can't compile DeusEx.u

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can't compile DeusEx.u

Postby Engy » Sat Jan 21, 12 9:43 pm

I'm having some great frustrations trying to do what seem to be relatively straightforward edits. As a starting Unreal modder, I'm experimenting with some fairly basic changes, tweaking existing mods to my personal tastes. Specifically, I'm looking to take Biomod, un-REM the XP code from Shifter, and then make a handful of changes to item stats to rebalance the game to my tastes.

My first approach was to use the SDK, find the relevant scripts, most of which are in the ScriptedPawn class.

Problem #1: the SDK crashes with a General Protection Fault when I try to load the base ScriptedPawn class. All other classes (including extensions of ScriptedPawn) work fine.

I figure, maybe I have a bad install? I download and install other copies of the SDK - no luck, the problem remains. Ok, time for another approach. I download the WOTgreal Exporter, and export all the .uc files from DeusEx.u to a folder. I edit the .uc files, delete the original DeusEx.u, run "ucc make"... and supposedly it works. (no errors) I check the directory.

Problem #2:
Turns out ucc.exe is not creating a new DeusEx.u file. I figure maybe I'm doing the process wrong, have the wrong path, etc, so I rename my DeusEx folder (the one with the .uc files), make the same changes in DeusEx.ini, and run UCC again... sure enough, it detects the files this time, though it gives me an error because (of course) the file names don't match. Ok, good, that means my methodology is ok. I reverse my changes. Thinking maybe UCC is corrupt, I download ucsdk.exe, and try that. Same results.

What am I missing? I've spent an entire day off working on this, and seem to be getting nowhere. :(

Any help anyone can offer is GREATLY appreciated!
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Postby Kalman11 » Sat Jan 21, 12 10:34 pm

DeusEx.u containts many thing, not only the .uc files, and you have to delete the .u file, before you compile it
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Postby Engy » Sun Jan 22, 12 2:20 am

Yes, I deleted the .u file, as mentioned in my post above. :) Any other suggestions?
Last edited by Engy on Sun Jan 22, 12 2:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby ~DJ~ » Sun Jan 22, 12 2:24 am

What's the exact error, the GPF?
I think it might be to do with the size of the code though, it's pretty long.. but can't judge before seeing the GPF! :oops:

Also, Problem #2;
Can you show a screenie of the compiler or post the log?
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Postby Engy » Sun Jan 22, 12 2:54 am

I get two GPF's one hidden behind the other.
The small window says:
GPF! History: (it's blank)

The larger window says:
GPF! History: DispatchDestroy <- DispatchDestroys <-
UObject::PurgeGarbage <- UObject::StaticExit <- appPreExit

This occurs as soon as I try to load ScriptedPawn.

I'd love to post a screenshot, but don't have an offsite location to do so. Here's the log from ucsdk.exe though, which is probably the more useful of the two anyways.

Log: Log file open, 01/21/12 20:52:00
Init: Name subsystem initialized
Init: Detected: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build: 7601)
Init: Version: 1100
Init: Compiled: Jan 29 2001 16:45:52
Init: Command line:
Init: Base directory: C:\Games\DeusEx\System\
Init: Character set: Unicode
Log: Bound to Core.dll
Init: Object subsystem initialized
Log: Cd Path: E:\
Init: Computer: OWNERPC
Init: User: Owner
Init: Memory total: Phys=4194303K Pagef=4194303K Virt=2097024K
Init: Working set: 32000 / 159000
Init: CPU Speed=3214.642422 MHz
Init: CPU Page size=4096, Processors=6
Init: CPU Detected: Unknown processor (AuthenticAMD)
Init: CPU Features: CMov FPU RDTSC PAE MMX KNI 3DNow!
Log: Bound to Editor.dll
Log: Bound to Engine.dll
Log: Bound to Window.dll
Log: Executing Class Editor.MakeCommandlet
Init: Unreal engine initialized
Heading: --------------------Core--------------------
Log: Loading: Package Core
Heading: --------------------Engine--------------------
Log: Loading: Package Engine
Heading: --------------------Editor--------------------
Log: Loading: Package Editor
Heading: --------------------Fire--------------------
Log: Bound to Fire.dll
Log: Loading: Package Fire
Heading: --------------------IpDrv--------------------
Log: Bound to IpDrv.dll
Log: Loading: Package IpDrv
Heading: --------------------UWindow--------------------
Log: Loading: Package UWindow
Heading: --------------------UBrowser--------------------
Log: Loading: Package UBrowser
Heading: --------------------Extension--------------------
Log: Bound to Extension.dll
Log: Loading: Package Extension
Heading: --------------------DeusExUI--------------------
Log: Loading: Package DeusExUI
Heading: --------------------ConSys--------------------
Log: Bound to ConSys.dll
Log: Loading: Package ConSys
Heading: --------------------DeusExConversations--------------------
Log: Loading: Package DeusExConversations
Heading: --------------------DeusExSounds--------------------
Log: Loading: Package DeusExSounds
Heading: --------------------DeusExItems--------------------
Log: Loading: Package DeusExItems
Log: Loading: Package Effects
Heading: --------------------DeusExDeco--------------------
Log: Loading: Package DeusExDeco
Heading: --------------------DeusExCharacters--------------------
Log: Loading: Package DeusExCharacters
Heading: --------------------MPCharacters--------------------
Log: Loading: Package MPCharacters
Heading: --------------------DeusExText--------------------
Log: Bound to DeusExText.dll
Log: Loading: Package DeusExText
Heading: --------------------IpServer--------------------
Log: Loading: Package IpServer
Heading: --------------------DeusEx--------------------
Log: Bound to DeusEx.dll
Log: Loading: Package DeusEx
Log: Loading: Package Ambient
Log: Loading: Package MoverSFX
Log: Success - 0 error(s), 0 warnings
Exit: Preparing to exit.
Log: Purging garbage
Log: Unbound to Core.dll
Log: Unbound to Editor.dll
Log: Unbound to Engine.dll
Log: Unbound to Window.dll
Exit: Editor shut down
Log: Unloading: Package Core
Log: Unloading: Package Engine
Log: Unloading: Package Editor
Log: Unbound to Fire.dll
Log: Unloading: Package Fire
Log: Unbound to IpDrv.dll
Log: Unloading: Package IpDrv
Log: Unloading: Package UWindow
Log: Unloading: Package UBrowser
Log: Unbound to Extension.dll
Log: Unloading: Package Extension
Log: Unloading: Package DeusExUI
Log: Unbound to ConSys.dll
Log: Unloading: Package ConSys
Log: Unloading: Package DeusExConversations
Log: Unloading: Package DeusExSounds
Log: Unloading: Package DeusExItems
Log: Unloading: Package Effects
Log: Unloading: Package DeusExDeco
Log: Unloading: Package DeusExCharacters
Log: Unloading: Package MPCharacters
Log: Unbound to DeusExText.dll
Log: Unloading: Package DeusExText
Log: Unloading: Package IpServer
Log: Unbound to DeusEx.dll
Log: Unloading: Package DeusEx
Log: Unloading: Package Ambient
Log: Unloading: Package MoverSFX
Log: Garbage: objects: 43588->0; refs: 0
Exit: Object subsystem successfully closed.
Exit: Exiting.
Uninitialized: Name subsystem shut down
Uninitialized: Allocation checking disabled
Uninitialized: Log file closed, 01/21/12 20:52:01
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Postby Poor » Sun Jan 22, 12 3:35 am

You need the headers for the native code to compile it. In the DeusEx folder you have classes but do you also have a Inc folder?

Also WOTGreal does not export enum values in the default properties correctly so you will have to fix them all (this would be very tedious to do manually).
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Postby Engy » Sun Jan 22, 12 4:15 am

No, all that WOTGreal exported for me was the DeusEx folder itself. What are headers and where can I get them?

From the sounds of it, this may not be possible/practical to do using the WOTGreal route, which would put me back in the SDK boat. The "normal" SDK isn't working for me, but I've heard mention of a second Unreal editor. Would that be an alternative way for me to edit the class scripts? (And if so, can someone provide me with a link to it? I've had no luck finding it on my own.)

Optionally, could I use the base SDK to extract the data I need? (Including headers and exnum values and whatever else.) Since I have the SDK, and the only thing I can't seem to do with it is edit the one class I most want to change!

Edit: I just tried an export via SDK, and still only get the "Classes" folder, so presumably I'm still missing header data. No idea how I would check the exnum info.
Last edited by Engy on Sun Jan 22, 12 4:22 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby Engy » Mon Jan 23, 12 2:27 am

Update: (and Problem #3)
Deciding to go ahead an make changes in other classes for the time being, I did so in the SDK, and then did a "Compile all Scripts", making sure I deleted DeusEx.u before doing so. It compiled without visible errors... but there's no new DeusEx.u file in my System directory. Am I missing something here?
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Postby ~DJ~ » Mon Jan 23, 12 4:25 pm

Umm... okay.. How about let's do it from the beginning?

First of all I'd say that it'll be wise to just delete 'DeusEx' subfolder (C:\DeusEx\DeusEx\).. so we're all starting new.

Next you should open SDK and on the Classes section, press Export All.
Now you'll see that there's the 'DeusEx' subfolder present in there again.

I'm gonna advise you to have a batch file in the subfolder called 'Compiler' or so to easily compile it.. I'm attaching it as well on the file I'm providing which I'll mention below.

Hopefully this is going to work.. now I'm also going to attach the 'Headers' Poor spoke of. I'm not sure as if DeusEx.u requires any or not but anyhow..

So here's an attachment of Headers and a simple Batch file to recompile easily. (if you don't trust the contents of the Batch file just right-click it and press 'Edit')

also note; this contains all the DXHeaders.. as in for all other packages as well, you only need DeusEx folder's headers.. so paste that 'Inc' folder in your 'DeusEx' subfolder.

GOOD LUCK :oops:
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Postby Engy » Tue Jan 24, 12 3:59 am

DJ, you are a lifesaver! Your detailed step by step instructions have probably kept me from aging prematurely from stress! :)

~DJ~ wrote:Umm... okay.. How about let's do it from the beginning?

Good advice! I actually went so far as to restart the whole thing with a fresh install of Deus Ex, and was pleased to make some good headway today!

Working with the base game (no mods), I discovered that ScriptedPawn loads up just fine. That means whatever is causing SDK to crash at that point must be related to the Biomod/Shifter code. With this in mind, I did a test run where I compiled an unmodified copy of the code, following your instructions step by step. That went flawlessly, which is a huge help, because it gives me a functional baseline to work from!

Before this point I didn't even know how to recognize a "successful" compile, since my failed attempts still "looked" successful. (No error messages.)

I'm not sure what made this test run successful - possibly it was due to my installing in the default C:\DeusEx (vs. my previous C:\games\DeusEx), or maybe something else? Either way, I'm not arguing with success! :)

~DJ~ wrote:So here's an attachment of Headers and a simple Batch file to recompile easily.

Oddly, I couldn't see the attachment at first, and then it appeared when I later refreshed the page!

Having got this excellent start under my belt, I then tried to compile Biomod's code, again, just by doing a simple export and compile. That worked mostly ok. Near the end of the compile, I got the message: "The file '..\DeusEx\Inc\DeusExClasses.h' needs to be updated. Do you want to overwrite the existing version? (Y/N):" I didn't get this message with the unmodded game, but a "N" answer resulted in a working DeusEx.u file, so it's all good.

~DJ~ wrote:GOOD LUCK

Thanks! You've been an IMMENSE help, I very much appreciate it!
Last edited by Engy on Tue Jan 24, 12 4:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Engy » Tue Jan 24, 12 4:11 am

Ok, so with the great help I got here, I've been able to achieve my basic modding goals. YAY! :) (Haven't had time to play much with it yet, but it looks like the basic changes are all functional.) Having done so, I've now got some new questions:

1) In the SDK, I see a "Compile All Scripts" option. What is this for? The SDK itself has no obvious use for it, since changes to Classes seem to be saved with the "Save" button to the bottom right.

2) In my various reading, I've seem warnings several times that "there are good reasons to use the SDK instead of compiling scripts, compiling is something one should avoid". In my case, I've got less choice in the matter, since I can't make ScriptedPawn changes without compiling. What are the dangers of compiling? Am I screwing up my game by compiling, and should I just give up modding ScriptedPawn and stick to changing other Classes, in favor of having a stable game?

3) I see that I can change properties in the SDK. Are these also saved in a text file someplace? (Assuming I go the compiling route.) This isn't a feature I really need (SDK is ok), but it would be handy.

4) If I mod my DeusEx.u file, primarily changing only stats of things (not adding new types of objects), is it safe to use saved games pre-dating the changes? I did some minor changes today, and noticed I was able to load up the save, but I don't know if it's a ticking bomb?

thank you all for your help! Without this forum I'd have given up on modding on my first day!
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Postby ~DJ~ » Wed Jan 25, 12 1:01 pm

Glad to hear things worked out! :D

Engy wrote:Before this point I didn't even know how to recognize a "successful" compile, since my failed attempts still "looked" successful. (No error messages.)

I'm not sure how you were compiling, you were using Command Prompt right? Anyway..

Engy wrote: possibly it was due to my installing in the default C:\DeusEx (vs. my previous C:\games\DeusEx)

Yeah, one thing every modder should do is to have a default path, makes it alot easier.

Engy wrote:"The file '..\DeusEx\Inc\DeusExClasses.h' needs to be updated. Do you want to overwrite the existing version? (Y/N):"

That's the part that required headers AFAIK. But if you can simply compile without doing this, then all is fine I guess.


Engy wrote:1) In the SDK, I see a "Compile All Scripts" option. What is this for? The SDK itself has no obvious use for it, since changes to Classes seem to be saved with the "Save" button to the bottom right.

I'm not sure as I've not really tried compiling with SDK.. the fact that I think SDK for coding is probably buggy, but I've heard that it should work. You edit the code through SDK, or even make a new class, then simply compile and save. If you don't save and forgot to compile.. I think your progress can be lost if you quit SDK.. not sure though, but yeah the thing I heard is that you can code through SDK, which by the way I don't recommend.

Engy wrote:2) In my various reading, I've seem warnings several times that "there are good reasons to use the SDK instead of compiling scripts, compiling is something one should avoid". In my case, I've got less choice in the matter, since I can't make ScriptedPawn changes without compiling. What are the dangers of compiling? Am I screwing up my game by compiling, and should I just give up modding ScriptedPawn and stick to changing other Classes, in favor of having a stable game?

I'm not sure where you were reading this.. it could be UT99 articles.. anyhow you shouldn't worry about compiling at all.. infact the only thing I can think is going wrong is that you are changing the file, but not it's package name.. this would mean that if you use it for 'multiplayer', people will have mismatch since it's contents (headers and GUID stuff) would be different than the original. That's why at UT99 articles they'll probably tell you not to recompile existing packages. But this applies to multiplayer-only, so you shouldn't worry. You're making a singleplayer modification right?

Engy wrote:3) I see that I can change properties in the SDK. Are these also saved in a text file someplace? (Assuming I go the compiling route.) This isn't a feature I really need (SDK is ok), but it would be handy.

You mean Default Properties when you right-click an object inside SDK? These are saved per map.. like for example in your map you have put a class 'WeaponPistol', you can adjust different variables and save the map.. whenever the map gets loaded those settings will be used for that specific 'WeaponPistol' you placed on the map. There is no compiling needed here.

Engy wrote:4) If I mod my DeusEx.u file, primarily changing only stats of things (not adding new types of objects), is it safe to use saved games pre-dating the changes? I did some minor changes today, and noticed I was able to load up the save, but I don't know if it's a ticking bomb?

DeusEx.u only has code, so if you modify any of the files in it, it doesn't matter since it's loading the stuff from the package, not the save-games. If, for example you think of modifying a package which contains textures or so.. just keep in mind not to delete them.. you need all the previous stuff like classes, textures etc to be there, don't delete anything. You can obviously add custom content/new classes as well, but deleting is a problem.
Last edited by ~DJ~ on Wed Jan 25, 12 2:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Engy » Wed Jan 25, 12 11:40 pm

~DJ~ wrote:I'm not sure how you were compiling, you were using Command Prompt right? Anyway..

As far as I can tell, I did everything in the identical way. My best guess to the cause is that either it didn't like the path, or I had bad files. *shrug* It works now, so I'm happy! :)

~DJ~ wrote:...I heard is that you can code through SDK, which by the way I don't recommend.

Engy wrote:2) In my various reading, I've seem warnings several times that "there are good reasons to use the SDK instead of compiling scripts...

I'm not sure where you were reading this.. it could be UT99 articles.. anyhow you shouldn't worry about compiling at all.. infact the only thing I can think is going wrong is that you are changing the file, but not it's package name.. this would mean that if you use it for 'multiplayer', people will have mismatch since it's contents (headers and GUID stuff) would be different than the original. That's why at UT99 articles they'll probably tell you not to recompile existing packages. But this applies to multiplayer-only, so you shouldn't worry. You're making a singleplayer modification right?

You are correct, this is purely singleplayer changes for my own use at this point. (I'd be happy to release it if I thought anyone wanted a copy, but I'd have to get permission from the Shifter & Biomod authors, since it's 99% their content.)

I'm not sure where I got the "anti-compiling" warnings, but it's entirely possible it was from an UT forum, since I did go looking in a few of those for guidance. From what you're saying though, I'm actually better off with compiling, which works nicely for me, since it's what I prefer!

~DJ~ wrote:
Engy wrote:4) If I mod my DeusEx.u file, primarily changing only stats of things (not adding new types of objects), is it safe to use saved games pre-dating the changes?

DeusEx.u only has code, so if you modify any of the files in it, it doesn't matter since it's loading the stuff from the package, not the save-games. If, for example you think of modifying a package which contains textures or so.. just keep in mind not to delete them.. you need all the previous stuff like classes, textures etc to be there, don't delete anything. You can obviously add custom content/new classes as well, but deleting is a problem.

Excellent! That makes testing on the fly MUCH easier!

Good stuff! I think I've got all my basic questions answered now! Many, many thanks! Now to experiment a bit with the basics before I venture into the scary code for stuff like augs. :)
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Postby bambi » Fri Jan 27, 12 9:49 pm

what are these headers? I saw one but I quickly unplugged the computer cuz I thought deja had hacked my computer.
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Postby ~DJ~ » Fri Jan 27, 12 11:04 pm

Native code.
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Postby ~ô¿ô~Nobody~ » Mon Jan 30, 12 10:54 am

Since I'm too lazy to quote every piece of sentence I'll just list some statements

  1. Poor is right with the enum values. Those are a potential problem.
  2. The c++ header files are irrelevant for UnrealScript. They're just needed for making native mods, bound to an DLL file.
  3. If ucc asks for "Do you want to overwrite the existing version?" (In case of DeusEx.u) then type 'N', since those aren't you own ones.
  4. When pressing F7 it compiles all scripts. That means it creates compiled byte code of the UnrealScript code and holds that in the memory.
    a. If you compile all scripts and don't save your package, the changes will be lost after UnrealEd closes.
    b. If you don't compile all scripts and just save the package, it will contain your plain-text ScriptCode but it won't work because it doesn't contain the compiled code that is relevant for its functionality.
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Postby Engy » Fri Feb 03, 12 9:51 pm

~ô¿ô~Nobody~ wrote:[*] Poor is right with the enum values. Those are a potential problem.

If I go the SDK export route, will that also cause enum problems, or will I be ok? I don't to have any bugs in the handful of levels I've tried thus far, but I don't know what to look for. (I'm using the SDK method, now that I know how to do so successfully.)

Thanks for your responses on the other issues as well, that cleared up some mysteries I had wondered about!
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Postby RedDynasty » Thu Apr 05, 12 10:02 pm

I also have this problem but i cant fix it, even with the Incs and the Compiler.
What im trying to do is edit the PlayMusicWindow.uc to put a music in the list so it shows up when i do the "legend" cheat.
Screenshot here.
untitled.JPG (92.25 KiB) Viewed 38364 times
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Postby ~DJ~ » Fri Apr 06, 12 4:42 pm

Umm.. try adding UBrowser in EditPackages lines.. above DeusEx I suppose..

Like this:

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Postby RedDynasty » Fri Apr 06, 12 5:08 pm

well it did start parsing and analising, except that it shows up an error regarding the playmusicwindow.uc class and the menuscreenhostgame.uc ( probably cause i installed that DXMTL thing with the 300+ maps and fixes)
I dont want to reinstall again, but anyways thanks for the help.
Until i find the patience to do it, im not going to touch the scripts again XD
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Postby ~DJ~ » Fri Apr 06, 12 5:26 pm

I don't think so.. you've probably edited the PlayMusicWindow.. you shouldn't stop here mate..
if you feel that you can't fix the error, just post the class here.

By the way, use this:

Code: Select all

It's taken from default configure file.. you probably have messed up the order (well the screenshot shows that you have completely removed the line.. ).. so yeah, use that instead. :oops:
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Postby RedDynasty » Fri Apr 06, 12 9:58 pm

no you dont understand, when i installed the mod with the fixes and stuff, it edited certain multiplayer related classes, so when its compiling, it doesnt recognize the changes and goes: "what is this, im getting out of here" XD
The file is here
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Postby ~DJ~ » Sat Apr 07, 12 12:44 am


Well, does your SDK work? if so, do the following steps:

1) Make a copy of the compiler from the folder "\DeusEx\DeusEx\" (DJ Compiler ehehehe), place it somewhere else.
2) Delete the "\DeusEx\DeusEx" folder.. as in the Subfolder. (full path example: C:\DeusEx\DeusEx\)
NOTE: THE SUBFOLDER. NOT the game directory!
3) Open up SDK, then on the Classes tab, press 'Export All'. This will export the working code back again.
4) Now the subfolder 'DeusEx\DeusEx' has returned back. Place the compiler back again on this folder.

Now try compiling..

If you get any errors then please post the error log/screenshot here

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Postby RedDynasty » Sat Apr 07, 12 4:53 am

I did that the last time.
So yeah the problem is that i modified the multiplayer class( the mod)
So i cant do anything unless i reinstall the game.
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Postby atrey65789 » Sat Apr 07, 12 12:47 pm

[quote="~DJ~"] :oops: [/quote]

Man... whats with you and posting embarrassed faces on everyone's posts? lol
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Postby ~DJ~ » Sun Apr 08, 12 2:12 am

RedDynasty wrote:So i cant do anything unless i reinstall the game.

hold on mate, how about posting the new error log/screenshot you're getting for the classes?
(I'm sorry for being lazy and not trying to compile it myself.. it would be good if you post the log instead. :oops: )

atrey65789 wrote:Man... whats with you and posting embarrassed faces on everyone's posts? lol

sorry, Habbit. :oops:
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Postby RedDynasty » Sun Apr 08, 12 2:16 am

not again please :S
I just dont have the patience of doing it all over again!
Look i know u care about this( probably not though), but the problem is MY deus ex.
Im going to give up on deusex classes and focus on custom classes.
P.S: Ion Storm, y u no make simpler u classes
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Postby atrey65789 » Sun Apr 08, 12 3:19 am

DJ wrote:sorry, Habbit.

Its all good man, don't sweat it. I have habits like that too.
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Postby Psycho » Sun Apr 08, 12 12:59 pm

~DJ~ wrote:
RedDynasty wrote:So i cant do anything unless i reinstall the game.

hold on mate, how about posting the new error log/screenshot you're getting for the classes?
(I'm sorry for being lazy and not trying to compile it myself.. it would be good if you post the log instead. :oops: )

atrey65789 wrote:Man... whats with you and posting embarrassed faces on everyone's posts? lol

sorry, Habbit. :oops:

Get yourself to rehab.
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Postby atrey65789 » Sun Apr 08, 12 1:11 pm

[quote="RedDynasty"]not again please :S
I just dont have the patience of doing it all over again!
Look i know u care about this( probably not though), but the problem is MY deus ex.
Im going to give up on deusex classes and focus on custom classes.
P.S: Ion Storm, y u no make simpler u classes[/quote]

Today, Ion Storm makes simpler packages... But repeat to me what you need.
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