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PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 06 1:36 am
by clyzm
Well, I actually thought you were a true Death metal fan. Turns out your just a hard-ass thinking you're always right. Oh well, more English practice I guess.

What clan forum are you posting on? You must be leet as fuck with your numbers. That was nothing to do with you.

You're not god if you're the moderator - lol, not even moderator - of a forum or if you join the clan. You're just another major hypocrite with a fucking attitude.

Do you think i like everyband and genre?

Lol, you must be stoned. Lay off the coke for a while.

My primary favourite genre's are Death Metal, Thrash Metal, Industrial Death Metal, Industrial Metal.

Lol, as you said:

i don't give a shit

So your saying that if you like something you MUST like what was before?

Lol where do you come up with these crazy ideas? It's funny to see a low-brained idiot talk crazy shit like this. I never said you must like it, I just said that you need to have some respect for them. Iron Maiden and Black Sabbath, you need to have some goddamn respect for them, instead you go off saying a band is better than them. Thrash is not metal. Death metal is not metal. Industrial is not metal. Iron Maiden and Black Sabbath are metal. So, who's the hypocrite here, your or me? Lol, I can't believe how easy it is to use your contradictions against yourself.

Hmm, i don't see you bragging about your punk bands? ALOT of people were listening to punk and went one step further. Minus your shitty rock bands.

Lol, whoever said Ozzy and Maiden were influenced by The Clash? Go fuck yourself with a rake, seriously, I don't give a shit who you are or how much power you think you have, you're just another fucker disrespecting metal. Go listen to Rap, that's a better genre for you as you know obviously NOTHING about metal other than it's "loud music."

Did you not just say i wasnt ready for metal?

Yes I did. You can make a list for 5 pages of metal bands you listen to, it doesn't matter, you know nothing of the metal genre.

And whilst we are all teaming together lets get emo in the mix. It will be a multicultural haven. People will always hate each other, and because there is noone that likes rap on this forum that i know of, who will we fight?

Preferably the genre, not someone that loves a genre. You can't just assault somebody when they've done nothing wrong but listen to their music and then start a flamewar over that fact. Let's wait for a cocky shithead to say "rap owns your stupid metal", and then we're talking.

*cough cough* I'm not stereotyping no one.

You are stereotyping, uh, let's see, the entire genre of metal? *cough sneeze flip middle finger cough*

I take it you changed your mind about their lyrics? And i take it you know rammstein personally. Devoted? Before Reise, Reise they hated each other and had split. Devoted band here.[ /quote]

LOL LOL! YOU MUST BE AN IDIOT WHEN IT COMES TO RAMMSTEIN! Rammstein had never hated each other over Sehnsucht and Herzeleid, and ESPECIALLY MUTTER; that was an album much better than Reise Reise. They had never split you dumbass.

Godflesh are a brummie indutrial band "mate".

Lol. I swear that is the worst respond I have heard anyone say. Metal is the keyword there. Iron Maiden and Black Sabbath are highly influential throughout all subgenres through metal, be it criminal or alcoholic or industrial. Lol, dolt.

Well no shit, it is my opinion of good metal. Musical taste is all about opinion, or do you just follow on?

Don't use the "its my opinion, thats what this is all about" card, it's slightly overrused by pathetic dolts who can't think of anything to reply against. So basically, you just said until death metal or thrash metal, the already-godlike bands made are shit? Lol, calling me stereotypical xD

1yr, problem? I've been in the clan for like two and half years. Don't be a cocky little bastard, safe behind your screen. In life you would not dare say shit to anyone im guessing.

Lol, bringing out the IRLs in here. I swear your as pathetic as a guy who says "ID KILL U IN REAL LIFE MOTHERFUCKER I CAN OWN U CUZ I CAN BEAT U UP FUGGA". Go fuck yourself racist bastard. You're another idiot who can go fuck his friend with your bad industrial metal.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 06 1:46 am
by Psykorgasm
You make no sense what so ever...

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 06 1:57 am
by C:Enter:£££
lmao i really cannot be arsed with this anymore. i was taken off moderator because i went inactive. and i never said i would kill you, i said your a cocky little bastard online and i doubt you would do it in life. you wouldnt really would you. i think we touched a nerve talkin about iron maiden. touchy touchy. and your thing that everyone likes rap, i think your hiding something ;)

so how do u like my new fence?
i dont like men you do!

shut your cake hole because i would desecrate you :) go watch cartoons kid

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 06 5:00 am
by clyzm
Lol possibly the best comment by two stoners is the word "the" :)

Go listen to Barney fagtarts, metal is too an adult genre for you little children.

Oh, one more thing:

Please be so kindly as to do this one thing in which God himself couldn't said better:

Fuck off.

Ah, pathetic stoners, how easy they are to flame and how stupid their remarks are.

Make me look stupid in whichever way you want; edit my posts or even go as low as to put a seemingly "hypocritical" quote in your sig; either way it won't affect me at all.

'Ard lol. Tell me, where are you right now? Are you a Uker? xD I have never seen such a derogatory comment like that "this dude thinks hes 'ard".

Say what you want, you and your stupid friend both, I couldn't really give a shit. I have more important things to do than sit in a comp arguing with two people whom I don't even know in front of a screen.

Yes, I flame IRL, you think I wouldn't do that? xD

Grow up children. Really. Get out of your pajamers and start puberty for once.


PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 06 12:32 pm
by Krieg
arch enemy , after forever and evanescence own ;D ;D ;D

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 06 8:07 pm
by Snakey
I don't care much for the oversized posts.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 06 10:23 pm
by clyzm
Me neither. Lol, I actually like Fear Factory. xD

And I'm really getting away from Rammstein. They suck now tbh, but Benzin, Feuer Frei and Adios are the only songs I still listen to.

Lol, you guys think your 'ard 'cus you listen to death metal? Tell me, ever try listening to brutal death metal, extreme death metal and technical death metal? Or brutal extreme death metal?


PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 06 10:30 pm
by Krieg
does that excist :shock: , that's heavy :shock: , kkeeeewwll :D

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 06 10:44 pm
by clyzm
SHADOW. wrote:does that excist :shock: , that's heavy :shock: , kkeeeewwll :D

Yes it does :D

Payne sent me an Immolation song, and I could already tell I was in love with the genre - but, sadly, I lost that song in the recovery :(

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 06 10:52 pm
by Snakey
And you can't re-download it because...?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 06 11:15 pm
by clyzm
[GODZ]Snakey~ wrote:And you can't re-download it because...?

... it's not popular and limewire is gay?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 06 11:41 pm
by Snakey
It doesn't have to be popular.. A search for "Immolation" comes up with 203 results.

I managed to find Maaya Sakamoto's "Another grey day in the big blue world" for Choco on it, and that isn't an easy song to find.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 06 11:46 pm
by clyzm
[GODZ]Snakey~ wrote:It doesn't have to be popular.. A search for "Immolation" comes up with 203 results.

I managed to find Maaya Sakamoto's "Another grey day in the big blue world" for Choco on it, and that isn't an easy song to find.

Not really the band.

I can't redownload it because torrentspy only has good seeders on popular downloads.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 06 11:58 pm
by Snakey
You're right, not all the band, about 3 results were for some Star Wars music thingy.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 06 5:58 am
by C:Enter:£££
damn you're a little prick. i don't consider myself 'ard, i can just look after myself, and all what you said in the post was reworded from mine and reused. who do you flame in real life, kids? fucking nerd. and im not a stoner. i prefer to go out and get pissed. :gj:

PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 06 7:27 am
by clyzm
[A]MoshMan wrote:damn you're a little prick. i don't consider myself 'ard, i can just look after myself, and all what you said in the post was reworded from mine and reused. who do you flame in real life, kids? fucking nerd. and im not a stoner. i prefer to go out and get pissed. :gj:



PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 06 3:43 pm
by payne2themax ... d.mp3.html

There it is again, although I'm not sure it's the same song or not.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 06 7:53 pm
by clyzm

Btw payne, the song you sent me was Put My Hand in the Fire. But this song owns, too ^_^

PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 06 2:22 am
by C:Enter:£££
Omg asif! You must want a medal?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 06 3:22 am
by clyzm
[A]MoshMan wrote:Omg asif! You must want a medal?


What concern is it for you? Keep your nose out of other people's business :roll:

PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 06 5:39 am
by C:Enter:£££
LOL nice one :p

PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 06 7:31 am
by clyzm
[A]MoshMan wrote:LOL nice one :p

More of them at xD