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HQ (New Vision) Textures In Multiplayer

PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 11 5:07 pm
by Shinobi
I'm in the process of making the new vision textures suitable for MP use. I've done CoreTexStone so far, just to give an example of how it can look.

I need help creating normal maps and height maps (see these files used to replace unatco stone tex:

This has to be done for every texture. Obviously it's fucking time consuming so it'll be a while.

I'll uploading some tonight so you can try it out. NOTE: Must be using's D3D10 (or 11) renderer for DX iin order to benefit from this.

more later


PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 11 9:23 pm
by China
Oh I suck I didn't have D3D10 renderer so ignore my comment in the other thread, really happy that you are doing this Shinobi, keep us updated and some shots would be ace.