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Forum: how to make signature like this?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 05 8:48 am
by Zondartul
how do I make signature look like this?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 05 9:03 am
by Dae
No way.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 05 1:29 pm
by Zantinzuken
What you could do, is the other picture(not the xfire one) you could edit that and add the other image that you want to it, then just keep resizing till you get it right.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 05 2:49 pm
by Zondartul
Can you give me some links to sites that privide statistic images of that kind?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 05 3:04 pm
by Zantinzuken

I'd try a good photoshop tutorials site for things along those lines.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 05 3:25 pm
by Alistair
Or get a guy to make it and say your cool.