the end of Desmond's part in the series, they said they have plenty of content for many more games once AC3 is done though, so i'm not too dissapointed.

AC2 was best setting wise, i mean, ROME.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 12 5:29 pm
by Aidan
ynnaD wrote:AC3 is going to be the end of Desmond's part in the series, they said they have plenty of content for many more games once AC3 is done though, so i'm not too dissapointed.

AC2 was best setting wise, i mean, ROME.


I have a feeling the game is going to be half and half (however... VERY large). Animus-wise, you're playing in the Civil War, and as Desmond will complete abilities.

Not completely sure on that yet though..

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 12 5:44 pm
by ynnaD
I could see them doing something along the lines of , small but many segments in the Animus with many different characters (in the same time era of course) but Desmond becomes the main character in the game.

It's gonna be interesting to see how it turns out.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 12 5:48 pm
by Aidan
Yeah, I have a feeling that this is the last segment of Desmond's Assassin Ancestry (or something along the lines of that). Where in the end of those sequences, you take over as Desmond for the rest of the game (as you said).

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 12 5:48 pm
by James
So uh, revolutionary war. Guys?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 12 5:52 pm
by Aidan
The Civil War in itself, could be subtle foreshadowing on the climax of the present time's storyline perhaps?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 12 5:56 pm
by James
Too early, but likely. It appears our new main character is native American, I'm more interested in how Ezio's bloodline got there.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 12 10:07 pm
by James
>The name of the game’s new protagonist will be Connor (as he calls himself), although his birth name is Ratohnhake:ton. He is half English, half Native American, and is described as more of a hunter/ predatory Assassin than the likes of Ezio or Altair. He is described as a freedom fighter who acts in the name of justice rather than acting based on personal revenge. The American Revolution setting means that the supporting cast includes the likes of George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Charles Lee. Connor’s interaction with Washington is one of the core relationships in the game.

>The protagonist will fight on the American side, with primary allies George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Charles Lee. However, this does not mean that the Americans are the good guys and the British are the bad guys. Templars are everywhere…

>There will be seasons in the game, meaning that the sun will shine during summer and the landscape will be covered in snow during winter.

>Fighting and stealth will be completely re-innovated, with Connor being compared to a “predator”. The player will be able to climb trees and other natural elements, and dual-wielding weapons such as a dagger and a mohawk is now also an option.

>Animals will be present in the woods, like deer and bears. The player will be able to kill them and pelt their skins, to sell them later with the reformed economic system of the game.

>There will be no more Mercenaries, Thieves, Courtesans, Romani or other factions, but there will be a replacement for them.

>Den Defense will not return

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 12 12:18 am
by Aidan
Alright, this is sounding a lot more badass now.