Moderator: Forum Guards
Kaiden wrote:New homepage omg.
Longc[A]t wrote:I still think Dae is a russian spambot.
~[A]Daedalus~ wrote:There will be a day when my patience goes away and you, along with all who rant with you, will get banned.
ô¿ô¥[GODZ]¥NOCHANC wrote:I can ban any one I want ANY time I want. You have no rights here.
Dae wrote:The KB will be offline for several weeks. If you need some specific article, I can retrieve it for you.
China wrote: Thanks for that Dae, I need to get that coloured names thingy.
or 1=1 wrote:10-15 different active users per day? Is it worth remake it?
or 1=1 wrote:15000 and only 20 users are actively posting
0,1% FTW
China wrote:But I can't execute the file when uploaded to Gamesmajor, I wonder if a .u package exists.