Political Ignorance

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Political Ignorance

Postby Roven » Fri Dec 07, 07 10:02 pm

No one can say it's just one country asspacked with ignorant cunts because we all got'em, and we all got those traits somewhere, little or big. I'm talking about the dipshits who bash Americans because in their minds they think, "Why not?". The folks who are truly fucking retarded enough to believe in that 9/11 Conspiracy Theory shit, and make oh so witty videos with cool music in the background and narrate with more witty tones.
The entire fucking thing is retarded and it makes me wonder who the fuck made political parties more important than actually getting something done in Iraq. Honestly I think almost everyone in both parties needs to wake up to a fucking bullet in their leg and have the truth screamed into both ears over megaphones, because it doesn't seem like much else will work.

I've fucking met Bush, he isn't that bad of a guy, and bitching nonstop about him and how much he's an idiot and blah blah blah blah doesn't get SHIT done in any case at all, and if anything slows shit down by bogging his priorities down with the constant "FUCK YOU" and "YOU SUCK IMPEACH IMPEACH IMPEACH WAAAAAAAAH", and his need to eventually react with some bullshit speech.
I don't see too many of these motherfuckers or you motherfuckers possibly doing anything productive about it, so until you do, why don't you fucking shut up? I mean son of a bitch.

"United We Stand, Divided We Fall", and that goes for the fucking States and the Allies as a whole. It doesn't take a political genius to point that shit out, so why the fuck don't any of our governments or people get some balls and dignity and actually fucking do something to the benefit of all of us? Why do I have to listen to this self-hating American bullshit, and then as I'm on the internet and in different fucking countries the typical, "GENOCIDE IN IRAQ YOUR THE TERRORIST WAAAAAH".

It's fucking stupid, and so are the idiots who give their undying loyalty to the cause of fucking about concerning the International Politics of all these situations.
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Postby kBo » Fri Dec 07, 07 11:16 pm

Have you seen Loose Change? Have you seen the close-up video of the explosions in the WTC that are below the line of collapse? You're just as ignorant as the people you categorically bash if you declare their claims invalid without looking at them.
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Postby Kaiden » Fri Dec 07, 07 11:35 pm

Counted 20 swear words, probs more. No one is going to take you seriously with posts like these. Maybe if you had a justified argument with stats, etc, I would show interest.
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Postby James » Sat Dec 08, 07 5:59 am

kBo wrote:Have you seen Loose Change?

I stopped reading from here, next you'd tell me the American dollar has had the plan to destroy the towers since it was conceived, before the towers were constructed.
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Postby Roven » Sat Dec 08, 07 7:17 am

It's a rant forum, not a debate forum, I came to bitch and I bitched and it's all good. Either way, have you seen how fucking grainy those videos are? I mean shit, Building 8 probably went down from a shockwave which has happened before, and you can ask any construction manager the measures that are taken to prevent that kind of shit with planned building demolitions.
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Postby Gishank » Sat Dec 08, 07 10:29 am

Correct. Its a rant forum.
Not a flame forum, Roven. >_>
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Postby Mr. Tastix » Sat Dec 08, 07 11:29 am

kBo wrote:Have you seen Loose Change? Have you seen the close-up video of the explosions in the WTC that are below the line of collapse? You're just as ignorant as the people you categorically bash if you declare their claims invalid without looking at them.

That's like saying the whole fucking Illuminati shit is true as well (the real life shit asswads, not DX). There's no true proof that 9/11 is a conspiracy. And no proof that it isn't. Just like there is no proof on God and his/her existance or the Illuminati and their existance.

A few pictures, logos and videos doesn't make something true. Ever heard of something being faked? Obviously not.
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Postby kBo » Sat Dec 08, 07 1:22 pm

There's documented news footage that clearly shows the explosions. I've seen it.

Also, I'm not saying you have to believe it, I'm just saying you should at least watch it before you discredit it.
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Postby Mr. Tastix » Sat Dec 08, 07 1:29 pm

I myself, haven't discredited the fact. Actually, TBH, I couldn't give a fuck about 9/11 anymore. Yes, it was a terrible thing. But I believe that past happenings are just that. Events which happened in the PAST. This is the present. I know some people take longer to grieve and get over things then others, but if it takes 7 years then you've got problems.[/code]
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Postby Kaiden » Sat Dec 08, 07 1:35 pm

Lol, he's saying 9/11 didn't happen? Right..
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Postby Mr. Tastix » Sat Dec 08, 07 1:36 pm

No, he's saying it happened but that it was all planned.
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Postby kBo » Sat Dec 08, 07 1:37 pm

So under that argument, if I killed your parents and made it look like your dad committed a murder/suicide, and you found out the truth several years later, you wouldn't care anymore? Even if it did happen over six years ago, the fact that most people haven't even considered the possibility of what I believe to be the truth disturbs me.
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Postby Mr. Tastix » Sat Dec 08, 07 1:39 pm

Yes, I would care. And people HAVE considered the possibility. However, I say keep it in the past because NO PROOF HAS BEEN FOUND TO STATE IT AS A CONSPIRACY YET!!! Christ, how stupid can one get?
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Postby Roven » Sat Dec 08, 07 8:10 pm

Gishank wrote:Correct. Its a rant forum.
Not a flame forum, Roven. >_>

Oh thank you lecturer of the needless.

The bottom line is, "9/11 was a conspiracy" should never make it's way into a serious political discussion, because until some motherfucker comes out of the woods and admits to it, or finds literal documents or something concerning it, it's all a bunch of bitchy far-left idiots. Bush isn't going to fucking take over America his term is almost up, and I dare any motherfucker to tell me he's going to get reelected for a THIRD term so he can do it.
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Postby Kaiden » Sat Dec 08, 07 11:57 pm

What are you ACTUALLY talking about? First it was "ignorant cunts" then "conspiracy's" and now "9/11"
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Postby Roven » Sun Dec 09, 07 12:35 am

oh fuck the rest, I separated it in paragraphs. People such as Rosie O'Donnell and Letterman who are surprisingly enough in some cases credible political critics insist that 9/11 was an inside job, and all that bullshit. The point is Americans have grown from what they were started as, they've perverted the freedoms they were given so they could single-mindedly conduct an orchestra of nonstop BS in politics and their personal life. It's all a bunch of idiocy.

Words that meant something mean nothing but something fancy to say at a press conference, or to make one feel like he's better, or he's sophisticated. It isn't about them, they are each one person. Politics and government were made for the able to conduct a country from the control center, to administrate and for not the purpose of a specific party. They are to administrate for the greater good, the people, the Freedom they have been born so ungratefully into. No one appreciates anything, no one understands or watches what happens, they bitch and whine and are not in the position of the person that they bitch about so loud it effects the person's administration.
Any exploited administrator or moderator on this forum can relate. Even then no one truly gives a rats ass what happens, they care for themselves, and it is disgusting. What happened to the principles of gentlemen? The philosophies of visionaries? The goals of freedom fighters. Everyone wants to "Make a Difference", but why must YOU make a difference? You are not the only one, the world is not here for you, it does not need only your help so you can feel better about yourself. It is the product of efficiency in international society, it is the goal we all must realize, for no matter our class or profession it is our responsibility of dignified beings to keep the machine running, to produce Justice. To make things as they should be, not serve ourselves.
Selfless men are either being killed not in Iraq, everywhere, or they are too fucking quiet to do anything that the greater good needs of them.

We need good men, true and honest men, and no matter how few they are they exist. I can only be as modest as I can truly be but it is not my goal to make an image for myself, it is to keep those who need help, helped. Who need aid, aided. They need someone to lean on and no one else is going to and it isn't a glamor it's a damn job someone has to do. If I am doing it then I know someone else way out there is also doing it, and though I may not know them we are still brothers, brothers not by our responsibility, but responsible brothers in the Brotherhood of Man. The older brothers who look after the younger, who produce for those who cannot.

Politics the greatest bet of someone accomplishing much in one stroke, and it is sorely misused.
Last edited by Roven on Sun Dec 09, 07 12:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby James » Sun Dec 09, 07 1:04 am

You're actually right about most things you said, although I know you're young and you should keep silent about these things. There is still a lot you need to learn which you won't until you're in adulthood and understand how everything works, even I won't dabble in the subject, rest yourself for now.

Any exploited administrator or moderator on this forum can relate. Even then no one truly gives a rats ass what happens, they care for themselves, and it is disgusting. What happened to the principles of gentlemen? The philosophies of visionaries? The goals of freedom fighters. Everyone wants to "Make a Difference", but why must YOU make a difference? You are not the only one, the world is not here for you, it does not need only your help so you can feel better about yourself. It is the product of efficiency in international society, it is the goal we all must realize, for no matter our class or profession it is our responsibility of dignified beings to keep the machine running, to produce Justice. To make things as they should be, not serve ourselves.

I am going to praise you for this. I believe the best of people contribute to human life and civilization, labor and hard work, not to be a puppet or to cater their own selfish dreams. Famed heroes, scientists, artists, philosophers and other famous people who deserve it, what drives them to popularity over some generic celebrity is the fact they contributed to our history and the on-going evolution of the human race, if you strive solely for yourself your existence is meaningless and merely made little positive impact, if not also small or very negative impacts when combined with other "down and outs". We're all unique creatures, but in reality we're all capable as a species if we're not mentally/physically disabled or challenged to compare to each other's abilities, so if you're going to do something at least make it benefit your country (even if you're a bricklayer), world and/or to raise another chapter in your own family's story to preserve another chance for the human species.

I consider my self a drone, but I am a exceptional leader with great management skills and some speech skills. I do not think I am superior to anyone but as you know, and many do, I am very rash in my behavior and that is the way I live out my life (Derek is the worse person I have EVER had in contact with next to my former best friend, Joe). I have seen too many ignorance in my time that I have made myself stubborn to anyone unless they can prove good reason or benefit in their actions, even if I act like a complete asshole it is only to ensure and threat them into seeing their wrongs. Because of what I just said I consider myself a very moral person in giving, I want to give a lot and build upon what I achieve but I am extremely neutral at the same time and will use anything to achieve my goals over what I sadly see is a dog eat dog world, I am anti-BS.

Enough of this, I am starting to think too much and I still have too much to learn.

Too long, didn't read: You're only unique through your actions and impacts on the world.
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Postby Roven » Sun Dec 09, 07 1:23 am

Thank you, sincerely.
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Postby Kaiden » Sun Dec 09, 07 1:24 am

(Derek is the worse person I have EVER had in contact with next to my former best friend, Joe).

Lol at the subliminal message! =D

Nice two posts anyway.
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Postby James » Sun Dec 09, 07 1:25 am

It is honestly true though, everything was a competition with him you can ask anyone that.
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Postby Mr. Tastix » Sun Dec 09, 07 2:45 am

You know. It's kinda of nice to have an actual intelligent discussion here at www.dxalpha.com. Now, how long will it last?...
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Postby Legion » Sun Dec 09, 07 7:30 am

Roven wrote:It's a rant forum, not a debate forum, I came to bitch and I bitched and it's all good. Either way, have you seen how fucking grainy those videos are? I mean shit, Building 8 probably went down from a shockwave which has happened before, and you can ask any construction manager the measures that are taken to prevent that kind of shit with planned building demolitions.

Maybe I should make a fucking post about 9/11 and how I get to watch my friend hit the side of the fucking buildings year after year...... NO WAIT, I have better things to do.. STFU if you're just going to bitch about stupid crap that nobody cares about. There.. that's my rant for the day.
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Postby Roven » Sun Dec 09, 07 8:27 am

Legion wrote:
Roven wrote:It's a rant forum, not a debate forum, I came to bitch and I bitched and it's all good. Either way, have you seen how fucking grainy those videos are? I mean shit, Building 8 probably went down from a shockwave which has happened before, and you can ask any construction manager the measures that are taken to prevent that kind of shit with planned building demolitions.

Maybe I should make a fucking post about 9/11 and how I get to watch my friend hit the side of the fucking buildings year after year...... NO WAIT, I have better things to do.. STFU if you're just going to bitch about stupid crap that nobody cares about. There.. that's my rant for the day.

Oh you poor fucking baby. A single tear rolls down my cheek and I play you a sad song on the world's smallest violin. You aren't the only motherfucker who gets to watch people die year after year so don't act like you have such hardcore problems.
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Postby Gishank » Sun Dec 09, 07 9:59 am

Would someone tell me. Why the hell did the illiterate dumbfuck, namely; George Bush, get elected in the first place?
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Postby Mr. Tastix » Sun Dec 09, 07 10:19 am

Because of his father. That's why. Power is worth more than money. Because power means money.
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Postby xProtocol Rain » Sun Dec 09, 07 10:37 am

Legion wrote:
Roven wrote:It's a rant forum, not a debate forum, I came to bitch and I bitched and it's all good. Either way, have you seen how fucking grainy those videos are? I mean shit, Building 8 probably went down from a shockwave which has happened before, and you can ask any construction manager the measures that are taken to prevent that kind of shit with planned building demolitions.

Maybe I should make a fucking post about 9/11 and how I get to watch my friend hit the side of the fucking buildings year after year...... NO WAIT, I have better things to do.. STFU if you're just going to bitch about stupid crap that nobody cares about. There.. that's my rant for the day.


Things that nobody cares about eh? Well if YOU for example don't care, then simply don't fucking post here.
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Postby James » Sun Dec 09, 07 12:12 pm

Gishank wrote:Would someone tell me. Why the hell did the illiterate dumbfuck, namely; George Bush, get elected in the first place?

Al Gore would of been the superior choice, Al Gore would of been fucking ace.
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Postby clyzm » Mon Jan 07, 08 6:38 am

(Derek is the worse person I have EVER had in contact with next to my former best friend, Joe)

Hahaha, oh wow.
"Moral" as one can be I guess.
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Postby Kaiden » Mon Jan 07, 08 12:39 pm

....Worthless topic revival.
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