Battlefield 3

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Battlefield 3

Postby Tejas » Fri Feb 11, 11 11:08 pm

Looks promising on the new frostbite 2 engine but 4 PC its only for Win 7 =/
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Postby James » Fri Feb 11, 11 11:09 pm

Vista or 7*

32bit is redundant, as bullshit directx10 was.
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Postby James » Fri Jun 10, 11 10:02 pm

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Re: Battlefield 3

Postby Aidan » Sat Jun 11, 11 1:06 am

Tejas wrote:Looks promising on the new frostbite 2 engine but 4 PC its only for Win 7 =/

You should get windows 7 then.

It IS the successor to XP.
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Postby James » Sat Jun 11, 11 9:28 am

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Postby Aidan » Sat Jun 11, 11 10:01 am


This will be interesting.
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Postby lfcjake » Sat Jun 11, 11 2:24 pm

Great if true. 8)
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Postby UT » Sun Jun 19, 11 4:41 pm

Again a fail FPS low skill game, lol.
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Postby James » Sun Jun 19, 11 4:46 pm

>implying ut4 wont have regen, slow speed, 2 weapons and be a third person GoW clone
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Postby James » Tue Jul 26, 11 12:46 pm


also, bloom=off in settings.ini
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Postby Aidan » Tue Jul 26, 11 1:53 pm

Oct 25th <3


BFBC2 for now though.. Need to brush up on my BF.
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Postby or 1=1 » Tue Jul 26, 11 1:54 pm

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Postby James » Thu Jul 28, 11 12:01 am

from what ive played in the alpha, its easier than call of duty :/
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Postby Aidan » Thu Jul 28, 11 1:30 am

James wrote:from what ive played in the alpha, its easier than call of duty :/

Is it more call of duty than call of duty is?
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Postby James » Thu Jul 28, 11 6:13 am

I'm so mad at this shit game. I just feel so disappointed that it's basically nothing like bf2. I know it's only an alpha, and I still have an interest in playing the bf2 maps to see what that's like, but seriously fuck this game, and unlucky to anyone who preordered.

I filled in the alpha survey I was so mad, here are some of my comments so you can understand why I hate it so much, most of them are basically just "it's not bf2"

While I feel that medic really should have the medkit to start with, it also feels somewhat pointless as you almost never get shot at and get to go recover health. Contrast this to BF2 where health kits were very useful, for one reason that you could actually tell in some way how much health you had.

It seems a bit pointless however to tell me that a teammate needs reviving when they are so far away from me that I could never get there in time if I sprinted the whole way and did not get shot at, maybe a distance indicator next to them?

I most often died to people from either miles away where I couldn't see them or get to cover, or to people shooting at the icons through bushes or something. When I came face to face with someone at closer range more I won nearly every time. I feel that players at long range having such an advantage of cover and suprise makes for very boring linear and forced gameplay where you can't really choose your own playstyle.

>11. When you died, did you know where the killer was?

Nearly always no. And most of the time even if I'm looking in the exact direction my hit indicators are I still can't see anyone there.

>15. How do you find the ease of movement as you run around on the battlefield? (Ease of movement: stuck, vault, jump, prone)

Putting debris everywhere makes for pretty and intricate map design, but when you get stuck on everything, or blocked by an inch high wall it's just stupid and irritating, especially if you are trying to run to cover or to avoid gunfire.

>16. Do you feel that the weapons overall feel powerful?

The way they sound and the visuals on them firing just makes them look and feel like cheap plastic toys, they don't feel like really powerful and destructive weapons. However in usage they are far too powerful, it's far too easy to kill people once you aim at them.

>17. How would you rate the game balance when the vehicle was being used?

Giving one team a vehicle and not the other is a very poor idea, maps shouldnt be balanced around giving one team an innate advantage. Maps don't have to be perfectly balanced, as playing both sides is fun, but this method of balance I detest.

>23. What’s your opinion regarding the combat pacing in the first base - The Park?

It's very open, with very poor cover, but you can also make yourself very hard to see as the defending team. However it's also very hard to defend the actual points as that involves making yourself very vulnerable as well. Overall it's just very boring and linear, no deep strategy is required, just move forwards along one of 3 predefined routes shooting at all the predefined areas an enemy can be. Very dull.

>24. What’s your opinion regarding the combat pacing in the second base - The Subway?

Too enclosed, this is the opposite of what a battlefield game should be like. People appear from too many different corners and hiding spots, it's a mess.

>27. Are your objectives clear at the first base - The Park?

I never actually went near the objectives themselves as the attacking side, I left this to my team and just shot at people. There is no desire to go towards the objective, it is not thrilling like capturing a point is in conquest. My feelings are that rush is a very poor game mode, and does not suit battlefield at all. It encourages very linear, very campy, very dull playstyles, and discourages teamwork and attacking the objective.

>35. What are your thoughts on the amount of cover in the first base - The Park?

It's full of cover, but it's always covering you from everything. You can be seen from far too far away, it isn't divided up into defending sections. From any one position you can see too much, and be seen by too much.

>36. What are your thoughts on the amount of cover in the second base - The Subway?

Again, you can be seen from too many places at once. No cover place is really that safe at all, and you can't control space effectively. If you try to use cover to take on one enemy you can always be seen by another somewhere else, you can never use cover usefully.

from a friend
agree with him 100% tho
and no the guy isn't shit at fps games, he is extremely good.
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Postby lfcjake » Thu Jul 28, 11 7:04 pm

Agree with all of them points, especially this one...
11. When you died, did you know where the killer was?

Nearly always no. And most of the time even if I'm looking in the exact direction my hit indicators are I still can't see anyone there.
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Postby Aidan » Thu Jul 28, 11 11:13 pm

Well damnit... it's alpha testing for a reason.


They could shape it into a great game with quality user feedback.

(I think..... Hopefully)
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Postby Jorkell » Fri Jul 29, 11 12:52 am

Actually made an account to call out all the bullshit, just pasting what i wrote in the steam chat anyway.

01:13 - Jorkell: >I'm so mad at this shit game, disappointed it's basically nothing like BF2
See what i said earlier about nostalgia goggles
01:15 - Jorkell: >While I feel that medic really should have the medkit to start with, it also feels somewhat pointless as you almost never get shot at and get to go recover health.

Nonsense since i literally back up to recover health from 20%/40% pretty often and judging on what i see as a medic so do others. My guess he's still saying this in a legit way though and just doesn't realise when he gets shot at so maybe carries on without healing first (the YOU GOT SHOT AT effect is very fast and small and thankfully there's no red jelly on screen)
01:15 - Jorkell: >for one reason that you could actually tell in some way how much health you had
Yeah see, he didn't see the health bar in the lower right corner, the dummy
01:16 - Jorkell: >It seems a bit pointless however to tell me that a teammate needs reviving when they are so far away from me
Agreed. But still, even as a medic you're only supposed to heal whoever is within your reach, so just forget them. Also good medic doesn't just rush in to heal, he first makes sure the enemy is dead.
01:17 - Jorkell: > or to people shooting at the icons through bushes or something
this simply cannot happen due to how the new markers work (they're still bullshit and hopefully gone in HC)
01:18 - Jorkell: >I most often died to people from either miles away
His fault, but at the same time it made me realise something: i often, i mean, really often see people who just look around and stand in the open waiting to be shot. Like all the time, especially in the park, you'll always see these guys hanging out from trees or shit like that. Well other people can see you, your fault if you get shot at.
01:19 - Jorkell: oh and while we're at "Stop calling the game shit because it's too hard for you" this covers your "too easy" as well. I myself get multikills quite often, but how is that the game's fault if the others play like shit? Stop carrying that argument over (even if i know it's just for your cheap so randum chat trollean)
01:21 - Jorkell: >you get stuck on everything, or blocked by an inch high wall it's just stupid and irritating
didn't encounter exactly that but feel like agreeing because at times it gets pretty fucking glitchy. The level design is still fine though, rather than run for cover you shouldn't find yourself out of it if you're not in a relatively safe area anyway
01:23 - Jorkell: >they sound and the visuals on them firing just makes them look and feel like cheap plastic toys
While i don't think i've ever experienced better gun feel than Killing Floor the sound is still an improvement over BC2, the sniper rifles and the MP-7 feel really shitey though. Also lol, even /k/ wouldn't fucking complain about the goddamn looks so he needs to stop hating the game for inconsistent stuff
01:26 - Jorkell: >Giving one team a vehicle and not the other is a very poor idea
war game making 101, if the attack gets a slight advantage it's just to make it fairer. He doesn't know what he talks about, not to mention a lot of rush maps in BC2 also have that (quit getting mad at rush, you can avoid playing but saying a BASIC attack the base mode is out of place is just ridiculous)
01:27 - Jorkell: lol eye fell on "extremely good" now, then how comes he fails at getting basic cover and understanding when the enemy is in a linear mode like rush? If anything complain about the fact rush alwyas puts the enemy in front of you, i would agree with that. Gotta say if he sucks at understanding where the enemy is in the metro map i strongly doubt he could be "extremely good" in conquest mode in any of the other games.
01:29 - Jorkell: >It's very open, with very poor cover
01:30 - Jorkell: partially agree if he talks about the higher side of the map (on the left of attackers) there's barely cover there. The lower part though is full of it. That's one thing i complained about a lot in the survey, they need to encourage people to populate the higher part of the map. Attackers need a slight amount of cover in the early section of it.
01:31 - Jorkell: >it's also very hard to defend the actual points
One of them is literally in a hole surrounded by slopes, that's the definition of "defendable
01:32 - Jorkell: forgot to say something about the vehicle complaints, the lav goes down like shit if any engineer targets it, not to mention it barely kills. Doubt you mounted the main gun or the machine gun it has in the half an hour you or him played but they're really shit and the fire effect is fucking ugly
01:35 - Jorkell: >Too enclosed
>people appear from too many different corners and hiding spots
Literally contradicts himself in the same period. Again, his fault for being bad. The fact it's enclosed gets compensated by the maze of corridor, the stairways, the minor rooms, the railway area which is a clusterfuck of cover and creating awesome gunfights between one side and another of it.

One thing they need to get called out for though is that the subway is exactly the area that needed penetration/destruction badly. The fact the wagons are bullet/rocketproof is shit when you pack stuff that blows walls down in areas where the map is coded for it
01:35 - Jorkell: >I never actually went near the objectives themselves as the attacking side
"Extremely good" at being the cancer of team based games.
01:36 - Jorkell: >it is not thrilling like capturing a point is in conquest
lol, more biased hate towards the game. What's the goddamn difference. If anything in conquest you have to stay until the flag is up, in this one you have to stay until the bomb is ready then defend it
01:38 - Jorkell: >It encourages very linear, very campy, very dull playstyles, and discourages teamwork and attacking the objective.
Yet defense team pushes like mad whenever they're given space (even the worst pub teams). I don't see how it discourages teamwork when your objective is ADVANCING TOGETHER TO SET UP A BOMB. The fact he's a shit player and doesn't feel like playing with the team is his problem
01:38 - Jorkell: more contradicting
01:38 - Jorkell: >You can be seen from far too far away, it isn't divided up into defending sections

>Too enclosed, this is the opposite of what a battlefield game should be like.

He's a dummy who doesn't even know what he wants.
01:40 - Jorkell: >Again, you can be seen from too many places at once


>No cover place is really that safe at all,
Doesn't this mean it DISCOURAGES campy playstyle?

>and you can't control space effectively

Seriously, i don't know about you James but KPW sounds just like a dumbass who couldn't figure the game for crap (if what you say about your killstreaks is true i guess you actually did figure it out, complain about killing too much? Well guess what, it's because the other team is full of KPWs)

Also forgot the "damage" part. Damage if anything is extremely similar to BC2 Hardcore mode now. Just like BC2 HC, it allows you to kill multiple people with the same mag and makes weapons that aren't sniper rifles effective at distance.

Disliking it is a matter of taste, i don't mind bullet sponges when it's sci-fi settings or tf2, but if the game's a war shooter that at least approaches war sims (as arcade as this is, battlefield is still the closest thing to them, or can you point out another title?) i prefer seeing the enemy go down WITHIN the first third of my magazine.

Stop being a dick about the things you don't like etc.
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Postby Aidan » Fri Jul 29, 11 3:03 am

Jorkell wrote:Actually made an account to call out all the bullshit, just pasting what i wrote in the steam chat anyway.

01:13 - Jorkell: >I'm so mad at this shit game, disappointed it's basically nothing like BF2
See what i said earlier about nostalgia goggles
01:15 - Jorkell: >While I feel that medic really should have the medkit to start with, it also feels somewhat pointless as you almost never get shot at and get to go recover health.

Nonsense since i literally back up to recover health from 20%/40% pretty often and judging on what i see as a medic so do others. My guess he's still saying this in a legit way though and just doesn't realise when he gets shot at so maybe carries on without healing first (the YOU GOT SHOT AT effect is very fast and small and thankfully there's no red jelly on screen)
01:15 - Jorkell: >for one reason that you could actually tell in some way how much health you had
Yeah see, he didn't see the health bar in the lower right corner, the dummy
01:16 - Jorkell: >It seems a bit pointless however to tell me that a teammate needs reviving when they are so far away from me
Agreed. But still, even as a medic you're only supposed to heal whoever is within your reach, so just forget them. Also good medic doesn't just rush in to heal, he first makes sure the enemy is dead.
01:17 - Jorkell: > or to people shooting at the icons through bushes or something
this simply cannot happen due to how the new markers work (they're still bullshit and hopefully gone in HC)
01:18 - Jorkell: >I most often died to people from either miles away
His fault, but at the same time it made me realise something: i often, i mean, really often see people who just look around and stand in the open waiting to be shot. Like all the time, especially in the park, you'll always see these guys hanging out from trees or shit like that. Well other people can see you, your fault if you get shot at.
01:19 - Jorkell: oh and while we're at "Stop calling the game shit because it's too hard for you" this covers your "too easy" as well. I myself get multikills quite often, but how is that the game's fault if the others play like shit? Stop carrying that argument over (even if i know it's just for your cheap so randum chat trollean)
01:21 - Jorkell: >you get stuck on everything, or blocked by an inch high wall it's just stupid and irritating
didn't encounter exactly that but feel like agreeing because at times it gets pretty fucking glitchy. The level design is still fine though, rather than run for cover you shouldn't find yourself out of it if you're not in a relatively safe area anyway
01:23 - Jorkell: >they sound and the visuals on them firing just makes them look and feel like cheap plastic toys
While i don't think i've ever experienced better gun feel than Killing Floor the sound is still an improvement over BC2, the sniper rifles and the MP-7 feel really shitey though. Also lol, even /k/ wouldn't fucking complain about the goddamn looks so he needs to stop hating the game for inconsistent stuff
01:26 - Jorkell: >Giving one team a vehicle and not the other is a very poor idea
war game making 101, if the attack gets a slight advantage it's just to make it fairer. He doesn't know what he talks about, not to mention a lot of rush maps in BC2 also have that (quit getting mad at rush, you can avoid playing but saying a BASIC attack the base mode is out of place is just ridiculous)
01:27 - Jorkell: lol eye fell on "extremely good" now, then how comes he fails at getting basic cover and understanding when the enemy is in a linear mode like rush? If anything complain about the fact rush alwyas puts the enemy in front of you, i would agree with that. Gotta say if he sucks at understanding where the enemy is in the metro map i strongly doubt he could be "extremely good" in conquest mode in any of the other games.
01:29 - Jorkell: >It's very open, with very poor cover
01:30 - Jorkell: partially agree if he talks about the higher side of the map (on the left of attackers) there's barely cover there. The lower part though is full of it. That's one thing i complained about a lot in the survey, they need to encourage people to populate the higher part of the map. Attackers need a slight amount of cover in the early section of it.
01:31 - Jorkell: >it's also very hard to defend the actual points
One of them is literally in a hole surrounded by slopes, that's the definition of "defendable
01:32 - Jorkell: forgot to say something about the vehicle complaints, the lav goes down like shit if any engineer targets it, not to mention it barely kills. Doubt you mounted the main gun or the machine gun it has in the half an hour you or him played but they're really shit and the fire effect is fucking ugly
01:35 - Jorkell: >Too enclosed
>people appear from too many different corners and hiding spots
Literally contradicts himself in the same period. Again, his fault for being bad. The fact it's enclosed gets compensated by the maze of corridor, the stairways, the minor rooms, the railway area which is a clusterfuck of cover and creating awesome gunfights between one side and another of it.

One thing they need to get called out for though is that the subway is exactly the area that needed penetration/destruction badly. The fact the wagons are bullet/rocketproof is shit when you pack stuff that blows walls down in areas where the map is coded for it
01:35 - Jorkell: >I never actually went near the objectives themselves as the attacking side
"Extremely good" at being the cancer of team based games.
01:36 - Jorkell: >it is not thrilling like capturing a point is in conquest
lol, more biased hate towards the game. What's the goddamn difference. If anything in conquest you have to stay until the flag is up, in this one you have to stay until the bomb is ready then defend it
01:38 - Jorkell: >It encourages very linear, very campy, very dull playstyles, and discourages teamwork and attacking the objective.
Yet defense team pushes like mad whenever they're given space (even the worst pub teams). I don't see how it discourages teamwork when your objective is ADVANCING TOGETHER TO SET UP A BOMB. The fact he's a shit player and doesn't feel like playing with the team is his problem
01:38 - Jorkell: more contradicting
01:38 - Jorkell: >You can be seen from far too far away, it isn't divided up into defending sections

>Too enclosed, this is the opposite of what a battlefield game should be like.

He's a dummy who doesn't even know what he wants.
01:40 - Jorkell: >Again, you can be seen from too many places at once


>No cover place is really that safe at all,
Doesn't this mean it DISCOURAGES campy playstyle?

>and you can't control space effectively

Seriously, i don't know about you James but KPW sounds just like a dumbass who couldn't figure the game for crap (if what you say about your killstreaks is true i guess you actually did figure it out, complain about killing too much? Well guess what, it's because the other team is full of KPWs)

Also forgot the "damage" part. Damage if anything is extremely similar to BC2 Hardcore mode now. Just like BC2 HC, it allows you to kill multiple people with the same mag and makes weapons that aren't sniper rifles effective at distance.

Disliking it is a matter of taste, i don't mind bullet sponges when it's sci-fi settings or tf2, but if the game's a war shooter that at least approaches war sims (as arcade as this is, battlefield is still the closest thing to them, or can you point out another title?) i prefer seeing the enemy go down WITHIN the first third of my magazine.

Stop being a dick about the things you don't like etc.


I couldn't agree more.

Nobody can say shit until we play the final product anyway.
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Postby James » Fri Jul 29, 11 6:09 am

banging head on desk at 6am
"stop disliking what i like"

attack of the fanboy who won't accept criticism and there's more reason to call the game shit because its an alpha, and the game IS shit. keep up.


James wrote:Vista or 7*

32bit is redundant, as bullshit directx10 was.

abit silly coming from me, as there's nothing in this game on low/mid settings that shouldnt be able to run in dx9

plus the game is 32 fucking bit
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Postby Aidan » Fri Jul 29, 11 6:27 am

Hey... Guys.. I have a crazy idea..

Let's not say anything.

Until we have.

The finish product.

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Postby James » Fri Jul 29, 11 7:02 am

you're an idiot, do you even know where kpw's post came from?
I filled in the alpha survey

Aidan stop talking about things you dont own
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Postby James » Fri Jul 29, 11 7:40 am

oh yeah actual quote from jorkell

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Postby MoreJorkellWhereThatCame » Fri Jul 29, 11 10:24 am

Gee thanks i had to make another, the Sir Alex account credentials are lost anyway

James wrote:banging head on desk at 6am
"stop disliking what i like"

attack of the fanboy who won't accept criticism and there's more reason to call the game shit because its an alpha, and the game IS shit. keep up.

I SEE YOU HAVE A FAHNNY MEME there, two can play that game, mine is called "Stop being a dick about things you dislike"

>the game IS shit
hundreds would say otherwise

Also since when is an Alpha an excuse to hate the final product when it's WELP, an Alpha and not even a Beta? Not that this doesn't look complete to me, aside from bug fixes and adding stuff that will be in the final release like full content map weapon wise, settings etc. (right now you can't even set the graphics like you want)

James wrote:you're an idiot, do you even know where kpw's post came from?

No idea except it's questions from the same survey i filled out, why would it change the fact it's full of stuff that's simply not true or depends on him and his taste?
What about the fact he contradicts himself?

I just pointed out what's just false, or inconsistent. And i'm not acting like a shithead like i am (we are) on the chat, i'm just telling you stuff how it is.

If anything, i've seen all sort of criticism in that post but none of what they should deserve (i.e. where the heck's proper destruction, why can't classes harm vehicles even with a grenade and must unlock stuff first, why are there camp points x and y and many more)

James wrote:oh yeah actual quote from jorkell


>you three
Nope. Not to mention NOT ONE of the people usually in the groups i go to played the game but you, you're just making up strawmen as always.

Still, that would be true about KPW or anyone complaining about dying and not knowing where the enemy or the fact there's bad guys in way too many directions.
Even i (remember no matter what i'll always be the shittiest player in your eyes, doesn't matter i top scoreboards not-as-a-medic even in bc2) know where my killer is the entire time, simply because i look around and stick with the team (remember, it's rush, enemy will almost always be in the 180 degrees IN FRONT of you, unfortunately).

Too many directions? That's battlefield, that's what makes it different from FPS with maps as big as the third section of Mètro and filled with constant corridors.
If anything KPW unintentionally praises the product for what it wanted to be when he says stuff like "I felt the subway was linear but i was getting shot at from multiple direction"

Your main complaints weren't of KPW's kind AT ALL so why would i call you shit?
I saw myself how easy you can get a multikill if say, you meet 3 dummies in a corridor. Well i'm glad because a single magazine wouldn't have been enough for all three in BC2 normal (again, that's why i played HC like you did).
Yeah, it's easy to kill a lot of people. Guess what? It's because they're morons. As i told you, i see a lot of them just charging alone or standing in the open, or some are just unresponsive and take 3 seconds to shoot back at you.

Why would you complain about the game when it's the players? They have the same guns you do, they probably just aren't used to the game yet.

Also you know how much i love pointless arguments (it's why we're at eachother's throats one day out of two anyway <3) so i'll just keep it up. Not doing it because i care about who gets the game and who doesn't since i'll have the usual italians calling me all the time.
It's just that when i see that many contradictions in one post i have to point them out.
Last edited by MoreJorkellWhereThatCame on Fri Jul 29, 11 10:31 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby James » Fri Jul 29, 11 10:27 am

are you denying lfcjake has played bf3?, youve got 10 minutes to check your pms before i ban you again for multiple accounts. the pm is pretty much the same subject.

if youve lost your password, ask an admin.
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Postby MoreJorkellWhereThatCame » Fri Jul 29, 11 10:32 am

James wrote:are you denying lfcjake has played bf3?, youve got 10 minutes to check your pms before i ban you again for multiple accounts. the pm is pretty much the same subject.

if youve lost your password, ask an admin.

Not a group regular, not someone i know. If he has the same complaints as KPW my arguments stand

Oh and whatever, i'll just keep making accounts with 5 minute mails. Or you could just ban/delete the original account instead since i don't even have an idea about the mail it's linked to.
Last edited by MoreJorkellWhereThatCame on Fri Jul 29, 11 10:36 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby James » Fri Jul 29, 11 10:38 am

Hes a BF fan like kpw. I speak to him almost everyday and hes an oldskoolish DX/DXMP guy.

Also note, I'm not replying to anything you've directed to Kpw (I've asked him to post this morning).
All my thoughts on BF3 were posted on my Twitter timeline.
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Postby MoreJorkellWhereThatCame » Fri Jul 29, 11 10:43 am

James wrote:Hes a BF fan like kpw. I speak to him almost everyday and hes an oldskoolish DX/DXMP guy.

Also note, I'm not replying to anything you've directed to Kpw (I've asked him to post this morning).
All my thoughts on BF3 were posted on my Twitter timeline.

I thought you
agree with him 100% tho

And consequentially what he said was the same thing you thought
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Postby James » Fri Jul 29, 11 10:46 am

In that case I have 0 interest to defend someone's opinion, even if I share it.
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Postby lfcjake » Fri Jul 29, 11 12:31 pm

Attack of the fanboys! It's cringeworthy.
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