Tweaking your Deus Ex

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Tweaking your Deus Ex

Postby Dex » Tue May 13, 08 5:54 pm

<center>Enhanced Renderers For Deus Ex</center>

First of all you must choose whether to use Direct3D or OpenGL renderer.

NOTE: If you have problems with your renderer, please read this: [A] Knowledge Database - Changing Rendering Devices



OpenGL Beta Build Renderer
Beta renderer builds. Not recommended for general use.
This renderer adds new experimental lighting features for meshes. It contains a new mesh drawing function that hopefully draws everything almost exactly like the old one when the other new features are not activated. However, this is a beta build and testing all cases is difficult, so it may have some rendering bugs.

<center>Renderer Settings</center>

Browse to your DeusEx\System folder and open DeusEx.ini
Find [WinDrv.WindowsClient] and apply these changes:

Code: Select all
WindowedViewportX=640 // Windowed resolution (Viewport X)
WindowedViewportY=480 // Windowed resolution (Viewport Y)
WindowedColorBits=32 // Screen brightness, leave 0.5 for best quality
FullscreenViewportX=1280  // Full-screen resolution (Viewport X)
FullscreenViewportY=1024  // Full-screen resolution (Viewport Y)
FullscreenColorBits=32 // The color amont in full-screen resolution (16,32)
Brightness=0.500000 // Screen brightness, leave 0.5 for best quality
NoLighting=False // If this is set to [i]True[/i], there will be no lighting on things like walls, floor, ceiling, objects
MinDesiredFrameRate=1.000000 // The frames per second amount below which Deus Ex decreases quality for better performance
SkinDetail=High // Skin detail, set it to Low or Normal for higher performance
TextureDetail=High // Texture detail, set it to Low or Normal for higher performance

If you are using Direct3D 9, then find or create a line with [D3D9Drv.D3D9RenderDevice] and apply these changes:

Code: Select all
Description= // Video card name

ZRangeHack=True // An experimental option that can make the z-buffer work better for far away objects. Might cause unexpected problems, but doesn't seem to break anything major so far. Will fix problems with decals flickering in the distance with 24-bit z-buffers, which is the most you can get on many video cards. Doesn't help enough to make 16-bit z-buffers work correctly.

NumAASamples=8 // Makes the edges of surfaces look better, put it either to 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8. 0 is no AA, 8 is max AA. Putting this to an other value than 0 will hurt your performance, so recommended to keep it to 0, when you're in dire need of fps.

UseAA=True // Enables multisample antialiasing. Requires the GL_ARB_multisample extension.


MaskedTextureHack=False // Enabling this option can prevent rendering problems with masked textures when the same texture is applied to different polygons that do not have the masked attribute set consistently across all of them. Likely examples of masked texture problems are rendering errors with solid colored boxes around railings and trees that can often times be fixed with the flush command. There is some risk to using this option, which is why it's called a hack option. It's likely to be very safe, but not completely safe. Implementing it the completely safe way is a lot of extra work, so it uses the simple solution. If it does happen to fail, there will be some completely incorrect textures on some objects.


FrameRateLimit=0 // CPU controlled frame rate limiter in frames per second. Set to 0 to disable. (This won't work if your driver doesn't let the application decide on these options.)

SwapInterval=-1 // Controls V Sync. If set to the default value of -1, the default buffer swapping method is used. Set to 0 to disable V Sync. Set to 1 to enable V Sync. Set to higher values for one frame every N screen refreshes. Not all video drivers support values higher than 1.

UseVertexProgram=False // Enables vertex program mode. Consider this an experimental option. It can improve performance in some cases. It can also slow things down a lot if certain other settings are not configured correctly. It is likely to slow things down a lot if detail textures are enabled, but single pass detail texture mode is not enabled. It may not work correctly or may cause crashes with some video drivers.

TexDXT1ToDXT3=False // A workaround for poor image quality on NVIDIA GeForce1 - GeForce4 series hardware when using DXT1 format S3TC compressed textures. If enabled, converts all DXT1 textures to DXT3 textures on upload. This improves image quality on the previously mentioned NVIDIA hardware at the expense of twice as much texture memory usage for these textures. The NVIDIA DXT1 image quality problems or most noticeable on certain skybox textures. Keep this in mind when deciding whether or not to trade image quality for speed here. This option should not be enabled on any hardware that draws DXT1 textures with the same quality as DXT3 textures of course.

UseSSE=True // Controls the use of SSE instructions. Set to True to auto detect CPU and OS support for SSE instructions and use them if supported. Set to False to disable the use of SSE instructions.

BufferTileQuads=True // Enables buffering in the DrawTile path. May improve text rendering performance.

BufferClippedActorTris=True // Alters how certain actor polygons are handled, some of which happen to be clipped by higher level code. It's a tradeoff and it is unlikely to make much of a difference either way.

SinglePassDetail=False // Enables single pass detail texture mode. This should generally be the highest performance detail texture mode. It requires 4 texture units. It also requires the UseDetailAlpha option to be enabled.

SinglePassFog=False // Enables single pass fog mode. This should generally be the highest performance fog mode. It requires 3 texture units. It also requires support for either the GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 extension or the GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 extension.

ColorizeDetailTextures=False // Debug option for detail textures. If enabled, adds a green tint to detail textures.

DetailClipping=True // Enables the use of a somewhat experimental detail texture mode. It costs more CPU time, but may improve performance in fill rate limited situations.

UseDetailAlpha=True // Must be enabled for proper detail texture support.

DetailMax=0 // Set to 2 to enable a second detail texture layer. Set to 0 or 1 for standard one layer detail texturing if detail textures are enabled. The second detail texture layer will not show up unless SinglePassDetail is disabled.

RefreshRate=65 // Can be used to request a specific refresh rate when running full screen. If set to 0, a default refresh rate is used. If this value is set to an invalid or unsupported refresh rate based on video card or monitor capabilities, the renderer will fail to initialize.

MaxTMUnits=0 // Used to limit the number of texture units used by the renderer. Useful as a debug option. Disabled if set to 0.

NoFiltering=False // Can disable filtering on all textures. Useful as a debug option.

MaxAnisotropy=8 // Controls the use and level of anisotropic texture filtering. Disabled if set to 0. Should make no difference if set to 1 (isotropic texture filtering). If set to greater than 1, specifies the maximum degree of anisotropy to use for texture filtering.

Use16BitTextures=False //Selects lower quality and more compact formats for a number of textures, which will often speed things up. In many cases, there is only minor quality loss. In other cases, like with various skyboxes and coronas, there is often major quality loss.

UseS3TC=False // Enables the use of high resolution S3TC compressed textures if they are installed.

UseAlphaPalette=False // A workaround for very old buggy GeForce drivers. If set to False, will not upload masked textures as paletted. If there is hardware support for paletted textures, this option should be set to True unless it causes any problems.

UseTrilinear=False // Controls the use of trilinear texture filtering.

UsePrecache=False // Controls texture precaching. Texture precaching may improve performance by initializing internal data structures for a number of world textures and most likely getting them loaded into video memory at level load time. It will also slow level loading down some.

UsePalette=True // Controls the use of paletted textures. If there is hardware support for paletted textures, using them can significantly improve performance.

UseMultiTexture=True // Controls the use of multitexturing. Should always be enabled as the renderer has a few glitches when it is not. I might try to track these down some day. Due to the way some parts of the renderer are still written, it is likely to fail on any system without support for the GL_ARB_multitexture extension anyway.


OneXBlending=True // If enabled, matches what the D3D renderer does for blending in multitexture mode when applying lightmaps to world geometry. I can't say for sure which way is correct. In single texture mode, the D3D renderer does appear to do blending like the OpenGL renderer in single texture mode or multitexture mode without OneXBlending enabled.

GammaCorrectScreenshots=False // If enabled, will apply gamma correction to screen shots.


// Fine tuning parameters for gamma correction. These allow different offsets to be specified for each color channel. These offsets are never applied when gamma correcting screen shots, even if [i]GammaCorrectScreenshots[/i] is enabled.

GammaOffset=0.000000 // Offset for gamma correction. Can be used to adjust gamma correction even more if you hit the end of the Brightness slider in Video options. The default value of 0.0 causes no change. Use negative values for darker or positive values for brighter. If adjusting this setting for the first time, I'd recommend starting with small values such as -0.3 or 0.3.

LODBias=1.000000 // Allows mipmap selection bias to be adjusted. Use negative values to pseudo sharpen textures. Use positive values to blur textures and potentially improve performance at the expense of blurry textures.

DetailTextures=True // Enables detail textures.


RequestHighResolutionZ=True // Allows a high resolution Z buffer to be requested when running in a 16-bit color mode. It's a good idea to enable this option if running in 16-bit color because rendering problems can occur if a 16-bit Z buffer is used. Note that not all video cards support Z and color buffers of dissimilar bit depths.


If you are using OpenGL, then find or create a line with [OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice] and apply these changes:

Code: Select all

Translucency=True // Allows you to look through windows, shouldn't be disabled, even if you're struggling for performance, as it hardly affects performance

VolumetricLighting=True // Should be set to to true, setting it to false might make lightbuttons not work anymore (including your light augmentation)

ShinySurfaces=True // Setting it to false will make mirrors stop reflecting the environment.

Coronas=False // Setting it to true will cause street lights to have a glare around the light. Doesn't really affect performance, so put it to whatever you like.

HighDetailActors=False // Setting it to true will cause the actors to look more detailed, does affect performance quite a bit, so if you're struggling for fps, set it to false.

DetailTextures=False // Setting it to true will cause objects to look more detailed, affects performance as well, so if you're struggling for fps, set it to false.



UsePalette=True // You should experiment around with this, some GFX cards perform better when this is toggled on, others do not.
UseAlphaPalette=True // Should be set to True, unless you have a really old computer with very old buggy GeForce drivers
DoPrecache=0 // Changing the value to 1, will make DX precache the maps every time you load them, making you have a little fps boost. There seems to be a bug however, making it precache the map every time you go to menu, causing a lot of annoyance after a while.

UseTrilinear=False // Makes the textures look a bit more nice than before, effects performance though, so keep it to false when you're struggling for fps.
NumAASamples=0 // Makes the edges of surfaces look better, put it either to 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8. 0 is no AA, 8 is max AA. Putting this to an other value than 0 will hurt your performance, so recommended to keep it to 0, when you're in dire need of fps.

UseAA=False // Whether to use AA or not
FrameRateLimit=0 // Computer controlled frame rate limiter in frames per second. Set to 0 to disable.

SwapInterval=-1 // Controls V Sync. If set to the default value of -1, the default buffer swapping method is used. Set to 0 to disable V Sync. Set to 1 to enable V Sync.
DetailClipping=True // Enables the use of a somewhat experimental detail texture mode. It costs more CPU time, but may improve performance in fill rate limited situations.
RefreshRate=100 // Allows you to set a specific limit for your FPS to be at. (usually done, to lessen the strain on your computer) VSync has to be toggled on for this to work.

Use16BitTextures=True // Setting it to false will let you use 32 bit textures, which look better, but again decrease performance, set it to True, if you're struggling for FPS
UsePrecache=False // Changing the value to 1, will make DX precache the maps every time you load them, making you have a little fps boost. There seems to be a bug however, making it precache the map every time you go to menu, causing a lot of annoyance after a while.
LODBias=1.100000 // Putting this to a positive value, wil cut the detail of textures, if they're far away from you, which will avoid your fps dropping massively when looking at a big part of the map. Putting it to a negative value will make textures blur less at long range, causing them to look better, but it will cut on your performance massively, especially when looking at a big part of the map.
ZRangeHack=True // Setting this to true will fix problems with decals flickering at long range. Please note that this is a "hack" and can result in something not displaying properly.

For full description of these OpenGL values please visit: UTGLR Settings

If you are using the beta renderer for OpenGL and want to enable it's features please also apply these changes to [OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice]:

Code: Select all

Also need to make sure that UseVertexProgram and UseFragmentProgram are enabled for the interesting parts of the new features to work. If not, the new mesh path can still be used. This may be useful for helping to determine if certain parts of it contain any bugs. It may run a bit faster too.

After those are taken care of, find the new lighting related settings in the Rendering\OpenGL Support section in the Advanced Options window. Leave the light count related setting that defaults to 4 set to 4.

Made by Dextruktor

Special Thanks To:

- [A] Knowledge Database
- Chris Dohnal (
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Postby Bear » Tue May 13, 08 6:47 pm

Oh for goodness sake, just change the CP settings or get a new driver, the rendering does not lower fps dat much rofl.
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Postby Psycho » Tue May 13, 08 6:47 pm

Nice tutorial. Were did you copy and paste it from?
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Postby Alex » Tue May 13, 08 7:00 pm

~þsÿçhø~ wrote:Nice tutorial. Were did you copy and paste it from?

Most come from the 2 links he credited.
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Postby Psycho » Tue May 13, 08 7:09 pm

ah :wink: Now I see it, he has just added about 10 letters. You should say, "Gathered from these following websites."
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Postby Dex » Tue May 13, 08 8:26 pm

9.5 out of 10 parts of that text is copied, other wrote by me (0.5)
But still is a tutorial, so it doesn't matter, does it?
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Postby Gishank » Wed May 14, 08 1:35 pm

It's like this...

You make a Mod for a game... You then claim that you made the original Game including the mod. Kay?
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Postby Psycho » Wed May 14, 08 5:44 pm

Not really he credited the others.
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Postby Dex » Wed May 14, 08 6:08 pm

I hereby announce that I did not make the game nor the mods nor the renderers....
.... klop...
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Postby Alex » Wed May 14, 08 6:32 pm

Gishank wrote:It's like this...

You make a Mod for a game... You then claim that you made the original Game including the mod. Kay?

I made Deus Ex. Five times.
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Postby Dae » Wed May 14, 08 6:59 pm

^ the man speaks truth
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Postby Dex » Wed May 14, 08 7:29 pm

I helped Alex made Deus Ex. I was the kid in Battery Park.
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Postby Psycho » Wed May 14, 08 7:30 pm

OMG, Alex owns Deux Ex,! :P
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Postby Alex » Wed May 14, 08 7:37 pm

~þsÿçhø~ wrote:OMG, Alex owns Deux Ex,! :P

Yes, I do. Why do you think I have developed so many fixes for Deus Ex?
Eidos didn't quit supporting Deus Ex, I am Eidos!
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Postby Psycho » Wed May 14, 08 7:37 pm

Aleidos? x is for affect?
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Postby Alex » Wed May 14, 08 7:46 pm

~þsÿçhø~ wrote:Aleidos? x is for affect?

I ran Eidos at the time of DX1. When DX2 was developed, they wanted to make a tribute to me, thus they named the main character Alex Denton.
And not Aleidos. Just Eidos.
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Postby Psycho » Wed May 14, 08 8:01 pm

But you didn't make IW because it sucked so much?
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Postby Alex » Wed May 14, 08 8:43 pm

~þsÿçhø~ wrote:But you didn't make IW because it sucked so much?

Just as you I wasn't satisfied by Deus Ex 2. But this is mainly because of the lack of editing features. If the game would've been editable, it could've been changed. Entirely. MultiPlayer could've been added, unbalanced things could be changed. I told them not to do this with Deus Ex 3, in case they were going to make it.

Now they are making Deus Ex and it seems they didn't listen to me.
Since Deus Ex 2 was a failure for them (profit-costs) they didn't want to risk a lot because of Deus Ex 3. That is why they didn't choose UnrealEngine, as that costs around 300 to 600k. This is also why Deus Ex 3 will not become my next favourite game, as I want a game to have both multiplayer and modding abilities.
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Postby Psycho » Wed May 14, 08 8:50 pm

300 to 600k.
Surly, they could afford that. Come to think of it, if it had UEngine and MP they would make a great profit.
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Postby Dex » Wed May 14, 08 8:56 pm

It would be really cool if Alex was Mr. Eidos here. And that tribute was made during DX1 (Area 51 Labs).
And at the time of Deus Ex 1, Alex was 10 years old or something like that.
Last edited by Dex on Wed May 14, 08 9:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Psycho » Wed May 14, 08 9:02 pm

That is almost imposible though.
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Postby Dex » Wed May 14, 08 9:06 pm

No ~þsÿçhø~, it IS IMPOSSIBLE.
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Postby Alex » Wed May 14, 08 9:07 pm

Dextruktor wrote:No ~þsÿçhø~, it IS IMPOSSIBLE.

Thing is, it's the truth. I am one of the makers of the current Deus Ex 1.
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Postby Psycho » Wed May 14, 08 9:08 pm

Acctually, no It could be possible. HE was taught on UED since like 3 years old, like you learn your own language, and was super intelligent, and obviously had help, but its almost imposible.
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Postby Alex » Wed May 14, 08 9:09 pm

Alex wrote:
Dextruktor wrote:No ~þsÿçhø~, it IS IMPOSSIBLE.

Thing is, it's the truth. I am one of the makers of the current Deus Ex 1.

So are many others. We all developed something for Deus Ex. Thus we are all the makers of the current Deus Ex 1.
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Postby Psycho » Wed May 14, 08 9:11 pm

Very true acctually. They done a half finished job, and you and a few others e.g Dae and Nobody have finished it off, thankfully :)
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Postby Dex » Wed May 14, 08 10:33 pm

Yes Alex, but you're not Eidos.
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Postby Psycho » Wed May 14, 08 10:41 pm

Without Alpha, Eidos would be fucked up over 10 times.
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Postby Dex » Wed May 14, 08 10:43 pm

Exactly. But Alex isn't Eidos itself.
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Postby Survive. » Wed May 14, 08 11:50 pm

Alex is Sodie
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