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clyzm wrote:Just finished that visual novel
synthetic wrote:That is actually a very interesting point! I suspect the tolerance there must be attributed to some kind of awareness of the supernatural there, as opposed to rivalry and coexistence within the natural realm and every day life. I actually proposed in one of the many rant threads that an autonomous AI could potentially be used for surveillance purposes, as it could resemble the all mighty god and not a potential source of danger or competition.
Please note that the mentioned awareness of the supernatural amusingly clashes with the firm belief in the existence of that very said supernatural, contradicting reason, but apparently it works.
Alternatively, supernatural guidance could possibly appeal to human's family instinct, in which case surveillance could be conducted by a father figure with undeniable authority (in belief, not primarily in practice), but its unclear to me whether the former point is not closer to the truth. We all have problems with our parents, but for some reason we rarely have problems with god, which kind of points to the awareness of the non-physical manifestation, the supernatural.
Poor wrote:2) People don't like losing rights or control, no matter how trivial. Citizens are against government encroachment of their rights because they fear the government will inch their way until it becomes a tyranny.
Aidan wrote:Poor wrote:2) People don't like losing rights or control, no matter how trivial. Citizens are against government encroachment of their rights because they fear the government will inch their way until it becomes a tyranny.
This should be everyone's concern really. As history has proven, those with a hunger for power WILL abuse their power. USA being a prime example. Same with Australia (more so only internet freedom), China, etc.
Every human on this planet are of equivalency. When another group of humans use their political power of spying (which I might add was never voted in by the people) to deem themselves 'superior,' and infringe on another person's life under false pretense, one should be concerned about not just privacy, but human rights as a whole.
If anything, it's silent blackmail: "We have access to your data, and if you do anything we don't like, we can screw you at ANY time."
The point of government is to govern Economy, and the rights of the people. If someone's rights are infringed, law enforcement will act on the attacker. These days, it isn't about protection. The law looks for any thing at all they can charge someone for, and create revenue. When there 'isn't enough budget.' They'll just create more crime as 'proof' that they need more budget.
It isn't FOR the people anymore. It's about business. USA is an oppressed military state. They have a second amendment, but don't seem to want to use it yet. Hopefully it'll get there soon because Congress needs a reality check of WHO is in control of the Country. There is no Country without the Citizens. If citizens feel oppressed by their own government, then I question how 'free' the Country really is.
Poor wrote:Aidan wrote:Poor wrote:2) People don't like losing rights or control, no matter how trivial. Citizens are against government encroachment of their rights because they fear the government will inch their way until it becomes a tyranny.
This should be everyone's concern really. As history has proven, those with a hunger for power WILL abuse their power. USA being a prime example. Same with Australia (more so only internet freedom), China, etc.
Every human on this planet are of equivalency. When another group of humans use their political power of spying (which I might add was never voted in by the people) to deem themselves 'superior,' and infringe on another person's life under false pretense, one should be concerned about not just privacy, but human rights as a whole.
If anything, it's silent blackmail: "We have access to your data, and if you do anything we don't like, we can screw you at ANY time."
The point of government is to govern Economy, and the rights of the people. If someone's rights are infringed, law enforcement will act on the attacker. These days, it isn't about protection. The law looks for any thing at all they can charge someone for, and create revenue. When there 'isn't enough budget.' They'll just create more crime as 'proof' that they need more budget.
It isn't FOR the people anymore. It's about business. USA is an oppressed military state. They have a second amendment, but don't seem to want to use it yet. Hopefully it'll get there soon because Congress needs a reality check of WHO is in control of the Country. There is no Country without the Citizens. If citizens feel oppressed by their own government, then I question how 'free' the Country really is.
This is the kind of unfounded youth-anarchist angst that I fear is spreading.
Poor wrote:unfounded
Poor wrote:This is the kind of unfounded youth-anarchist angst that I fear is spreading.
Poor wrote:People don't like losing rights or control, no matter how trivial. Citizens are against government encroachment of their rights because they fear the government will inch their way until it becomes a tyranny.
Poor wrote:I may have insulted Aiden's attitude but he unjustly insulted my country. I have been seeing this attitude spreading lately and couldn't help but vent. I could have provided counter-arguments to Aidan's view that America is a corrupt, oppressive country but there is no doubt that it would be a waste of time. This is for the same reason it is useless to argue to a conspiracy theorist that 9/11 was not an inside job and that the moon landing of 1969 actually happened. Misinformation, lack of information, and bad reasoning are the three factors that lead to false conclusions. In a debate, the first two can dealt with. The last factor cannot. Bad reasoning is caused by non-logical factors such as emotion, a personal bias, or some strong rooted belief. Arguments are generally ineffective against bad reasoning and that's why it would be a waste of time to argue that America is the opposite of a tyranny.
Poor wrote:I may have insulted Aiden's attitude but he unjustly insulted my country
clyzm wrote:America is not some tyrannical oppressive state
That's China
Poor wrote:but there is no doubt that it would be a waste of time.
Siva wrote:i just wanted to say i also played dont take it personally babe and it was a pretty interesting VN until that ham fisted ending
as if humanity would ever forget privacy, its rooted in fear and humanity will never lose its fear