Upon many requests the limit has been lifted. From now on you can edit your posts at any time.
Abusing this ability — such as correcting your post to make fun of other people — is strictly prohibited.
Thanks for attention.
Moderator: Forum Guards
Allan wrote:Ah crap. I must've strike-throughed the wrong thing.
I this 180 minute edit limit...
Dae wrote:Upon many requests the limit has been lifted. From now on you can edit your posts at any time.
Abusing this ability — such as correcting your post to make fun of other people — is strictly prohibited.
Thanks for attention.
Longc[A]t wrote:I still think Dae is a russian spambot.
~[A]Daedalus~ wrote:There will be a day when my patience goes away and you, along with all who rant with you, will get banned.
ô¿ô¥[GODZ]¥NOCHANC wrote:I can ban any one I want ANY time I want. You have no rights here.