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Postby James » Mon Jun 13, 11 9:26 pm

Easily one of the worst PS2 games.


The game's protagonists are Caim, his best friend Inuart, and their companions. The plot revolves around a war between the Union and the Empire in a somewhat altered medieval Earth. Every playable character makes a pact with a powerful beast, and pays a price for joining the pact. This concept in the Drakengard series is called "pact pricing." In the process of forging such a pact, humans are branded with a mark called a "pact emblem," which appears on a part of their body associated with the price they pay - They either lose use of a physical attribute (Voice, Sight, etc.), or can lose 'intangible' attributes, such as one's joy, or ability to age. However, the bonds that tie a human with the magical creature he/she made the pact with in life, also binds them both in death as long as the creature allows it so.

Prior to the beginning of the game, Caim's parents were killed by a black dragon sent by the Empire, breeding a hatred in him toward both the Empire and dragons. During the war against the Empire, Caim is mortally wounded, but comes across a red dragon imprisoned by the Empire. Although neither Caim nor the dragon are fond of each other, they cannot deny that they need each other's help to survive but the dragon remains reluctant. After fending off squads of advancing soldiers, the dragon accepts to creating a pact, fusing their souls, healing their wounds. The price Caim paid to enter the pact was his voice, rendering him mute and causing a pact emblem to appear on his tongue. Caim and his pact partner soar into the sky with newfound power, obliterating the Empire's air force and disposing of the rest of their infantry.

Drakengard features ground missions, aerial missions, and Free Expedition Mode. It also has two difficulty modes, which are Easy and Normal. The player does not need to erase the game and start over for any reason whatsoever. It is optional to go back to an earlier chapter or verse if the player has missed something. In Drakengard the dragon gains greater attack power as it gains experience and levels up. At certain points of the story the dragon evolves into a different, more powerful form, which enhances the dragons attack powers, magical attacks and allows to lock on to more enemies.

This game is so terrible, the gameplay is stale and repetitive the original soundtrack is absolutely awful and the GAME HATES YOU, it is a hard and boring grind fest.

HOWEVER, it's bizarre, this some of the content of this game:
    Ginger bards
    Enlisting a pedophile among your ranks
    People trading in their hair for power
    Little girl commanding half of the continents armies who is also the avatar of an Old God
    Causing the genocide of the elven race
    Enlisting a pedophile cannibal among your ranks
    Murdering scripted child soldiers
    Access to nukes in the medieval times
    Angry faces
    Enlisting a immortal non-aging child among your ranks
    Making out with a corpse
    Old Gods that resemble babies with teeth and lightning bolt wings
    A different apocalypse happening in all 5 endings
    Fighter jets

The game actually has a genuinely awesome protagonist and partner dragon.

The game has two sequels for two timelines established on the first and final endings respectively:
Drakengard 2, which is shittier than Drakengard 1 because you play as a bishie.
NIER, one of the best games this generation by far.

Like I said don't buy the game, follow this amazing lets play:
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Postby Aidan » Tue Jun 14, 11 2:03 am

This game was retarded and I didn't like it.
Psychokiller, spelled incorrectly.
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Postby James » Wed Sep 21, 11 10:54 pm

Bump for prosperity, and to make NIER look better in comparison.
Last edited by James on Wed Sep 21, 11 11:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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