Server Hosting Problems!

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Server Hosting Problems!

Postby bambi » Wed Jun 03, 09 6:01 pm


My server shows up. But the map is always dx.dx. This is not fun or easy to play augs on this map. I do not know what is wrong. The log shows that it is missing a server actor for nephthys. I am lost! Anyone know how to get the map changing ability? I also noticed that there are lots of mutators without serveractors like mpack1 and quakesounds.

Here is the log:

Log: Bound to DeusEx.dll
Log: Bound to Extension.dll
Log: Bound to ConSys.dll
Log: Loading: Package DeusEx
Log: Loading: Package Core
Log: Loading: Package Engine
Log: Loading: Package Extension
Log: Loading: Package DeusExCharacters
Log: Loading: Package DeusExUI
Log: Loading: Package DeusExItems
Log: Loading: Package Effects
Log: Bound to Fire.dll
Log: Loading: Package Fire
Log: Loading: Package ConSys
Log: Loading: Package DeusExSounds
Log: Loading: Package DeusExDeco
Log: Loading: Package UBrowser
Log: Loading: Package UWindow
Log: Bound to IpDrv.dll
Log: Bound to Nephthys.dll
Log: Loading: Package IpDrv
Log: Bound to DeusExText.dll
Log: Loading: Package DeusExText
Log: Loading: Package Ambient
Log: Loading: Package MoverSFX
Log: Loading: Package IpServer
Log: Loading: Package MPCharacters
Init: Unreal engine initialized
Log: Browse: DXMP_Smuggler?Name=TEST?Class=DXMTL152b1.MTLMJ12?Team=1?Game=DXMTL152b1.MTLTeam?Mutator=Nephthys.Nephthys,QuakeSoundsV2.QuakeSoundsV2,DXMapVote100.MVMutator,mPack1.ModifyPlayerSettings?-server?log=server.log
Log: Doing load, not loadgame
Log: Current mission number is -1, next is -1
Log: LoadMap: DXMP_Smuggler?Name=TEST?Class=DXMTL152b1.MTLMJ12?Team=1?Game=DXMTL152b1.MTLTeam?Mutator=Nephthys.Nephthys,QuakeSoundsV2.QuakeSoundsV2,DXMapVote100.MVMutator,mPack1.ModifyPlayerSettings?-server?log=server.log
Log: Loading: Package DXMP_Smuggler
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexMetal
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexDetail
Log: Loading: Package NewYorkCity
Log: Loading: Package area51textures
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexWood
Log: Loading: Package Dockyard
Log: Loading: Package NYCBar
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexBrick
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexMisc
Log: Loading: Package Catacombs
Log: Loading: Package Paris
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexGlass
Log: Loading: Package Cmd_tunnels
Log: Loading: Package Rocket
Log: Loading: Package V_Com_Center
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexConcrete
Log: Loading: Package NYCStreets_Music
Log: Collecting garbage
Log: Purging garbage
Log: Garbage: objects: 34475->34374; refs: 427180
Log: Loading: Package DXMTL152b1
Log: Game class is 'MTLTeam'
Nephthys: 2008/01/25 23:24:23: ***********************************************************************************************
Nephthys: 2008/01/25 23:24:23: *** Nephthys V1.4a100 is now Mistress of the House
Nephthys: 2008/01/25 23:24:23: *** (C) 2004-2006 by Zora & Winged Unicorn :)
Nephthys: 2008/01/25 23:24:23: ***********************************************************************************************
Init: WinSock: version 2.2 (2.2), MaxSocks=0, MaxUdp=0
Init: WinSock: Socket queue 131072 / 131072
Init: WinSock: I am d648771 (xxxxxxxxxx)
DevNet: TcpNetDriver on port 7790
Log: Server Package: DXMTL152b1
Log: Server Package: QuakeSoundsV2
Log: Loading: Package QuakeSoundsV2
Log: Server Package: Announcer
Log: Loading: Package Announcer
Log: Server Package: DXMapVote100
Log: Loading: Package DXMapVote100
Log: Server Package: MMSkinsV01
Log: Loading: Package MMSkinsV01
Log: Server Package: MMUserControl100
Log: Loading: Package MMUserControl100
Log: Server Package: MMShowMessage100
Log: Loading: Package MMShowMessage100
Log: Server Package: MMTempBan100
Log: Loading: Package MMTempBan100
Log: Server Package: MMAntiTK110
Log: Loading: Package MMAntiTK110
Log: Server Package: MMImTyping110
Log: Loading: Package MMImTyping110
Log: Server Package: MMAdvBan110
Log: Loading: Package MMAdvBan110
Log: Server Package: CRDMBugFix1b9
Log: Loading: Package CRDMBugFix1b9
Log: Server Package: MMCleaner100
Log: Loading: Package MMCleaner100
Log: Spawning: IpDrv.UdpBeacon
Log: Spawning: DXIpServer.DXUdpServerQuery
Log: Loading: Package DXIpServer
Log: Spawning: Nephthys.NptServerUplink
Log: Loading: Package Nephthys
Log: Spawning: Nephthys.NptServerUplink
Log: Spawning: Nephthys.NptServerUplink
Log: Spawning: Nephthys.NptServerUplink
Log: Spawning: miniMTL210.miniMTLLoader
Log: Loading: Package miniMTL210
Log: Spawning: Announcer101.Announcer
Log: Loading: Package Announcer101
Log: Spawning: NameControl.NameControlMutator
Log: Loading: Package NameControl
Log: Spawning: MMSkinsV01.SkinsMutator
Log: Spawning: MMGameChanger100.GameMutator
Log: Loading: Package MMGameChanger100
Log: Spawning: MMPlayerStats100.PlayerMutator
Log: Loading: Package MMPlayerStats100
Log: Spawning: MMUserControl100.UserControlMutator
Log: Spawning: MMShowMessage100.MessageMutator
Log: Spawning: MMTempBan100.TempBan
Log: Spawning: MMSwitcher100.SwitchMutator
Log: Loading: Package MMSwitcher100
Log: Spawning: MMAntiTK110.AntiTKMutator
Log: Spawning: MMImTyping110.MMIAmTyping
Log: Spawning: MMAdvBan110.AdvBanMutator
Log: Spawning: MMSwitchVote100.VoteMutator
Log: Loading: Package MMSwitchVote100
Log: Spawning: CRDMBugFix1b9.CRDM
Log: Spawning: MMCleaner100.CleanMutator
Log: Bringing Level DXMP_Smuggler.MyLevel up for play (20)...
DXMTL: InitGame: ?Name=TEST?Class=DXMTL152b1.MTLMJ12?Team=1?Game=DXMTL152b1.MTLTeam?Mutator=Nephthys.Nephthys,QuakeSoundsV2.QuakeSoundsV2,DXMapVote100.MVMutator,mPack1.ModifyPlayerSettings?-server?log=server.log
DXMTL: Base Mutator: DXMP_Smuggler.CBPMutator0
DXMTL: Starting anti-cheat mutator...
DXMTL: Allow CenterView: True
DXMTL: Continuous CenterView: False
DXMTL: CenterView Delay: 2.500000
DXMTL: DeusExLevelInfo Repaired!
DXMTL: Mutators Nephthys.Nephthys,QuakeSoundsV2.QuakeSoundsV2,DXMapVote100.MVMutator,mPack1.ModifyPlayerSettings
DXMTL: Add mutator QuakeSoundsV2.QuakeSoundsV2
DXMTL: Add mutator DXMapVote100.MVMutator
MVMutator: 7 Maps, 90 Bytes
DXMTL: Add mutator mPack1.ModifyPlayerSettings
Log: Loading: Package DeusExConText
ScriptLog: UdpServerQuery: Port 7791 successfully bound.
Log: Resolving
Log: Resolving
Log: Resolving
Log: Resolving
miniMTL: Initalizing miniMTL loader...
MMImTyping: MMImTyping is now active.
Init: Game engine initialized
Log: Startup time: 3.642765 seconds
Warning: Nephthys: 2008/01/25 23:24:24: Missing 'Nephthys.NptServerQuery' in ServerActors
Log: Resolved (
ScriptLog: UdpServerUplink: Master Server is
ScriptLog: UdpServerUplink: Port 7792 successfully bound.
Log: Resolved (
ScriptLog: UdpServerUplink: Master Server is
ScriptLog: UdpServerUplink: Port 7792 successfully bound.
Log: AInternetLink Resolve failed: Can't find host
ScriptLog: UdpServerUplink: Failed to resolve master server address, aborting.
miniMTL: Current game class: DXMTL152b1.MTLTeam
miniMTL: MTL Game Type found. Loading MTL Extension...
ScriptLog: ProcessServerTravel: DXMP_Smuggler?Game=miniMTL210.miniMTLTeam
Log: WLog::OnCommand ID_NotifyExit
Log: appRequestExit(0)
Exit: Preparing to exit.
Log: Purging garbage
Log: Unbound to Engine.dll
Log: Unbound to Core.dll
Log: Unbound to Window.dll
Log: Unbound to DeusEx.dll
Log: Unbound to Extension.dll
Log: Unbound to ConSys.dll
Log: Unloading: Package DeusEx
Log: Unloading: Package Core
Log: Unloading: Package Engine
Log: Unloading: Package Extension
Log: Unloading: Package DeusExCharacters
Log: Unloading: Package DeusExUI
Log: Unloading: Package DeusExItems
Log: Unloading: Package Effects
Log: Unbound to Fire.dll
Log: Unloading: Package Fire
Log: Unloading: Package ConSys
Log: Unloading: Package DeusExSounds
Log: Unloading: Package DeusExDeco
Log: Unloading: Package UBrowser
Log: Unloading: Package UWindow
Log: Unbound to IpDrv.dll
Log: Unbound to Nephthys.dll
Log: Unloading: Package IpDrv
Log: Unbound to DeusExText.dll
Log: Unloading: Package DeusExText
Log: Unloading: Package Ambient
Log: Unloading: Package MoverSFX
Log: Unloading: Package IpServer
Log: Unloading: Package MPCharacters
Exit: Game engine shut down
Log: Unloading: Package DXMP_Smuggler
Log: Unloading: Package CoreTexMetal
Log: Unloading: Package CoreTexDetail
Log: Unloading: Package NewYorkCity
Log: Unloading: Package area51textures
Log: Unloading: Package CoreTexWood
Log: Unloading: Package Dockyard
Log: Unloading: Package NYCBar
Log: Unloading: Package CoreTexBrick
Log: Unloading: Package CoreTexMisc
Log: Unloading: Package Catacombs
Log: Unloading: Package Paris
Log: Unloading: Package CoreTexGlass
Log: Unloading: Package Cmd_tunnels
Log: Unloading: Package Rocket
Log: Unloading: Package V_Com_Center
Log: Unloading: Package CoreTexConcrete
Log: Unloading: Package NYCStreets_Music
Exit: WinSock shut down
Log: Unloading: Package DXMTL152b1
Log: Unloading: Package QuakeSoundsV2
Log: Unloading: Package Announcer
Log: Unloading: Package DXMapVote100
Log: Unloading: Package MMSkinsV01
Log: Unloading: Package MMUserControl100
Log: Unloading: Package MMShowMessage100
Log: Unloading: Package MMTempBan100
Log: Unloading: Package MMAntiTK110
Log: Unloading: Package MMImTyping110
Log: Unloading: Package MMAdvBan110
Log: Unloading: Package CRDMBugFix1b9
Log: Unloading: Package MMCleaner100
Log: Unloading: Package DXIpServer
Log: Unloading: Package Nephthys
Log: Unloading: Package miniMTL210
Log: Unloading: Package Announcer101
Log: Unloading: Package NameControl
Log: Unloading: Package MMGameChanger100
Log: Unloading: Package MMPlayerStats100
Log: Unloading: Package MMSwitcher100
Log: Unloading: Package MMSwitchVote100
Log: Unloading: Package DeusExConText
Log: Garbage: objects: 51135->0; refs: 427180
Exit: Object subsystem successfully closed.
Exit: Exiting.
Uninitialized: Name subsystem shut down
Uninitialized: Memory Allocation Status
Uninitialized: Curr Memory 0.059M / 1.746M
Uninitialized: Peak Memory 28.449M / 29.945M
Uninitialized: Allocs 81 Current / 509013 Total
Uninitialized: Log file closed, 01/25/08 23:24:30
Posts: 476
Joined: Sun Nov 27, 05 7:26 pm

Postby Bear » Thu Jun 04, 09 5:12 pm

servertravel dxmp_smuggler
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Location: UK

Postby bambi » Fri Jun 05, 09 3:47 am

lol. Ok. Will do. Hopefully it will change maps and not go back to that awful dx.dx.
Posts: 476
Joined: Sun Nov 27, 05 7:26 pm

Postby bambi » Fri Jun 05, 09 2:51 pm

Ok, for some reason all these mutators are on my server even though I only selected nephthys, mpack, and dxmapvote. How can I get rid of them? I am thinking all these mutators are causing my server to start at dx.dx because I do not have them listed in server packages or dxmtl. Also, I am running this server remotely, does anyone know how to get to the mpack1.fatboy settings without being able to right click on the dx server icon?

[M] Event bambi[Telnet]( joined the party line
[N] MUTATOR DXMapVote100.MVMutator
[N] MUTATOR MMAntiTK110.AntiTKMutator
[N] MUTATOR MMImTyping110.MMIAmTyping
[N] MUTATOR mPack1.DXWeaponSelector
[N] MUTATOR mPack1.ModifyZoneInfo
[N] MUTATOR mPack1.FatBoy
[N] MUTATOR mPack1.mCheatServer
[N] MUTATOR mPack1.ModifyPlayerSettings
[N] MUTATOR Nephthys.Nephthys
[N] MUTATOR QuakeSoundsV2.QuakeSoundsV2
Posts: 476
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Postby bambi » Fri Jun 05, 09 3:37 pm

also when I use the Telnet changemap command, the server starts to change maps, but it won't change maps, it just changes to "connection to dx"
Posts: 476
Joined: Sun Nov 27, 05 7:26 pm

Postby Zora » Sun Jun 07, 09 1:01 pm

Hi bambi,

Nephthys is NOT a mutator, so please remove it from the mutator list. It only will give you trouble.

You're using a very old Nephthys version (actually the first which supports DX). I strongly recommend to upgrade to the newest version. I'm not sure if it's somewhere in this forum, but here's the link to my page:

The message about the missing Nephthys.NptServerQuery actor notifies you that Nephthys can't protect your server completely. After installation of the new Nephthys version your DeusEx.ini file will be changed automatically to use the correct query actor (a backup file is created during installation).

To trace down any problems the best is to reduce the complexity. Try starting your server without any mutator. If this solves the problem, then add the mutators one by one so you can figure out which one of them causes your problem.

Nephthys developer
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Postby bambi » Mon Jun 08, 09 8:13 pm

Zora, isn't 1.4 your newest? Nephthys V1.4a100 is what's running.

Other questions:
1. Does anyone know how to get the mpack1.Weaponselector mutator to work? And the mpack1.Fatboy mutator to work?

Last edited by bambi on Mon Jun 08, 09 8:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 476
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