Another short rant on ATDM: Death of aug popularity was also caused by ATDM?

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Postby James » Sat Oct 30, 10 12:19 pm

Great post.
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Postby ~ô¿ô~Nobody~ » Mon Nov 01, 10 2:47 pm

I'm still using F3-F12 for augs.. no wonder I'm that awesome at it. :lol:
Nobody is perfect...
Longc[A]t wrote:I still think Dae is a russian spambot.

~[A]Daedalus~ wrote:There will be a day when my patience goes away and you, along with all who rant with you, will get banned.

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Postby Marder » Sat Nov 27, 10 4:02 pm

Life is unfair and not much fun sometimes, which is why ATDM or ADTM (whatevvver) is not the most popular gametype. It takes a certain kind of person to enjoy it if you are not winning.

James wrote:You should have kept it simple and had 3-5 augmentations on start, full skills and no benefits from killing other than to pick up their body for meds/biocells.

Sounds like AG to me.

I dont the game killed DX, I think the players made a huge mistake. They tried to change OTHER mods and games rather than improving their own. Rather like Christians and the rest of the world.
Eventually Christians are the ones being marginalized and abused.
Although he is on Santa's naughty list forever, Deja Vu did create servers with throttles, guides and named them "Beginners" etc... Beginners had a chance at least there. Unfortunate that he used Al-Quaeda methods.

Less religion and more spirituality in Deus EX!!!
EVEN THE POPE ALLOWS CONDOMS, BUT ATDM after ten years of getting good at atdm, wonders why a beginner doesn't want to play it.

Life sucks, beginners want to have some fun.
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Postby James » Sat Nov 27, 10 4:47 pm

This was utterly a lure thread to call out on terrible members of the community to know their place.

Blind also didn't get it here either. ... 756#282756
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Postby Marder » Sat Nov 27, 10 10:46 pm

I don't think the community is terrible, or it has terrible members, just some people are very misunderstood and others are uncompromising in their efforts to tailor the game to their own style.
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Postby Labtec » Thu Jan 13, 11 10:24 am

Augs is what makes Deus Ex, well, Deus Ex. That's why so many of you cannot leave the game alone. I know some one here have been playing over 5 years ago. Think of all the games, shooters, rpg's that have been released since.....It's all about DXMP. It's a shame for my work connection otherwise I would never have stopped. It's true to say DXMP is no longer what it used to be, but it' still alive and that gives me hope. We need to get rid of these bastard MOD's and go back to the traditional old ATDM matches, 0 augs is good for some too. DX doesn't need modding, it's a quality game on it's own.
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Postby Labtec » Thu Jan 13, 11 10:29 am

Also, we need any good auggers, to take a beginner each and start to train em up. Help them with their .ini, give them tips etc. The last few months I remember of DX, all the good auggers were just running around ownings all the newbs, which again is why a lot started to go 0 augs. See me, I started with 0 augs, so when I got to a really decent standard it started to get boring. I went onto ATDM and it opens up a totally new perception of DXMP. It's a whole new game altogether. ( And much more fun!) :twisted:
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Postby Dae » Fri Jan 14, 11 11:21 am

As far as I remember you ended up using an aimbot. Did it also open up a "totally new perception" of DXMP for you?
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Postby Kaiden » Fri Jan 14, 11 12:49 pm

DX doesn't need modding, it's a quality game on it's own.

He says while every good server is running MTL.
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Postby Labtec » Fri Jan 14, 11 6:03 pm

MTL doesn't change much now does it bellend. I'm talking about these pathetic weapon mods or gravity etc.

Yes I did use an aimbot and so what? I was better without it, so I didn't use it much. Once or twice to see what the rave was about. It was crap.
Dae you meerkat. Only reason I'm back here is because it's one of the only DX forums left. And judging by the two arsey comments it's no wonder this one's near-on dead.

Shove ya forums

One comment for each......Dae - you're Russian.. Kaiden - You're name is Kaiden. Nuff said.
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Postby James » Fri Jan 14, 11 6:19 pm

MTL doesn't change much now does it bellend.

Yes it enabled 0-augs.

Labtec wrote:Yes I did use an aimbot and so what? I was better without it


Dae you meerkat.

Labtec wrote:Dae - you're Russian..

Labtec wrote:Kaiden - You're name is Kaiden.

A++ insults especially from someone who lives in proximity to Colchester and can't say he's posh at all because those grammar mistakes are brilliant.

Labtec wrote: Only reason I'm back here is because it's one of the only DX forums left. And judging by the two arsey comments it's no wonder this one's near-on dead.

Shove ya forums

The only main reasons why Deus Ex is dead are because of:

A) No interest. Low attachment rates from the beginning (Reasons why won't be discussed in this post) and time has took it's toll and people have moved on (e.g other videogames)
B) Disillusioned elitists who think that a game-type is ruining the game trying to arbitrarily force us through many matters which shined most in a few events of community warfare such as changing master servers.

My post was a parody of these retards. You completely fell into it without even responding to the original posts, this is the reaction I wanted. Congratulations; please let the game die without idiots like yourself please.
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Postby Hanover Fist » Fri Jan 14, 11 8:10 pm

I seriously do not see the point in playing RPG and having that as a gametype for the MP when the singleplayer is... an RPG. I can see some people could be immersed in playing "DX Sims" with eachother for a day, but everyday it doesnt keepo you immersed.

Every single "consistent" RPG player evetually finds a way to get weapons secretly then disrupt the immersion for others. The reason is simple; there's only so many times you can RP in the same maps for countless hours. Unlimited Party 3 was alright(y) until its fun line ended for me in 06.

Cracked the safe, made it in the admin room, camped the shops, wore all the skins, blew up the map with hundreds of skulls, fucked over countless other people into prison. Yeah, it was getting old.

Now there's this new RPG map called Otemachi or something. It's an awesome map, albeit a map designed for RPGMP, but a good map all the same. This map hasn't even been around that long and just about every RPG'er except the newbs are finding weapons and treating it as a death match map. What I'm saying is, RPG when played longer than the novelty lasts, is just going against DXMP's real nature. The most seasoned RPG players are mostly inexperienced newbs who are incapable of holding their own against the regulars on the competetive servers (non augs, BTDM, etc).

So then when collections of these incapables begin to accumulate larger and larger they form clans such as ZXC, and assess their clan's skill by how well they perform in their servers. Usually this skill is comprised of ghost killing and spawnmass lamming. Or just general fuckery of summoning karkians and shit I used to do on the single player when I was like twelve.

It's not so much I'm saying these people are wrong, I'm saying to see the ONE American server in the severlist that gives me like 60-80 ping anymore is a server dedicated to running LeesHonKongUltimateParty or whatever... seems like a right fucking waste.

Till then I'll have to be content with firing half the speed of my shock rifle as my overseas competitors until Void comes back.
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Postby James » Fri Jan 14, 11 8:39 pm

Those silly mods will always be as popular...

Modifications are infact in some cases more popular than the actual game itself. The average teenage nerd who discovers a typical RPG mod will see the "RPG" label and immediately join because it reminds them of their favourite JRPG sporting spikey haired children. People will see what looks to them as "AWESOME" when they're in reality mostly trivial and so rubbish. However, despite my opinions there's people who like them. Interaction is why people play RPGs in multi-player games. Dude you can totally play an RPG... with... real people!!!, although this normally ends in tears and arguments with bad mediums (shop RPGs) where children and teenagers bicker like babies because of poor design. The fact DX happens to be an RPG game does not provide this experience in single-player because of lack of other human interaction.

For examples of bad mods the average opposer hate see:
CS mods such as wc3 mod, prison break, zombie mods
TF2 melee only, all of xenon's maps, saxton hale survival
L4D 10v10
and DOTAlikes and tower defence for many rts games aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Although modding may directly or indirectly create new game types such as 0-aug (It's good, it didn't kill your ATDM scene. Don't be daft.) which should be respected. These should be respected for introducing new elements of the game, even balance for dead unsupported games (hint: Deus Ex from the very first MTL)

Good examples will be:
CS gungame (which was so good black ops stole it), maps with interesting metagames like breakfloor types
L4D's officially supported mutations which includes community mutations now, campaigns
Diablo/NWN campaigns
StarCraft 2 has surprised me and Clix with some interesting mods, we played some cool Mario Party clone and a 3 player co-op mission using elements from single-player with Zerathul, Nova and Tosh.

There's also mods that enhance features for games and adds content to create a new game, such as U2XMP, Fallout 2 online and many goldsrc/source engine modifications

Modding is an important part of video-games, some essential and most not. They're fan generated and if you don't like them, ignore them.

Only a community as small as DXMP will disillusion themselves that they'd have to kill all <s>da white men</s> the mod and 0-aug servers to make ATDM live again instead of simply playing ATDM to attract users

That was joke anger, but I'm being serious:
Are multi-player games ruined because of high population of modded servers?, no they will still have an active community that love playing the game normally or competitively, life thrives. People will play what they want to play; life goes on.

Nobody can feast on this post, no 'conception' (lol) of the importance of modifications my arse; he should make good posts for a change!!!
Last edited by James on Fri Jan 14, 11 11:40 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Postby Hanover Fist » Fri Jan 14, 11 8:56 pm

The good mods are hardly played, though. Markistan blows, bring back Bowenmod. Tactical sucks, bring back Altfire, and the the love of fuck what the hell happened to Ark Genus??

If we're going to mod about to get players then bring out the good shit. The game may have been strangled of new regulars because of competitive servers being so merciless to beginners. Or because beginners see people just faffing about in little boy's toybox wet dreams, I mean ZXC servers. Or both.

The chemistry this game has with new players is not one conducive to keeping their interest or making them feel they can get better, nor have the motivation to. Mostly the neglect of the developers, MTL patches actually making a difference being released by users five years after the initial game release, and of course an altogether geographical bias so that players in certain regions of the world go onto DXMP and see all the servers empty (except of course the wetbox toying players who don't need sleep -- they find their sustenance in zyme). And even players who do happen to log on when lots of people are playing, the ping differential will usually dissuade them from pursuing the game further. ESPECIALLY in 0 augs, where latency is the primary factor in winning or losing.

All that said, I also think this game is just too sophisticated for most. That may sound like a pretentious comment of a hardcore DX fan, but seriously the ideas pioneered by this multiplayer would not be duplicated successfully until it was watered down by Modern Warfare, or else simplified by Unreal Championship.

In short, bring back Bowen Mod and Ark Genus and balls to the rest.
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Postby James » Fri Jan 14, 11 9:12 pm

Agreed, people should have focused on the better mods, DXAG and Bowen's mod worked because there was a thought attached to it although both were subjectively badly balanced it introduced new game-play. Even little mods such as the servers Alex and me used to run for DX and TF2 (Cathedral Terra), I had such a great idea in mind that he loved and he worked relatively hard/quickly and came back 2 days later with a plugin for DX that rotates gametypes. We had a server that played 0-aug, ATDM, a mix of aug variations (e.g; 5 augs full skills), RPG, Arx Genus. etc! All it takes is a simple idea, a rotating server was a brilliant idea and introduced many players who don't normally try ATDM or 0-augs got exposed to them.

Honestly though, all a server needed is a little bit of population, even playing 1v1 for 10 minutes would have bound to have people fill up the server eventually. People who played DXMP seemed to do "drop in drop out" gameplay and only played with friends, when they left they all left. Server died. No one bothered to just stay in a server AFK from their computer and keep checking every so often for people to play. Even then you've got to realise for simpler players called xXxDarkSepHiRoth{420} would had ignored it for his RPG_PornCity_SG. Maybe it's a good thing for people of that calibre to never mix with serious game-play.

Like this, it's also ideal for people to steal mod ideas from other games (Arx Genus) sometimes however they completely lack creativity and execute it poorly (RPG mods) which may be the designer's or player mentality's fault.

Daedalus had since 2003 the idea of producing quality works over quantity, while I feel to myself that he failed to produce this actively overtime and the popularity of his works but he did succeed in keeping his motives. He also set up Funline as a deviance from his works to produce fun ideas. (I think he found Nochanc's maps terrible and wanted to make similar maps that were actually fun.)

this game is just too sophisticated for most. That may sound like a pretentious comment of a hardcore DX fan

No, you're 100% right, It's too complicated. It's beautifully sophisticated and a thinking man's FPS when using augmentations and the other edge is that's also why it's complicated, and why people didn't stick along with the lack of support of MP out of box in pre-GOTY. The patches were a chore to download. Because of the many reasons leading to the low attachment rate, the game never really saw life and people are confused even with the GOTY version present that DX included multi-player to this day. It was never advertised as much when everyone was raving on about CS, Quake 3, Unreal Tournament, SC1 and using the internet for their console games on cheat sites. We were neglected from the start.

I say a lot of bad things about DXMP and I understand why it was unpopular, but I enjoyed it at the time so I don't care. I don't care about it's life now but I spent time with the community and would like to help deliver fair insight and examples of alternatives that people should have done before it was too late.
Last edited by James on Sat Jan 15, 11 12:29 am, edited 14 times in total.
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Postby Labtec » Fri Jan 14, 11 9:44 pm

Let's talk about the grammar mistakes in your stupid picture you just posted? You don't have anything useful to say. You talk your bullshit. All I did was made 2 posts and I get some arseholes being sarcastic. No wonder the game dies with people like yourselves because people like you will never lend the helping hand to new users. you all think you own the scene, you own nothing. You talk all your beurocratic nonsense. I was just putting a statement on there. Look at your forums, they are basically dead. And it's down to people like you.
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Postby James » Fri Jan 14, 11 9:47 pm


I'm pretty much the best person from DXMP and kept up a 1 year undefeated kill/death ratio (join a game once a day, kill, leave) watch someone take this seriously because I'm autistic as fuck. As for you, you're some manchild complaining about mods of a dead game and getting rid of them will revive the game on a throne of Max Smilie. You got picked apart by sarcasm because of your previous reputation in the community, you of course came off egotistical so you should have expected it. (By the way, the grammar mistake was "you're" name is Kaiden, it's "your" for that case.) Plus people ignored your post for over 24 hours?, because it was irrelevant to most users because it was bubbles.
Now please, adults are talking about stuff that doesn't interest you... you don't have the... heheh... conception to understand...
(credit to nobody for this terrible comeback)

As for the forum being dead, no shit?; I abuse the fuck out of that fact and I myself don't shut up about it. The game died so the forums died, what's so hard to understand? Also, hey fuck you. I have a mental disorder where I find it hard to not post anything on a forum without linking an image or youtube video. It's a condition that 15 year old Asian kids don't understand.
Last edited by James on Fri Jan 14, 11 10:06 pm, edited 13 times in total.
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Postby Kaiden » Fri Jan 14, 11 11:45 pm


You probably don't even know what I use Kaiden from, and it's not Mass Effect as I was using it a long time before that (and it's spelt different)

anyway, back to laughing at you.

MTL doesn't change much

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Postby Dae » Sat Jan 15, 11 12:18 am

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Postby James » Sat Jan 15, 11 12:20 am

one comment for each of you..... lol... and lol
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Postby Alex » Sat Jan 15, 11 12:40 am

Labtec wrote:MTL doesn't change much now does it bellend. I'm talking about these pathetic weapon mods or gravity etc.

Yes I did use an aimbot and so what? I was better without it, so I didn't use it much. Once or twice to see what the rave was about. It was crap.
Dae you meerkat. Only reason I'm back here is because it's one of the only DX forums left. And judging by the two arsey comments it's no wonder this one's near-on dead.

Shove ya forums

One comment for each......Dae - you're Russian.. Kaiden - You're name is Kaiden. Nuff said.


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Postby Labtec » Sat Jan 15, 11 4:02 am

You guys have some serious issues. Was my post the most fascinating thing on here?(probably because of the typo) It must be because I've had about 5 posts since. Talking of immature, you sit there spouting your bullshit trying to look intelligent to other people you don't even know in person because you are too afraid to go out in the real world and act the same way there.

Immature? I made 2 posts on here and get a scathing attack from people I don't even know. If you didn't agree with my posts or they annoyed you so much, just ignore them.

Oh and i'll be laughing at you when I have my degree next year. Intelligence? Plenty thanks 8) 8)
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Postby Kaiden » Sat Jan 15, 11 4:26 am

My post wasn't sarcasm, it's true that every good server runs at least 1 modification that improves the gameplay, you just choose to take it negatively.

You made stupid comments like "lmao ur russian!", we just stooped to your level :(
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Postby Aidan » Sat Jan 15, 11 5:06 am


You pretty much get what you give with these forums. Poking insults at our users are not going to help you (especially because autism). Reviving Deus Ex isn't impossible, however.. it is a daunting task that most of us do not have the time, and affection to carry out. I have tried to revive the game somewhat over the past couple years using a free dx installer branded with my horrid old clan tag nobody gave a shit about..

Via my email I know that people are still downloading that pack as i receive a "thanks", or what not every now and then. It feels as though what I have done has kept the servers somewhat populated (not by much). I hope to upgrade/modify my installer to a somewhat professional legal?!?!?
standpoint. -but as always, I would prefer to modify games that people play

From a mapping standpoint.. An engine that "dislikes light" (in simple terms) is far too annoying/repetitive as it creates limitations for creativity.

btw James, what show is that?
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Postby clyzm » Sat Jan 15, 11 6:07 am

I think Deus Ex's real modding skill comes with the SP mods, not the MP ones. Look to those if you want to get a taste of how extraordinary your fellow modder can be.

Not saying MP mods are bad. They're not.
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Postby Aidan » Sat Jan 15, 11 6:21 am

klizzem wrote:I think Deus Ex's real modding skill comes with the SP mods, not the MP ones. Look to those if you want to get a taste of how extraordinary your fellow modder can be.

Not saying MP mods are bad. They're not.

Very good point Derek.
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Postby James » Sat Jan 15, 11 9:02 am

I actually know a handful of DXMP members in real life. That's because I didn't ruin my reputation by being an egotistical cheater reacting badly to facts posted to two users. Also enjoy your graduation, most people graduated years ago so welcome to the wonderful world of catching up. Enjoy your third honours.

Also as frightening as this is; I actually do act like this in person against people I find wrong, except for huge speech and constantly changing what I say before the other person responds and posting videos/pictures. I'm a very condescending person, although Max will think I'm too personal when it comes to arguments but Max is dumb because I rarely bother to convey my actual opinion. But I do love talking about myself on forums, I'm going out for the first time this year on Wednesday, I'm going to be on the guestlist for Crowbar so I'm basically staying out to drink with some hairy Americans from the US, gonna be weird. I've already met up with CkY by your local hole (Colchester) and that was a funny night aswell, made the most of those shitty bars that look like they belong in Spain.

Look what you've done, you ruined a good discussion with me and RECLAIMER by insulting people left right and center. Shut up, Labtec and play the game.


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Postby ~DJ~ » Sat Jan 15, 11 6:40 pm

james know me irl and loves me
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Postby ~Blade~ » Sat Jan 15, 11 7:34 pm

most mods are shit...some are good, some are really great. but most are shit.
Well go grab a baseball bat and do something about it.
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Postby James » Sat Jan 15, 11 7:35 pm

Most mods are good, most maps are shit.*
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