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Postby James » Wed Nov 28, 07 5:04 pm

If you do not understand a rule, or want to learn more about it, please click on the rule of choice.
  • <a href="#213075">No harsh or personal flaming</a>
  • <a href="#213076">No immature off-topic discussions outside of General Spam</a>
  • <a href="#213077">Spamming outside of General Spam will not be tolerated</a>
  • <a href="#213078">If banned, please wait out your sentence</a>
  • <a href="#213080">Do not make a alternative account, this will result in permanent ban on discovery, click for more information</a>
  • <a href="#213081">Do not do multi-post, there are a few exceptions however, click for more information</a>
  • <a href="#213082">Certain mature content is accepted, but must be listed in the topic title as [NSFW] as a tag before the actual title, click for more information</a>
  • <a href="#213083">You can't do EVERYTHING in General Spam, it is just for silly friendly brainless banter half the time</a>
  • <a href="#213084">Do not complain about the rules if you're issued a warning for breaking them, but use the rules against what you think is a unfair warning</a>
  • <a href="#223611">Your signature must only contain 3 lines, and only two of those lines can be images with the maximum sizes of 700x230 and a maximum file size of 200kb</a>

Remember to read all forum stickies for particular rules related to that forum!

Thanks for taking the time to read this, hopefully this will aid you upon conflicting with other users and our moderation teams and ensure you a happy stay here at alpha forums!
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Postby James » Wed Nov 28, 07 5:04 pm

No harsh or personal flaming

Flaming is the act of sending or posting messages that are deliberately hostile and insulting, usually in the social context of a discussion board on the Internet. Such messages are called flames, and are sometimes posted in response to flamebait. taken from wikipedia

On one hand, we promote heated discussions and rants, and maybe the insulting of a individual that does not belong to this forum but we draw the line at extreme insults. Our idea of extreme insults are bullying our forum users over their forum member's disability, personal information and especially race.

We also fall un-provoked group bullying (a group of users flaming a individual user together) into this category, although a few exceptions may arise if the user is indeed asking for it.
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Postby James » Wed Nov 28, 07 5:05 pm

No immature off-topic discussions outside of General Spam

I find this simple to understand, you can go off the subject the topic if you wish anywhere if there is a question you want to ask or to praise or discuss something, although with the later you're better off discussing this in another forum if you're reminded of it. ;)

If you still don't understand what I am trying to say, read this little fictional piece I have wrote up just for you.

    Theres a thread, the subject is about Deus Ex Endings
    Discussing the sequels endings in comparison is on topic, everyone is discussing the endings in detail and criticizing them.
    Discussing the fact you love choice ending in games and listing them is off topic but will be interesting to some users, thus prolonging the life of the thread.
    Someone mentions the dance party was the canon ending is a immature on-topic post, which is acceptable.
    Then comes along a (fictional) forum member Polk, he asks for help directing the user to his thread, not only is this off-topic but Polk also wasted a space in the thread advertising his super computer, this is classed as immature off-topic, even if presented formally, his actions are immature.
    Polk in anger with people ignoring him, starts spamming various internet phrases unrelated completely to Deus Ex Endings, a perfect example of a immature off-topic post.
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Postby James » Wed Nov 28, 07 5:05 pm

Spamming outside of General Spam will not be tolerated

Spam can be sorted under immature off-topic, but it can be a topic wrongly in place in the various forums that specialises in subjects.

We do NOT tolerate people posting stupid random stuff outside of the spam forum just to raise their post count, you're ruining the forum for us so please stop doing it.

One word posts are excused as long as they're acknowledging a post with a simple "yes", "correct" or "okay". "No" will need to have some information and reason why you said it, if not it will be classed as either spam or a flame.
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Postby James » Wed Nov 28, 07 5:05 pm

If banned, please wait out your sentence

There are ways to avoid this, such as alternative accounts, sharing another person's account if you're caught in either way you can risk a longer ban or a permanent ban of choice from the admins. If you're caught using another user's account he will suffer the same consequence as you, do not pull another under with you it is just pathetic.

Sometime we ban just to learn a lesson, these normally last a few days, 2 weeks or a month. We only want you to conform to the rules and not disturb other users and make them feel uncomfortable. Although people resist and and think they're top-notch by keep coming back as if it was nothing, learning nothing, it is good to say we erase every single member who thinks this. The entire community should be a team, they joined up to the forum to discuss they shouldn't come here to hassle the community. There are a few examples of egotistical people laying about, and it is not wise to support them at all.
Last edited by James on Wed Nov 28, 07 6:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby James » Wed Nov 28, 07 5:05 pm

Do not make a alternative account, this will result in permanent ban on discovery...

...there is no reason to subscribe as a new forum user anyway, you can change your name anytime you like and if you're banned you'd just get banned straight away again upon discovery.

Although, you may want relative or a room-mate on the forum who use the same computer. If you want to do this CONTACT us first and you will need to provide us proof, my advise is that you send us a picture of you and your relative next to your personal computer with our website or forum on its monitor. Then you may register another account.
Last edited by James on Wed Nov 28, 07 7:17 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby James » Wed Nov 28, 07 5:06 pm

Do not do multi-post, there are a few exceptions however... may post again without anyone replying to you with a update after a certain important update, for example if its a live news story you may post again as much as you like as long as its SOMETHING of decent amounts adding onto it, if its anything else you will have to wait at least 180 minutes.
NO multi posting should be to bump a topic, ever, you have to at least give a update.

There is no such rule against topic revival, unless if its a bump, but this isn't against reviving topics, because we hope you'd post something worthwhile to even dig it up.

And then theres multi-posting just to spam, these are not accepted at ALL.
Last edited by James on Wed Nov 28, 07 7:41 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Postby James » Wed Nov 28, 07 5:06 pm

Certain mature content is accepted...

Examples of this includes mild real/illustrated gore (a man bleeding or a game character pierced with a sword for example), gross things, and sexy women/men in clothing not showing any nudity etc.

We'd prefer if you make a topic about the allowed topics marked with a [NSFW] tag before the title, example: "[NSFW] Man with no arms but fingers coming out of the stumps"
If you want to post it in a existing thread and its kind of on-topic, please only post the link with the tag next to it.

(NSFW = Not safe for work place enviroments, we do not wanna lose our jobs or the innocence in our mother's eyes.)

We strongly disagree with excessive gore, real or not, shock site material, gross things done with the sexual parts of a body, nudity etc.
(Yeah, no nudity, we don't accept women's delicious flat/big breasts or a topless waxed oiled man on this forum, even if covered up. I'm sorry but I fought for women's tits but apparently because of equal rights and the fact male users will cry if we had Tin'ead from Brookie naked in five threads.)

If you break these rules, expect warnings on sight.
Last edited by James on Wed Nov 28, 07 7:43 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Postby James » Wed Nov 28, 07 5:06 pm

You can't do EVERYTHING in General Spam, it is just for silly friendly brainless banter half the time

To keep this simple, we do not want you to spam ridiculous topics, before you make a topic, make sure it will make people laugh and stop using references from other websites, most people do not find internet memes or fads to be funny in this day and age.

We also keep most of our rules in that forum too, it is still moderated.
Last edited by James on Wed Nov 28, 07 7:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby James » Wed Nov 28, 07 5:06 pm

Do not complain about the rules if you're issued a warning for breaking them, but use the rules against what you think is a unfair warning

Most of the time, we think you're being stupid for even appealing them so we'd warn you further for it because of the way you react, our form of moderation in this forum is to silence and punish members, so we're further silencing them. We don't care if you're not scared of warnings either, we'd still issue them.

But if you think its really unfair, post it here:
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Postby James » Tue Feb 19, 08 10:03 am

Your signature must only contain 3 lines, and only two of those lines can be images with the maximum sizes of 700x230 and a maximum file size of 200kb

Everything in that rule is pretty much how simple it is, however, examples:
example1.JPG (21.63 KiB) Viewed 50773 times
example2.JPG (21.5 KiB) Viewed 50773 times
example3.JPG (38.97 KiB) Viewed 50773 times
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