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Postby Shinobi » Tue Mar 15, 11 8:39 pm

Chatroom - less about DXMP, more about the people who make it up.



Also a lightweight version available no cams that could be nicely integrated into [A] forums... ??
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Postby James » Tue Mar 15, 11 9:42 pm

What kind of shitty chatroom is that?, and what does it have to do with Deus Ex network?

Move thread somewhere else tbh m8 maybe spam because that's a god damn bad chatroom

Also see the STEAM chatroom steam://friends/joinchat/103582791430398885 , let me give you a taste below, these cunts were talking about fucking chairs before Danny pointed out this thread.

8:17 PM - UNCLE CLIX N STUFF: http://www.cloudave.com/wordpress/wp-co ... ddf63d.jpg
8:17 PM - UNCLE CLIX N STUFF: (need to find a few pictures of terrible ergonomics)
8:17 PM - Jorkell: artifacts as in these strange rocks found in zone in proximity of anomalies, usually
8:17 PM - UNCLE CLIX N STUFF: what u think of these chairs m8
8:17 PM - Jorkell: like i heard you could make yourself bulletproof in vanilla lol
8:17 PM - Bale: nevermind that what about this chair
8:17 PM - Bale: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_6gy-5UfMPqI/S ... pchair.jpg
8:18 PM - UNCLE CLIX N STUFF: thats not ergonomically bad bale
8:18 PM - UNCLE CLIX N STUFF: thats pr0
8:18 PM - Bale: :]
8:18 PM - Jorkell: Za would love it
8:18 PM - UNCLE CLIX N STUFF: just wondered if you lot thought the same about those chairs i just pasted
8:18 PM - UNCLE CLIX N STUFF: that they'd be terrible
8:18 PM - Jorkell: welll
8:18 PM - Jorkell: first thing
8:18 PM - Jorkell: i wouldn't sit on one because it seems not comfortable
8:19 PM - Jorkell: the shape is shitty and doesn't make it a practical chair
8:19 PM - Jorkell: and it looks fragile
8:19 PM - Jorkell: like
8:19 PM - Jorkell: i'd break it in a week
8:19 PM - Bale: pff
8:19 PM - Bale: it looks like a silly art chair
8:19 PM - Bale: which wouldnt be good for normal sitting
8:19 PM - Bale: but
8:19 PM - Jorkell: I'm picky about me chairs
8:19 PM - Bale: it looks like you're supposed to lay back and put your feet up on something
8:19 PM - Jorkell: I'm sitting on a nice office chair with wheel atm of course
8:19 PM - Bale: to make it comfortable
8:20 PM - UNCLE CLIX N STUFF: itll be good enough as an example of what is just bad to sit on
8:20 PM - Bale: are you gonna have an example of the best chair afterwards
8:20 PM - Bale: http://www.leninimports.com/allen_jones_gallery_4.jpg
8:21 PM - Jorkell: Not too comfortable but gians in esthetics

Sat here like what. I go afk for an hour and I get fucking weird as fuck chairs plastered in my face.

I want the sheep chair tbqh
Last edited by James on Tue Mar 15, 11 9:45 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Postby Shinobi » Tue Mar 15, 11 9:52 pm

Wrong fucking link, typical me.

I'll sort it later. Never seen much activity in the steam group tbh
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Postby Aidan » Thu Mar 17, 11 3:18 am

What he's getting at is that you can connect, and add with Deus ex players via the dxmp steam group to chat with, instead of using some shit chat.
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