violent games, movies, kids

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violent games, movies, kids

Postby synthetic » Wed Jul 22, 09 12:16 am

I was thinking that in a way a stronger control over violent/pornographic content might be necessary. Lithuanian new child protection law comes to mind, where they, strongly influenced by catholic society, proceed to carry out censorship on same-sex material displayed in media.

However it then struck me that banning everything that may even remotely have a negative impact on the young is simply a way for parents themselves avoid doing any parenting. The apparently contemporary way of raising the children, which is having the children grow up on their own, is so ridiculously stupid that it is almost entertaining. If that is how it will be nowadays, then why bother banning anything?
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Postby DxPlayer » Tue May 11, 10 5:46 pm

The children education is up to their parents. Giving to a government the power of censorship is just a way to get in trouble, sooner or later that government will be able to silent it's opposition or anything else that doesn't fit it's interests.

It's better to have a free traffic of information than a monitored one, since the information managers are able to manipulate the media and things like that.

Letting the children grow up on their own sounds stupid for me too, a good parenting is the only way to raise a good human, and it includes being able to trust the soon too. Even with a teenager parenting is necessary, but in this case the parents needs to respect the soon's privacy, it's starting his own life in that moment.
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Postby Hanover Fist » Tue May 11, 10 9:38 pm

Good parenting is not the only way, but guidance is crucial at a young age. It's the fucking parents responsibility to allow what their kids see, play, etc. However, I do have to say that much of the suggestive advertising could be toned down.

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Postby Wasted. » Sat May 15, 10 3:06 pm

There was a suggestion in the UK about a board of parents who were going to be allowed to censor products like t-shirts with slogans and stuff, which never got pushed through thank god.

If parents don't want their children wearing sex themed t-shirts (quite rightly, obviously) then don't buy them any. If it's there it doesn't mean you have to instantly buy it.

As regard to other peoples children, if invasive parents don't want them to wear slogans either, then maybe they should consider minding their own business and not being over-bearing and over-controlling assholes.

Back on topic, censoring shit is stupid and if you don't want your 4 year old looking at porn then don't let them. It's the parents job not to raise a family of tools.
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