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PostPosted: Fri May 20, 05 10:08 pm
by James
AlexDenton wrote:US government isnt fascist

What do you call their media and people if someone is different?
And here too?

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 05 10:13 pm
by AlexDenton
fascism is a type of government, not behaviour

the US system is no where near fascist

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 05 10:14 pm
by James
Tell me.
How do Fascists behave?

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 05 10:15 pm
by clyzm
USA sucks

boo for usa

because usa is ghey

and i'm probably going to get hanged for treason for this :S

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 05 10:15 pm
by Bob
They seek to control everything.

I would say its debatable

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 05 10:15 pm
by James
~[A]Bob~ wrote:They seek to control everything.

Did they expell people from socitity?

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 05 10:18 pm
by AlexDenton
behaviour of fascists solely depends on the chracter of the leader

the system of fascism is often mistaked to be akin ot the actions of the likes of Mussolini and Hitler, who were fascist leaders.

however, you cannot then say that every fascist government will use the same tactics or behaviour as those two men, because those two men, were, in short, megalomaniacs

"Fascism" basically just describes a form of government in which every man and every action is for the country, and everything is done in the country's best interest, and for the good of the country.
Its nationalism, only a step further.

the difference between nationalism and fascism, is the fascism bears teh slogan "No Comprimise" meaning that views will NOT change to accomodate opposing parties with a different point of view

therefore, the USA does not fit into the fascist form of government at all

the USA is a very democratic country, but it is run by dishonest people

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 05 10:19 pm
by James
Did they push people out of socitity?
Answer me this and I remain correct.

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 05 10:20 pm
by clyzm
like Bush

bush = sucks

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 05 10:22 pm
by AlexDenton
~[A]LTKJAY~ wrote:Did they push people out of socitity?
Answer me this and I remain correct.

who the fascists?

yes, thosewho didnt suit the need of the country

but simply because there is one aspect in common does not mean to say that they share the same political stances!!

take communism and naziism for example

two OPPOSITE extremes, but both used propaganda, and disallowed freedom of the press

both used work camps, and kidnapped and killed people who spoke against the government

that is proof that the actions of a leader do not depend on the government which they run

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 05 10:25 pm
by James
AlexDenton wrote:...who the fascists?..

...but both used propaganda, and disallowed freedom of the press

What do Chavs do to grungers, moshers, kinder goths, goths, punks and emos?

They say they always hurt themselves and are evil little tits, any listening to music and you'll turn into this and tell this to their friends that spread, none of them know the truth.

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 05 10:29 pm
by AlexDenton
that is merely an opinion

nothing to do with fascism jay

the choice to use propaganda and outcast those who spoke against the state was taht of the INDIVIDUAL leaders (eg-Stalin, Hitler, Goebbels, Ribbentropp)

NOTHING to do with fascism

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 05 10:30 pm
by James
AlexDenton wrote:that is merely an opinion

nothing to do with fascism jay

NOTHING to do with fascism


PostPosted: Fri May 20, 05 10:31 pm
by AlexDenton
im a marxist


PostPosted: Fri May 20, 05 10:31 pm
by James
AlexDenton wrote:im a marxist



PostPosted: Fri May 20, 05 10:34 pm
by Bob
I'm a Mormon.

Sucks to be you. Now I can have choice 1, 2 AND 3 from here..

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 05 10:36 pm
by AlexDenton
are you actually?

like Salt Lake City style?

plus, get on MSN!

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 05 10:39 pm
by Bob

I moved west just before the Goldrush of '49 with my fellow revolotionaries.

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 05 10:42 pm
by AlexDenton
i floated to El Salvador with Jesus in a zero desnity eggshell

PostPosted: Sat May 21, 05 8:24 am
by Jeoh
I used my magical moderator powers to make the spam stop.
So, yes, please stop the spam.

(I was launched from a planet called 'Orny to my current house. I still have the hole in my roof)

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 05 6:23 pm
by ~{17}~JIN~
Ghost Guest wrote:USA sucks

boo for usa

because usa is ghey

and i'm probably going to get hanged for treason for this :S

huh??? wtf???

USA owns all

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 05 6:52 pm
by AlexDenton

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 05 6:55 pm
by ~{17}~JIN~
NEIN!!!! :lol:

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 05 6:58 pm
by AlexDenton
USA doesnt own

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 05 7:27 pm
by clyzm

all your base r belong 2 us

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 05 11:14 pm
by ~{17}~JIN~

Bush sucks balls but not USA.

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 05 11:36 pm
by clyzm
usa sucks

and i'm aware of that nub

all your base are belong to us

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 05 11:40 pm
by AlexDenton
whether he lives there or not shouldnt determine his liking for the place

i live in the UK and i dont like it here

john, you have to understand that USA's qualities and beliefs are all based on a pack of lies.
they claim as a country to be FREE and seekers of justice, but it is proven that they have thrown away those values to go on an empire-extending war
its ridiculous

what is worse is that they get away with it, and a minority of americans actually see what is going on, because of the near brainwash kids receive at school

the majority of american kids are given a mind set by their parents and teachers, and live a lie for the rest of their lives, deprived from the truth. they are swarmed with different kinds of propaganda, given half truths, and given only the good side of the american story.

i bet you arent taught in school about the Vietnam war, or the campaign against Tehran and Iran. what about the recent campaigns in afghanistan and iraq?? what are you taught about that?

kick their ass and steal their gas?

think about things before you believe what your glorious elders tell you

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 05 11:42 pm
by clyzm
and when i said "im well aware of that nub"

i mean bush

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 05 11:47 pm
by AlexDenton

you have to remember that bush is just a puppet

Rumsfeld, cheney and Rice all used bush as a puppet president so that they could have control... well not really cheny, but the other 2

you see, bush, being the texan son of an ex-president, had major chances of getting voted in
therefore, Rice and Rumsfeld stuck to him, and when he was voted in, those 2 took control, and have been in control since his first day in term!

they make all the decisions, they start the wars, they kill the millions

but they do it in the comforting knowledge that any of their mistakes will be landed on Bush