In this topic you can download the latest Nephthys version. Make sure to check it from time to time to see if there are any updates.
(Added by Dae, the text below by Zora)
Here's the new Nephthys V1.4 alpha version which may handle the current attacks way better than the old one.
Key changes since V1.3
- RIJ attack detection
- Challenge/response connection checking
- Quiet bans (no message, no log)
- Self-deleting bans (after a configurable time)
- Subnet attack detection and banning
- Max. number of players per IP configurable
- List overlapping ban entries
- New options in connection status list
- HoldConnSeconds now is calculated automatically on map start
- Bug fixed at deletion of multiple ban entries at once
- 7-Zip doesn't need to be installed with Windows Administrator privileges to be recognized
- Smaller Nephthys.ini file
Very important
You must use NptServerQuery to get the full attack protection. There must not be a log line complaining about missing NptServerQuery in the server log console window after you started a server. Usually the installer will take care about it though (don't bypass that!).
Very important after upgrade from any older version:
Change these settings:
Advanced Options -> Nephthys -> Attacks -> DRJA -> ConnCountForDRJA = 50
Advanced Options -> Nephthys -> Attacks -> DRJA -> TimeDeltaForDRJA = 1
The current versions, the full feature list and the online manual are available at
After installation, the manual of the installed version is also available at "C:\DeusEx\Help\Nephthys Documentation.html" (or whatever you chose as target folder during installation).
Go on and get fun!

Old discussion thread
This particular post is updated when a new release comes out. The download below is the latest version of Nephthys!