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PostPosted: Tue May 01, 12 6:13 pm
by James
Not really. More lethal weapons and prepared medical supplies can keep people moving on, but good aim, gravity, position and timing can eliminate a player in one bullet.

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 12 6:25 pm
by Tantalus
So we'll pair up and assassinate James, then.

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 12 6:28 pm
by Aidan
Tantalus wrote:So we'll pair up and assassinate James, then.


I'm downloading another ISO of OA. HOPEFULLY this one will work. Last iso could have possibly been fucked.

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 12 6:32 pm
by James
Tantalus wrote:pair up

I'm literally playing with 5+ people.

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 12 6:35 pm
by Aidan
I'll just gather a horde of n00bs from when I spawn.


PostPosted: Tue May 01, 12 6:35 pm
by James
No chance, wait until you play it.

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 12 6:37 pm
by Tantalus
James wrote:I'm literally playing with 5+ people.

James wrote:good aim, gravity, position and timing can eliminate a player in one bullet.

Just need a couple of lucky bullets in a sniper rifle from a few hundred yards away...and some unbroken legs and we'll be fine.

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 12 6:38 pm
by James
Good luck finding someone who knows how to play ArmA2.

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 12 6:40 pm
by Tantalus
James wrote:Good luck finding someone who knows how to play ArmA2.

True dat.

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 12 6:47 pm
by Aidan
button mash

We have this, Jake.

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 12 6:49 pm
by Tantalus
Aidan wrote:button mash.

Lol yes.

But the original game is hard as balls already, with zombies it can only be more challenging.

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 12 7:09 pm
by James
Plus you don't know what I'm called.

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 12 7:19 pm
by Aidan
I'll just kill everyone until you're dead.

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 12 7:31 pm
by Tantalus
James wrote:Plus you don't know what I'm called.

"Surprise! is playing a game"

Plus I'll hear you on voice chat.

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 12 8:12 pm
by Aidan
Good call m8. (Unless we have to create a custom name on Day Z)

This sucks.. I have the CD key, and I'm waiting for the iso to download on my slow ass house connection..

I think the reason why my previous ISO might not have worked, was because it was some modified version. Still doesn't make sense to me, because it connected to their server to activate it, and said the key was invalid :/

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 12 8:42 pm
by James
Tantalus wrote:
James wrote:Plus you don't know what I'm called.

"Surprise! is playing a game"

Plus I'll hear you on voice chat.

You won't.

A) I use external VOIP.
B) I can simply not talk in game.

Your choice if you bundled yourself with him dude.

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 12 9:08 pm
by Aidan
Aidan wrote:I'll just kill everyone until you're dead.

That's why we stick to plan A.

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 12 9:12 pm
by Tantalus
James wrote:You won't.

A) I use external VOIP.
B) I can simply not talk in game.

Your choice if you bundled yourself with him dude.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 12 7:33 am
by James
Story time.

So I died last night after closing a door on myself - fast forward - so I decided to respawn this morning. I was leaving my starting town and suddenly see a flare go out and another one beyond it, I follow these flares to see these two shadowy figures running on the coastal side.


As I stopped to observe I realised they were taking a scenic route around the area to ensure safety by following the ocean, I decide to cut through the forest in their general direction. I stop outside an undisclosed major town in the game and observe the coast. Our two mishaps would be still throwing flares and one of them threw them towards a tower building just beyond where I was and caught light of myself hiding in the bush. I scamper off, no bullets were fired but they announced that they had seen a bandit in the area (bandit is a skin given to player kills, I had that skin.)

I head into the center of town and wait, after 2 minutes the area is lit up in what I assume is to keep them safe and be able to visibly see anything, I turn around and make eye contact with one poor sod who managed to catch one bullet out of 3 into his torso, he's running about screaming and blood pouring, I give chase only to have an Einfield round blasted in what I assume was my direction. I pressed myself against the wall and gave myself 3 seconds to peek where I catch eye of them going down the street to my left. I bomb it down the alley where I came from and catch him by surprise - I unload the Einfield carrier in the face 4 times until he drops and quickly take his weapon and ammo supplies.

For the next 10 minutes the other person announces he has used up all his bandages, I see him again later and use his friend's weapon on both of his legs. He dies soon after and I take his supplies. I seen a randomer looting his body 3 minutes later, I shoot him from afar twice, the first missing and the second piercing his skull.

I now have full supplies again including an abundance of ammo. Catch up.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 12 3:29 pm
by Aidan
I finally got my copy to work... I ended up buying CO off of steam for $30 CAD. Not bad.

I also demanded a refund from the Chinese dude that sold me the serial key. I've already sent him proof of it not working, so it's in their terms to refund me :P

I'm gonna play DayZ a bit today. Managed to play for about 10 seconds before it started black-flashing me to update :lol:

EDIT: Found a Revolver. Coming after you James.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 12 5:19 pm
by Jorkell
You evil man. I have an abundance of supplies too (but still not a decent backpack and no fucking compass or map) just by shooting around 30 zombies in the Vyshnoye/Zub area.

Just casually ended up there after spawning on Chernogorsk.

Also, got a sweet sniper rifle but it's seriously pretty bad for anything but murder in the woods since it WILL attract A FUCKLOAD of zombies.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 12 5:26 pm
by James
Hey I'm around the Cherno area. We'll meet up later outside it, don't wanna hang around a populated death trap on my own.

Aidan I have 90 rounds of ammo. Good luck.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 12 6:25 pm
by Aidan
MAN this game is fun.

Myself and a guy named kyle were travelling around for a long while.. we raided a village.

When being chased by about 12 zombies we found a boat with about 1/8th fuel left, and took off. I logged off inside the boat (as the driver), so hopefully I still have it.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 12 9:50 pm
by clyzm
I bought Arma II and Operation Arrowhead on Steam.

Anyone wanna team up? If not guess I'll have to go lone wolf. Dangerous strategy according to my friends, but someone told me they did very well and conserved a lot of ammo and food by just scouting areas and scavenging

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 12 9:54 pm
by Aidan
Yeah, Lone wolf can be very dangerous. Check out the video on youtube about the guy stuck on a roof for about an hour lololol

You should team with me later on. I have a boat 8)

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 12 9:59 pm
by clyzm
Add me nogga


My steam name is BOXD5400XS

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 12 10:02 pm
by Aidan
Der Bear got Steam woahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Ight man. I'll probably be on later tonight.

Edit: Yeah, you've had that account for a while, but just never used it lol.

Well.... I vaulted concrete, and died. DAMN THIS GAME IS HARD.

PostPosted: Thu May 03, 12 7:58 am
by James
Me and Jorkell have developed a flank and snipe relationship. Be advised; u gon die unless you pledge your alignance is with the BloodGroup420.

Our plan today is to loot valuable areas at night.

PostPosted: Thu May 03, 12 8:34 am
by Aidan
I went to electro and stocked up a CZ 400 rifle with 15 ammo. I camped there for an hour or so. Killed a few people and looted their shit. I was using the dead bodies as bate. It was awesome.

Made the mistake of overstaying my welcome haha. Ended up dying of course.

Electro takes a long ass time to get to though... but it's well worth it. AND WHERE ARE THE CARS/CHOPPERS??? I'm going to guess airfield?

Also, I shot a guy and bandaged him up, leaving him alive; but unconscious and crippled lololololol he couldn't do ANYTHING. He had 900 blood.

PostPosted: Thu May 03, 12 8:42 am
by James
Heard about that. Good waste of a bandage! Haha.

I've not seen any vehicles I can drive but I've spotted a helicopter flying. I believe vehicles are anywhere but parts are in industrial areas, garages and hangars.