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EA releases it's "Indie Bundle".

PostPosted: Fri May 04, 12 4:19 pm
by Psychotic ... die-Bundle

Yeah... silly semantics is silly but does EA actually understand the meaning of "indie"? You can't release something titled the "indie bundle" when your name also happens to be "Electronic Arts".

That's pure semantics though (EA aren't the first to misuse the term "indie"). The weirdest part about this is the fact it's on... Steam?

Wait, what?

PostPosted: Fri May 04, 12 4:42 pm
by Aidan
They're simply trying to mimic valve, and hope it will work.

Sad part is, there are probably a lot of people that would fall for this shit.

PostPosted: Fri May 04, 12 4:57 pm
by James
There's been a lot of drama lately. Thanks for reminding me Ill post later.

EA are trying to capitalize on the humble bundle fad. Simple really, idiocy to call it indie.

PostPosted: Fri May 04, 12 6:55 pm
by Psychotic
Yeah, I noticed it on GamePolitics in an article stating Notch has lashed out at EA over the usage of the word "indie". ... ndle-steam

I'm not concerned with the improper use of the term because, as said, it's been abused previously in other industries. I just find it strange that they've released the bundle on Steam but not on their own Origin service.

It's made weirder since they obviously don't have plans to shut up shop with Origin, as they've just recently released a blog post asking for feedback on improving Origin.