DXMP clans and Deus Ex Links

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DXMP clans and Deus Ex Links

Postby Imperial » Mon Nov 13, 06 9:11 pm

Active clans

[3][tBoT][III] Triad [Forums] [Website]
{17} Clan Seventeen [Forums]
[A] Alpha [Forums] [Website]
[ARM] Armageddon[Forums]
[ATK] Armed to Kill [Forums]
{B} Beginining to your end[Forums]
[B2S]Born to Survive [Forums][Website]
[DIOS] Dios [Forums] [Website]
{D} Dragon clan[Forums]
[DXS]Deus Ex Soldiers[Forums][Website]
[E] Echo [Website]
(Edh) Esquadra Del Hierro[Website]
[EL] Elites and Legends [Forums]
[FGS] Fucking German Servers [Forums] [Website]
[HK] Hunterkillers [Forums]
^i Alien Intelligence[Forums]
[NK] Noob Killerz [Forums]
[N] Nostalgia [Forums] [Website]
[REN] Renegades [Forums] [Website]
[RTK] Ready To Kill [Forums]
[Shen] Shen Al' Cahar [Forums]
[T] Transcend [Forums]
[TSS] The Sleep Stalkers [Forums]
[V] Vendetta [Forums] [Website]
[XPS] Extreme Person Shooters [Forums]
[ZS] Zakon Swiatla [Forums]

Inactive clans
[XII] Majestic Twelve[Forums]
[CG] Common Ground [Forums]
{DXC} Deus Ex Council [Forums] [Website]
[JTB] Just the Basics [Forums]
MIB Men in Black [Forums]
[MTX] Matrix [Forums]
)P( Patriots [Forums][Website]
[U] Utopians [Forums]
[V] Vengeance [Forums] [Website]
[Z] Z Clan [Forums]

Mess clans

{CAKE} Can Augs Kill Emos Unkown Site
{TWEETY} http://tweety.mafiawar.biz/

Dead clans

[¥] Ascendancy [Forums]
[SKC] Skull Knights Clan [Forums]
[$] Mirage [Forums]
[4R] Forth Reich [Forums]
[7] 7th Sign [Forums]
[AOW] Act of War [Forums]
[AW] AW Clan [Forums]
[BBQ]BBQ clan Website
!ß! Brotherhood Of The Bloodhound [Forums]
[B2H]Born to Hunt[Forums]
[BH] BH Clan[Forums]
[B2S] Born to Survive [Forums]
[Bros] Brothers In Arms [Forums]
{D} Decide [Forums]
[Darth]Darth Clan [Forums]
[Darth] Darth Clan [Forums][Website]
[DAS] Das Clan [Forums]
[db]Decibels [Forums]
[DXH] Deus Ex Heroes[Forums]
[ER] Eternal Rest[Forums]
(EYE) Eyeris Clan [Website][Forums]
>FB< Fatal Brutality- [Forums]
{FSS} Fucking Scottish Servers[Forums]
[G] Guardian Clan[Forums]
[GODZ] GODZ Clan [url=www.godzserver.com[Forums]www.godzserver.com[Forums[/url] [Forums]
[IO] Illuminated Ones [Forums]
[i.T] Immortal Truth[Forums]
[JW] J Warriors [Forums]
<KICKASS> [Forums]
[L] Lethal Clan [Forums]
[M] Masqueradia [Forums]
[MADZ] [Forums]
[M3] Margin of Error [Forums]
[Om] Omega Clan[Forums]
{M} Majik Clan[Forums]
{P}Predator Clan[Forums]
{~PG~} Psychotic Gamers [Forums]
{Pk} PK Clan[Forums]
[R]Resurrection [Forums]
[RA] Reborn Assasnins [Forums]
[RAU]Rogue Assasins Unit [Forums]
[Sa]Sadistic Angels[Forums][Website]
{SMA} Stealth Masters Accademy [Forums]
[TSFB] Toxic Sheep Fight Back[Forums]
{WDX} WDX Clan [Forums]

Old School Clans- Clans which became inactive/left Deus Ex before the Making of this List)
[AK] [Website]
[BK] BlitzKrieg [Website]
[DEA] Deus Ex Assassins [Forum]
[DES] Deus Ex Assassins [Website]
[DK] Dread Knights [Website]
[DSCB]Dead Cows Strike Back [Forums][Website]
[N/A] Not Applicable [Website][Forums]
[W] Weird Warriors [Website]

___________Community Sites/Guides/___________________

[b]Deus Ex County County - http://www.offtopicproductions.com/dxcounty
DeusExGaming http://www.deusexgaming.com/
Deus Ex Machina http://www.deusex-machina.com/
Deus-Ex.net http://www.deus-ex.net/
DeusExNetWork www.deusexnetwork.com
Deus Ex Portal http://portal.deusexmultiplayer.com/
DXAlpha Knowledge Base www.dxalpha.com/kb
DXCBP Community Based Patch http://mtl.deusexgaming.com/
DXEditing Forums http://www.dxediting.com/forums/
DXEditiing Website www.dxediting.com
DXMN Deus Ex monthly NewsLetter www.dxmn.co.nr
DXMP Community Improvement Zone http://www.planetdeusex.com/dxmp/
DXMP.Net Deus Ex MP Tutorials and Guides www.deusexmultiplayer.com
DXMP Polish Community www.deusex.pl
DXSG Server and DXSG official Forums http://dxalpha.servegame.com/
Kais Server Forums http://kaiserv.ipbfree.com/index.php?act=idx
Host On Multiple Masterservers Guide www.freewebs.com/hostonmms
NetPointFocus Forum www.netpointfocus.co.uk/forum
Nuwen Descriptive Deus Ex Passage Site http://nuwen.net/dx.html
PlanetDeusEx www.planetdeusex.com/
PlanetDeusEx.ru http://www.planetdeusex.ru/
Shadowrunners Site http://shadowrunner.forumsplace.com/
The Sheep's Website
Smugglers Site http://members.fortunecity.co.uk/dmv27/
Tacks Guides http://tack.planetdeusex.gamespy.com/
Through the Looking Glass Deus Ex Discussion http://www.ttlg.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=75
Weapon DamageGuide
http://members.fortunecity.co.uk/dmv27/ ... p_wdg.html

__________Mod Sites______________

Caran D'Ache Anti Cheat mod http://dxalpha.com/carandache/index.php ... 772eaeb25b
Deus Ex Mods on Moddb http://games.moddb.com/14/deus-ex/mods/
DXMS Mappers Society Forums http://z14.invisionfree.com/DX_Mappers_ ... p?act=site
DXReborn http://dxr.deusexgaming.com/
DX:RPG Website http://rpg.dxalpha.com/
HDTP High Definition Texture Pack http://www.offtopicproductions.com/hdtp/
Hotel Carone Website http://www.carone1.de/HotelCarone/
MIB Men in black Website http://mib.deusexgaming.com/
Music Modules For maps http://modarchive.org/index_1.php
MMCity MainMans city RPG Website http://mmcity.offtopicproductions.com/
MMUserInterface http://www.dxalpha.com/projects/mm/userinterface
Project 2027 Website http://www.planetdeusex.ru/2027/
Reborn http://dxr.deusexgaming.com/
TNM The Nameless Mod http://www.tnm.offtopicproductions.com/
WOTGreal Editing for Unreal Engine http://www.wotgreal.com/

________________Downloads/Maps and Mods________________

Alpha Downloads http://download.dxalpha.com
AlrightyThen Maps and Mods http://www.freewebs.com/dxalrighty/
Derian X Maps http://www.planetdeusex.com/meetingplace/
Deus Ex Mp and Sp Maps http://deusex2.filefront.com/files/Deus ... layer;2413
DXC Downloads http://dxcdownloads.kcorphq.co.uk
FGS Downloads www.gravity-world.com (have to register) or
Fgs Downloads http://www.dxmtl.eu/
Geist maps http://geist_78.tripod.com/bubble-ex/index.html
GodzServer FileShare http://www.godzserver.invisionplus.net/
HelioWalton Maps http://www.planetdeusex.com/heliowalton/
Hitman Maps http://hitmans.50megs.com/
Mantras Maps http://www.freewebs.com/mantrasmaps/
Nochanc Downloads http://www.speakeasy.org/~nochance/DeusEx/
Phase's Maps http://www.geocities.com/fedbn/
Sikes Maps http://www.freewebs.com/dxsike/

Deus Ex 3 Official site www.deusex3.com
Deus Ex on Eidios Interactive
Deus Ex On steam http://www.steamgames.com/v/index.php?a ... 910&cc=US#
Deus Ex On Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deus_ex

_____________Old/Inactive Forums*________________

[DX-ST] Deus Ex Silent Terminators[Forums]
[IO] Illuminated Ones [Forums]
[Mav] Mavericks[Forums]
[Mav] Mavericks[Forums]
)P( Patriots [Forums]

Thanks to Ken (Random) for the layout.

*= Some clans in the inactive/old clan forums may still be alive, so this does not neccesarily mean they're dead if they are in this list, just that they have new forums.

Made with the help of Goddard and Baleout.
More recent than Bigdawgs one.
Sorry if I missed out on any. Will add more as discovered
Last edited by Imperial on Mon Jul 30, 07 4:35 pm, edited 239 times in total.
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Postby Dogboys » Mon Nov 13, 06 9:23 pm

Wow and mib isn't active...they don't even exist on your clan list...
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Postby Imperial » Mon Nov 13, 06 10:21 pm

You don't have forums and I generally only put up active clans that have forums.
But I'll put yous up nonetheless.
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Postby GuardianDevil » Tue Nov 14, 06 4:57 pm

~[N]ostalgia~ site with link to forums is www.nostalgiaclan.co.uk
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Postby Imperial » Sat Nov 18, 06 1:42 pm

Added Sa to active clans.
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Postby Lance100usa » Tue Nov 21, 06 4:56 am

I have the link to mib site it's http://mibdogboys.proboards57.com/ (please just have it the way I entered it.)
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Postby Imperial » Tue Nov 21, 06 5:41 pm

K thanks.
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Postby Imperial » Sun Nov 26, 06 6:20 am

Added [4] :P
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Postby Imperial » Fri Dec 08, 06 1:40 pm

FGS link for forums updated
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Postby ~{17}~JIN~ » Sun Dec 10, 06 6:13 pm

Turkey wrote:Added [4] :P

as mess around clans? Sorry to say but our clan is more then that. <_<

and heres the site link. http://www.freewebs.com/the4clan/index.htm
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Postby Imperial » Wed Dec 13, 06 9:37 pm

Added EYE to Active Clans and B2S to dead.
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Postby Imperial » Fri Dec 29, 06 2:55 pm

Added !B!, RTK, and BH to Active Clans, and I.T and RIA to dead.
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Postby Jon » Fri Dec 29, 06 3:14 pm

[FGS] Clan link needs sorting - no need to include gravity-world
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Postby Imperial » Fri Dec 29, 06 3:16 pm

Gravity world is the one that is working now, and the other is no longer working :?

lol I'll fix it.
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Postby Imperial » Fri Dec 29, 06 3:17 pm

Fixed FGS link (again) :P
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Postby synthetic » Fri Dec 29, 06 4:54 pm

funny, last i looked REN didnt have a single clan to fight in 0augs. And about 3 auged clans to fight. I guess it all depends on .. something..

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Postby clyzm » Fri Dec 29, 06 4:57 pm

Fight [4] or [Z]?
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Postby synthetic » Fri Dec 29, 06 5:04 pm

wtf is [4] and [Z] is just a joke.. O_o

this wasnt ment as a flame, i dont play dxmp with my eyes closed. after taking a good look around i couldnt find any clan to fight.

right now its irrelevant as the slovenian fuck has shut dx down pretty much, but just thought id mention how i find the list rather amusing.

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Postby clyzm » Fri Dec 29, 06 5:05 pm

[4] is a clan that my brother made, you may know him as Majin.

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Postby clyzm » Fri Dec 29, 06 5:39 pm

What the hell is [RTK]?
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Postby [Om]Angelus » Fri Dec 29, 06 5:54 pm

Speaking of which... who the heck ar [Sa]
I think i saw them awhile ago, but there server hasnt been up in ages.
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Postby synthetic » Fri Dec 29, 06 6:18 pm

unless they like playing augs and like playing by themselves I guess they just moved on like everybody else.

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Postby Imperial » Fri Dec 29, 06 6:25 pm

They really aren't in dx, on their forums, it's a non-supported game, no forum for deus ex or anything.

The whole list covers all clans, to the best of my knowledge, those that are around at the moment, whom have forums.
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Postby Magus » Sat Dec 30, 06 4:30 pm

IO = Illuminated Ones. Not Immortal Ones.
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Postby synthetic » Sat Dec 30, 06 6:11 pm

howd you know it isnt some other IO magus.. they have some new RTK in the list..

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Postby Imperial » Sat Dec 30, 06 7:02 pm

added FSS, Fucking Scottish Servers, replacement of the (EYE) clan o.O

Also altered link.
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Postby Imperial » Thu Jan 04, 07 2:35 pm

Added PNK to active clans, updated Mavs url link, and updated Zs forum link.

Also, added B2S to list of Dead clans.

EDIT: Added RIA to dead clans.
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Postby synthetic » Thu Jan 04, 07 5:17 pm

You make a good updater : )

Also, big LOL at the FSS.

I think easy way to know if clan is alive or not is to make sure if the clan is capable of getting team up for war.

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Postby Krieg » Thu Jan 04, 07 5:18 pm

We should make our clan tag FRS = Fucking Ren Servers !
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Postby Imperial » Fri Jan 05, 07 2:30 pm

Added [4R] to active clans, a follow-up of [3R]
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