Moderator: Forum Guards
maxtor01 wrote:Yea virtual memory! the head seeks STRONG left and right and THE command makes you have to reboot when your eatmemmed. so u may have to repair windows if it screws up install and i didnt say he could shut it down (my uncle is arrogent). and i BACK up like no tomorrow!
[FGS]Zeitgeist wrote:littleplaya is close, fucking moron.
Our idea of extreme insults are bullying our forum users over their forum member's disability, personal information and especially race.
~[A]Kaiden~ wrote:[FGS]Zeitgeist wrote:~[A]Kaiden~ wrote:but will always have [A]lpha in them
You came to my server aliased as Player_223 while I was running LHKIP and started saying how stupid it was of me to run it when Alpha had their awesome server side mods.
Please try to read posts properly.I sometimes use PlayerI generally use different [A] namesalways have [A]lpha in them
So, If I'm using a name, it will have [A]lpha tag in it, unless it's Player, get it? Post something useful or don't.
guess who this is wrote:No you didn't, liar.
! wrote:liar liar liar liar lair. ECHO...................................
maxtor01 wrote:Ive been given 2 warnings on this topic the second was rightly so but the first one i feel was not justified. the first one was given when i said "lol" as spam by alex.
the second one was given for double post. that was rightly given.
was the first one justified? many thanks maxtor01 ... c&start=30
LTKJAY wrote:maxtor01 wrote:Ive been given 2 warnings on this topic the second was rightly so but the first one i feel was not justified. the first one was given when i said "lol" as spam by alex.
the second one was given for double post. that was rightly given.
was the first one justified? many thanks maxtor01 ... c&start=30
I think both warnings were suited.
AquaShock wrote:Stop looking at child porn klop!
Mr.Fagstix wrote:This is why I fucking hate you. Because somehow you manage to take somebodies posts, twist them against them, troll them and flame bait them and then you still get away with it? Is this forums management on fucking crack or some shit? Fucking SERIOUSLY.
Batchy wrote:I'm appealing against the recent warning Dae gave me for the following reasons:
1. That thread wasn't active much and i was merely bumping it.
2. I was keen to show my ability to copy and paste
Mr.Fagstix wrote:This is why I fucking hate you. Because somehow you manage to take somebodies posts, twist them against them, troll them and flame bait them and then you still get away with it? Is this forums management on fucking crack or some shit? Fucking SERIOUSLY.
Legion wrote:Just so happens I saw that post. Personally I think you're wasting your time appealing a post that was nothing more than spam.
Batchy wrote:Well it's not your concern what i appeal
[FGS]Majestic wrote:I would like to appeal the ban Shadowrunner has got. Reason: BONK doesn't seem very likely reason for a ban to me..