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Hosting issue - Laggy/choppy when running, but not when walking.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 09 6:19 am
by WeeCrab
My friend wants to host a dedicated DXMP server.

I am able to host a dedicated server, but my upload isn't that great. I am able to join my own dedicated server by opening DeusEx again and it doesn't seem to cause any issues (aside from the fact that it probably lags the server itself a bit more than usual since my computer is also processing the client when I do that).

My friend's problem is when he joins his own dedicated server, he moves around all choppy on his screen when he runs, but moves smoothly when he walks. If I remember correctly, this is a really old problem with a simple solution (like one true/false setting), or some toggle-able setting. I am pretty sure it's supposed to be the other way around - it's supposed to chop around strangely when you WALK - but is smooth when you run.

Does anyone know the fix? Much appreciated.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 09 9:11 am
by Alex
Tell him to shut down as many programs as possible (so no winamp/iTunes active etc) when he starts his server & his Deus Ex.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 09 2:39 am
by WeeCrab
Hmm, thanks but it isn't that - it's something specific with walking/running ... I'll never know now. :(

He reinstalled DX and the problem is gone. I specifically remember some hosts having this problem long ago (~2004)... where run was laggy but walk was smooth. Bah... this is going to bug me.. Oh well, it's fixed.