Community Made Deus Ex 3? "2"?

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Community Made Deus Ex 3? "2"?

Postby Gishank » Thu Mar 22, 07 5:58 pm

Well, i was wondering... Why doesn't the DXMP community make a Deus Ex 3... :P
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Postby Dae » Thu Mar 22, 07 6:08 pm

Try, why not :roll:
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Postby Imperial » Thu Mar 22, 07 6:11 pm

Well if you want it on an unreal engine, you need to obtain it, and that doesn't come cheap :wink: ( as well as this, to even get into talks with Epicgames about buying their software, you need a registered domain and email, not a gmail one, even if you are a newly registered company.)
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Postby Gishank » Thu Mar 22, 07 6:14 pm

1) The UT'95 Deus Ex engine isn't actually copyrighted as far as i know.(That'd keep the feel of the old DX)
2) Even if it is, who's gonna give a monkeys? Not Ion Storm or Eidos.
3) Erm, if you haven't realised my email, and msn address is on a private domain name...

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Postby Imperial » Thu Mar 22, 07 6:19 pm

Of course they won't give a monkeys, as no 1, Ion storm are non-existant
and no 2. they don't have a say, they jsut bought the license for it.

If you are willing to shell out money for the engine and then can ensure dedicated people would get to work on the project, with both lots of commitment and dedication, then sure..

But why the ut95 engine? I think going up a bit won't do any harm :o
As technology improves, so does time, so I think to make a deus ex 3 and have it as a success you would need a better engine.
Also, ensure Gamespy aren't hosting your masterserver!!!
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Postby Gishank » Thu Mar 22, 07 6:24 pm

Whatever engine it is run on, it's not a game which would be sold commercially lol
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Postby Dae » Thu Mar 22, 07 6:28 pm

G.I.Ant wrote:Well if you want it on an unreal engine, you need to obtain it, and that doesn't come cheap :wink: ( as well as this, to even get into talks with Epicgames about buying their software, you need a registered domain and email, not a gmail one, even if you are a newly registered company.)

if you give me 1 mln pounds I might think about it
engine itself costs about $300 000
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Postby Imperial » Thu Mar 22, 07 6:48 pm

i am sure teh Kloppah has 300 000 $ stored away somewhere ey?

Think about it!! You must do it for that much! :x :P :P
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Postby Dae » Thu Mar 22, 07 6:59 pm

Whatever engine it is run on, it's not a game which would be sold commercially lol

You don't need to pay anything for non-commerical use of Unreal Engine 2.0. You may even take UT07 engine when it comes out and make a "total conversion", however players will need the game itself to run the game.
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Postby [FGS]ShadowRunner » Fri Mar 23, 07 3:02 am

I've seen this discussion before, it concludes with endless discussions about engines...

DX3 is in a way, FarCry and Project Snowblind...

But I think a DX3 could easily be made which is true to DX and a great SP mission, better than Steve Tack's Zodiac or Carone's Hotel Carone, a big project like 2027...and every mapper in the community could have a chance... it could be a way to attract new DX players...

but if you want a new engine...howbout UT2k4...the fan-made maps are awesome and very many players Dae said either $300,000, or we stfu or we stfu already and make it in DX SDK, I'll help map etc...
which means about 400 people arguing about the DX3 storyline and characters until DX don't run on Windows 2010?


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Postby Mr. Tastix » Fri Mar 23, 07 4:12 am

I believe a fan-made DX3 would be cool but I'd rather have Ion Storm back and make it themselves. Not that that'll ever happen now due to they don't exist anymore.

A fan-made DX3 would be good because I think everyones opinions and ideas could go into it. Most gaming corporations don't give a rats ass about the consumer and the fans, they just want to make sure their wallets and nice a fat at the end of the day or have a game THEY made entirely.

Besides, you'd need someone who knows the Unreal Engine inside and out. And the version used in the creation of DX would work but I wouldn't really want to play on an outdated engine which would have shitty graphics compared to now. The latest Unreal Engine would be costly but it'd be better.

Basically, a fan-made game would be hard. Good, but hard. The storyline would need to follow the second one. Meaning (and there is spoilers ahead for those who haven't played DXIW but I don't give a fuck as most don't like DXIW) that they'd have to follow the main ending of DX2 - and that would be Helios fusing with EVERYONE.

I say that ending is the main one as it is consistant with the "main" storyline of DX1 which is fusing with Helios in the first place which they used for DX2.

You'd need good Story Writers, Editors, a bloody Publisher and alot of Designers and Developers to even START it.
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Postby Dae » Fri Mar 23, 07 2:17 pm

.like Dae said either $300,000, or we stfu or we stfu already and make it in DX SDK

I also said

You don't need to pay anything for non-commerical use of Unreal Engine 2.0. <...>

This means someone could make a standalone game on Unreal Engine for FREE, which would work w/o UT04. Unless, of course, you gonna sell the game - then you have to buy a license.

You may also use U3 engine, but distribute the game as a mod to e.g. UT 07.

But I think a DX3 could easily be made which is true to DX and a great SP mission, better than Steve Tack's Zodiac or Carone's Hotel Carone, a big project like 2027...and every mapper in the community could have a chance... it could be a way to attract new DX players...

The gameplay time of 2027 is smaller than gameplay time of the original game, and 2027 has been in development for 4 years or so.
In order to create a decent game you need a team of top-notch specialists who are over 20 years old, and a very talented manager (again, over 22 years at least) who'd devote all his free time to the project during 3-4 years at minimum.
Even making a mod is a very hard thing and those who think not haven't tried making a singleplayer mod. Usually people who managed at least once to make a convo, script, map say such things, but in order to develop the whole, it needs more than just that.
Almost all DX mods were made or are still in development by a single person (Hotel Carone, Burden of 80, Zodiac, Counterfeit, 2027, Rebirth, Skyward + many more). Teams rarely succeed because different people have different views on the subject and the fact that they'll be able to implement their views is what generally motivates them. In our case the story has to be written by professional writers to avoid banalities, boredom and conversion of the game to a shooter; and the rest of components should be thought over on early stages of development. The developers won't motivated enough by just doing a routine job of converting words into 3D game. Unless, of course, we're talking about cubic maps with a story line of Counter Strike.
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Postby [FGS]ShadowRunner » Fri Mar 23, 07 6:02 pm

IW was not a hit on Xbox... so yeah I don't think corporate will touch a game called DX3...

What Dae says is interesting, it's true of musicians and film makers, getting a motivated unsalaried team to do a professional job on time and quality and as you say doing something deeper than "cubic maps" for CS is hard, even after a pro script writer did his job.

Perhaps there are not companies, but individuals within companies, with resources, time, energy and love for Deus Ex who could lend a hand with management, developing a cutting-edge game script and keeping the amateurs on track?

And then maybe you are right, one person might succeed where an army would fail... but is there one person with all the skills of scriptwriting, art direction, engine knowledge, coding etc?
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