S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Mod (Latest Build Downloads and Screenshots)

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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Mod (Latest Build Downloads and Screenshots)

Postby Lurker » Mon Aug 27, 12 1:21 am

I've created a random terrain heightmap, converted it to T3D as a single brush and imported it to Deus Ex.

Normally when you do this you get those ugly BSP holes which you can fall through during game. But I figured that UnrealEd 1 likes imported brushes when they have no more than 512 polygons each. If a brush has more than 512 polys then you get BSP holes, halls of mirrors and shit like that. If you keep it under 512 and rebuild it then everything works just fine.

My random terrain brush has 128 polys. It's a medium-sized terrain. I also up-scaled it by a factor of 2 to make it bigger and more smooth-looking in game.


I like to use this terrain as a base to build a fun DXMP map, add a skybox, put fences, buildings and other stuff on the terrain, etc. I need some feedback or ideas what type of map to create with this terrain...

Feel free to download and open the map in Deus Ex, walk around the terrain and get familiar with it.
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Postby Lurker » Mon Aug 27, 12 8:18 pm

I've added a nice skybox and used seamless sky textures from original S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl.

This is now a Stalker-inspired mod which I will update frequently... You can download the current builds of the maps and see how the projects develops from one stage to next stage...

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Postby Mastakilla » Mon Aug 27, 12 9:25 pm

That's looking very good
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Build 3

Postby Lurker » Sat Sep 01, 12 8:44 am

New build coming up...

- Upscaled terrain by a custom factor for bigger environment (Terrain Size 10240 x 10240 in UnrealEd)
- Imported grass texture from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl
- Some optimizations


Alright, the basics are done. I'm satisfied with this Build so far. The scaled size of the terrain is big enough for exploration and looks smooth enough imo.

The next step now is to populate the terrain map with stuff. 8)

Such as trees and bushes. To do this especially at the edges of the terrain cube, so that the illusion of an infinite-looking terrain is not shattered. I will use the standard tree models from Deus Ex for this, since I'm not a modeller and because there are resources you can't import from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.'s X-Ray Engine unfortunately.

Bushes from Stalker will be imported though, since they are simple 2d sheets which are placed on the terrain in a way that when the player looks at them from different sides it creates the illusion as if the bushes were 3d objects.
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Postby Lurker » Sat Sep 01, 12 8:50 am

Mastakilla wrote:That's looking very good

Thanks! I have created the basic layout. Now I have to see how far I can get with this. First I will add trees and bushes. Then I will add Stalker-inspired buildings and so on. When the map itself is all done I will begin to create some Stalker-inspired code modifcations, such as a new gametype, day-night-cycle and other things which may be fun for players.

I also have to decide whether I want this map to become a singleplayer map with objectives or a DXMP multiplayer map.

I could need people's opinions for that...
Last edited by Lurker on Sat Sep 01, 12 8:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby clyzm » Sat Sep 01, 12 5:15 pm

I wouldn't use the standard tree models, they look pretty bad
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Postby Allan » Sun Sep 02, 12 10:11 am

Well, as for singleplayer vs multiplayer - a 10k x 10k landmass is... well, quite a bit. The problem I can see with having it as a multiplayer map is - with less than 6 players on the map, it could well be several minutes between each kill as the players scrabble about going "lerp-de-derp, where's someone to kill?"

Other than this small consideration - I like how the preview shots look so far. Best of luck with this! :)
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Postby Lurker » Tue Sep 11, 12 12:55 am

clyzm wrote:I wouldn't use the standard tree models, they look pretty bad

Well, I could use the standard Deus Ex trees as placeholders and later replace them with custom and better tree models. But keep in mind that I'm not a modeller. I can import only textures and sounds from S.T.A.L.K.E.R., no actual 3D models of any sort.
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Postby Lurker » Tue Sep 11, 12 1:33 am

Allan wrote:Well, as for singleplayer vs multiplayer - a 10k x 10k landmass is... well, quite a bit. The problem I can see with having it as a multiplayer map is - with less than 6 players on the map, it could well be several minutes between each kill as the players scrabble about going "lerp-de-derp, where's someone to kill?"

Other than this small consideration - I like how the preview shots look so far. Best of luck with this! :)

Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate that.

As for the 10k terrain, it is medium size actually. The biggest brush size you can either create or scale in UnrealEd1 is 65536 x 65536 (64k x 64k), and that's still smaller than the terrain sizes of some of the biggest UT3 multiplayer maps!

But even if 10k feels too big in Deus Ex, I think the terrain should be as big as possible. Because one of the fun elements of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is that you can explore the landmass and take your time to do so. That's one of the things I liked most about the Stalker games. :)

Who knows, I may even add dark and scary underground areas to this map, just like in Stalker. The more stuff I add the more areas the player can explore inside the map. So if DXMP doesn't work out then I make this a singleplayer mission.
Last edited by Lurker on Tue Sep 11, 12 1:38 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Postby Defy » Sun Nov 11, 12 6:00 am

Very impressive. We might be able to work together if you're interested.
Also have a few things in my mod you might be able to use that were inspired
by playing s.t.a.l.k.e.r. Like a lock that when you break it, it unlocks the door its attached to.
Exactly like the one in s.t.a.l.k.e.r. xD
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Postby China » Mon Nov 12, 12 8:23 am

I wonder what mod Lurker is making this week? :P

Was looking forward to seeing your UT ports, missed this topic so I guess you've put UT to one side, any updates on this?
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Postby Lurker » Mon Jan 21, 13 1:57 pm

China wrote:I wonder what mod Lurker is making this week? :P

Hello China!

Unfortunately I was too busy in real life in the last months, so I couldn't focus on any of my active mod projects. The christmas period also kept me busy. But I hope to have more time in 2013. I have already worked on the Stalker map this January, thus I'm going to post an update (Build 4) soon... So bare with me and always stay tuned... :P

Was looking forward to seeing your UT ports, missed this topic so I guess you've put UT to one side, any updates on this?

Yes, the Unreal conversion project (Dasa Cellars, for instance) is currently put to side. But it's NOT cancelled! I could continue that project at any point.

As far as Unreal/UT ports go in general, 2010 to 2012 I browsed through almost all Unreal'98 single- and multiplayer maps ever made by the Unreal community, as you might know. My main focus was on a) big detailed city maps, b) small fast-paced DM maps and c) caves and interesting underground areas. I have also reviewed Epic's original maps from Unreal and its addon RTNP (Return to Na Pali).

I haven't reviewed any UT'99 maps yet. This is a huge task by itself since there are twice that much or even more maps for Unreal Tournament made by the Unreal modding community!

However, I came to the following conclusion so far:

90% of Unreal maps are unrealistic (no pun intended) for Deus Ex. I have found only a handful of good-looking user-made maps, both single- and multiplayer, which would work well for Deus Ex. But even those maps would need a lot of revision work, re-texturing, re-editing and stuff. Just converting them won't do it imho. So each of those good maps represents a big project by itself which I'm not going to undertake.

Small fast-paced DM maps are plently in Unreal. They could be converted, textured and edited quickly in just a few hours or even minutes though. BUT they look strange as hell and the layouts of these maps are very simple, like a 6-year-old mapper just thrown some cube brushes and corridors together and linked them. That's not the kind of stuff which would immerse gamers by today's standards.

Briefly said, I'm going for realism now! Especially in layout and detailed level design. And realistic terrain-building ofcourse! That's why I have chosen the Stalker series. Stalker and Deus Ex have some things in common, like the inventory and communication systems, for example.

So expect more from that front. I will convert Unreal/UT maps to Deus Ex by request only. Most likely I will take some useful areas or objects from Unreal maps and import them in my Stalker map.
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Postby Lurker » Mon Jan 21, 13 2:28 pm

Defy wrote:Very impressive. We might be able to work together if you're interested.
Also have a few things in my mod you might be able to use that were inspired
by playing s.t.a.l.k.e.r. Like a lock that when you break it, it unlocks the door its attached to.
Exactly like the one in s.t.a.l.k.e.r. xD

Thanks for your feedback. I could need some help in my project indeed.

Here's what I'm currently interested in:

1. Realistically-looking 3d models or brushes of trees for Deus Ex, like the ones seen in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
2. Working UnrealScript for Deus Ex which allows the player to buy/sell stuff from/to a trader by using the inventory screen.
3. Smart method to implement a looped day-night cycle in Deus Ex, using triggered lighting for example.

Those requests go out to anyone who can help with any of those.
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Postby Lurker » Wed Jan 23, 13 12:41 am

Alright guys, Build Version 4 coming up very soon!

A random Work-In-Progress screenshot:


This is the back entrance of my so-called "Stalker Shop" where the player is supposed to buy items and weapons in the future. If you are familiar with the first S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game "Shadow of Chernobyl" you will recognize 2 textures in this shot which I've converted, edited and added: the detailed concrete barrier wall with those 5 portholes and a white brick wall with greenish and redish elements. The placeholder tree in the distance to the right also includes a texture (dark brown tree bark) from Stalker.

I like to emphasize that I'm not just converting Stalker textures to Deus Ex, but I also edit them, so they look good or even better in Deus Ex!

Before I can post this version for download I still need to do some texturing, editing and final touches though. There is not much in the Build 4 map, except the Stalker shop (with weapons and items only lying around to be picked up), the placeholder tree (for testing purposes), some wandering dogs (from Deus Ex) and a road which leads into the terrain.

That much said, I hope you like the current high quality look of the map. The Build 4 download is going to be posted here at the end of this week.

So as always... Stay tuned! :!:
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Postby clyzm » Wed Jan 23, 13 12:43 am


If you need a couple trees or bushes or something hit me up
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Postby Lurker » Wed Jan 23, 13 1:07 am

clyzm wrote::O

If you need a couple trees or bushes or something hit me up

I'll do that. If you got any 3d models (*.3d) or brush prefabs (*.t3d, *.u3d) of nice-looking trees and bushes to be imported into UnrealEd1 then just post them for download here or send them to my email address. If you need my email send me a PM.

Last edited by Lurker on Wed Jan 23, 13 1:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Mastakilla » Wed Jan 23, 13 2:05 pm

Impressiveee, I can't give any support other then telling you that this is looking very interesting. Please do keep us updated here :D
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Postby bambi » Thu Jan 24, 13 8:37 pm

I love this chit!
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Postby Lurker » Mon Jan 28, 13 1:56 am

Still working on Build 4, thus no download. Maybe the new week...

But I have another latest screenshot for you guys:


This is the interior of the "Stalker shop". Everything basic done inside there. Stalker textures for the walls, the ceiling and the floor edited and added. I'm still not ready with this. In the next step I'm going to add nice wood frames to the windows, as mostly seen for buildings and houses in the STALKER games, so the shop building gets more detail.
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Postby Lurker » Mon Jan 28, 13 1:59 am

bambi wrote:I love this chit!

And I love to build it! 8)

I hope gamers will have as much fun playing this mod as I have making it.
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Postby Mastakilla » Mon Jan 28, 13 2:51 am

I'll surely give this a try
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Postby Shinobi » Wed Jan 30, 13 7:07 pm

Finally! Something outdoors and daytime that isn't RATESC.
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Postby Lurker » Sun Mar 17, 13 9:48 pm

Hey guys!

It's 2 months since I posted my last update. So I'm going to post more stuff now:


This is an interior shot of the construction site brick building in Shadow of Chernobyl. The first shot is my Deus Ex version and the shot below is from original STALKER for comparison. As you can see the basic layout is done. Lighting and other details will be added later. The imported Stalker brick texture is 1024x1024 size and looks high quality in Deus Ex. I may add the interior and exterior of the 3-story brick building to the terrain or it will be a separate map. I haven't decided yet.

I'll keep you guys updated more frequently from now on...
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Postby Psycho » Sun Mar 17, 13 11:09 pm

This looks great.
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Postby Aidan » Mon Mar 18, 13 6:41 pm

Wow man, great job.
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Postby atrey65789 » Sun Mar 24, 13 10:04 pm

Deus Ex Mappers need to make maps like this!!! I am tired of playing stupid maps like iceworld and pool!

Great job man!
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Postby AlvinD » Sun Mar 24, 13 11:35 pm

It is like for like :) Good job!
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Postby Nach0 » Thu Mar 28, 13 10:30 pm

Excellent stuff here.
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Postby AlvinD » Mon Apr 01, 13 12:38 pm

Lmao what's with all the test ads?
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Postby Psycho » Mon Apr 01, 13 2:52 pm

atrey65789 wrote:Deus Ex Mappers need to make maps like this!!! I am tired of playing stupid maps like iceworld and pool!

Great job man!

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